
70 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
import werkzeug
from odoo.api import Environment
import odoo.http as http
from odoo.http import request
from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID
from odoo import registry as registry_get
class CalendarController(http.Controller):
@http.route('/calendar/meeting/accept', type='http', auth="calendar")
def accept(self, db, token, action, id, **kwargs):
registry = registry_get(db)
with registry.cursor() as cr:
env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].search([('access_token', '=', token), ('state', '!=', 'accepted')])
if attendee:
return self.view(db, token, action, id, view='form')
@http.route('/calendar/meeting/decline', type='http', auth="calendar")
def declined(self, db, token, action, id):
registry = registry_get(db)
with registry.cursor() as cr:
env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].search([('access_token', '=', token), ('state', '!=', 'declined')])
if attendee:
return self.view(db, token, action, id, view='form')
@http.route('/calendar/meeting/view', type='http', auth="calendar")
def view(self, db, token, action, id, view='calendar'):
registry = registry_get(db)
with registry.cursor() as cr:
# Since we are in auth=none, create an env with SUPERUSER_ID
env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {})
attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].search([('access_token', '=', token)])
timezone = attendee.partner_id.tz
lang = attendee.partner_id.lang or 'en_US'
event = env['calendar.event'].with_context(tz=timezone, lang=lang).browse(int(id))
# If user is logged, redirect to form view of event
# otherwise, display the simplifyed web page with event informations
if request.session.uid:
return werkzeug.utils.redirect('/web?db=%s#id=%s&view_type=form&model=calendar.event' % (db, id))
# NOTE : we don't use request.render() since:
# - we need a template rendering which is not lazy, to render before cursor closing
# - we need to display the template in the language of the user (not possible with
# request.render())
return env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(lang=lang).render_template(
'calendar.invitation_page_anonymous', {
'event': event,
'attendee': attendee,
# Function used, in RPC to check every 5 minutes, if notification to do for an event or not
@http.route('/calendar/notify', type='json', auth="user")
def notify(self):
return request.env['calendar.alarm_manager'].get_next_notif()
@http.route('/calendar/notify_ack', type='json', auth="user")
def notify_ack(self, type=''):
return request.env['res.partner']._set_calendar_last_notif_ack()