Merge branch 'master' into pr/236

This commit is contained in:
Paul Tagliamonte 2013-07-27 10:22:38 -04:00
commit acfc5c6aa5
7 changed files with 516 additions and 33 deletions

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@ -32,8 +32,7 @@ Meet our mascot, "Cuddles":
.. \|\||/
Read more about Hy in these docs! Or, if you'd like, try the
`interactive hy->python demo <>`_!
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@ -38,6 +38,34 @@ Hy features a number special forms that are used to help generate
correct Python AST. The following are "special" forms, which may have
behavior that's slightly unexpected in some situations.
`->` or `threading macro` is used to avoid nesting of expressions. The threading
macro inserts each expression into the next expressions first argument place.
The following code demonstrates this:
.. code-block:: clj
=> (defn output [a b] (print a b))
=> (-> (+ 5 5) (output 5))
10 5
`->>` or `threading tail macro` is similar to `threading macro` but instead of
inserting each expression into the next expressions first argument place it
appends it as the last argument. The following code demonstrates this:
.. code-block:: clj
=> (defn output [a b] (print a b))
=> (->> (+ 5 5) (output 5))
5 10
@ -75,6 +103,7 @@ case the first false value will be returned. Examples of usage:
I can has False
@ -88,22 +117,29 @@ condition is not met, an `AssertionError` is raised. The example usage:
Assert takes a single parameter, a conditional that evaluates to either `True`
or `False`.
`assoc` form is used to associate a key with a value in a dictionary or to set
an index of a list to a value. It takes three parameters: `datastructure` to be
modified, `key` or `index` and `value`.
an index of a list to a value. It takes at least three parameters: `datastructure`
to be modified, `key` or `index` and `value`. If more than three parameters are
used it will associate in pairs.
Examples of usage:
.. code-block:: clj
=>(let [[collection ({})]]
=>(let [[collection {}]]
... (assoc collection "Dog" "Bark")
... (print collection))
{u'Dog': u'Bark'}
=>(let [[collection {}]]
... (assoc collection "Dog" "Bark" "Cat" "Meow")
... (print collection))
{u'Cat': u'Meow', u'Dog': u'Bark'}
=>(let [[collection [1 2 3 4]]]
... (assoc collection 2 None)
... (print collection))
@ -111,6 +147,7 @@ Examples of usage:
.. note:: `assoc` modifies the datastructure in place and returns `None`.
@ -126,6 +163,36 @@ the user enters `k`.
(print "Try again")))
`cond` macro can be used to build nested if-statements.
The following example shows the relationship between the macro and the expanded
.. code-block:: clj
(cond (condition-1 result-1)
(condition-2 result-2))
(if condition-1 result-1
(if condition-2 result-2))
As shown below only the first matching result block is executed.
.. code-block:: clj
=> (defn check-value [value]
... (cond ((< value 5) (print "value is smaller than 5"))
... ((= value 5) (print "value is equal to 5"))
... ((> value 5) (print "value is greater than 5"))
... (True (print "value is something that it should not be"))))
=> (check-value 6)
value is greater than 5
@ -144,6 +211,7 @@ however is called only for every other value in the list.
(side-effect2 x)))
do / progn
@ -176,14 +244,73 @@ Some example usage:
def / setv
`def` and `setv` are used to bind value, object or a function to a symbol. For
.. code-block:: clj
=> (def names ["Alice" "Bob" "Charlie"]
=> (print names)
[u'Alice', u'Bob', u'Charlie']
=> (setv counter (fn [collection item] (.count collection item)))
=> (counter [1 2 3 4 5 2 3] 2)
new classes are declared with `defclass`. It can takes two optional parameters:
a vector defining a possible super classes and another vector containing
attributes of the new class as two item vectors.
.. code-block:: clj
(defclass class-name [super-class-1 super-class-2]
[[attribute value]])
Both values and functions can be bound on the new class as shown by the example
.. code-block:: clj
=> (defclass Cat []
... [[age None]
... [colour "white"]
... [speak (fn [self] (print "Meow"))]])
=> (def spot (Cat))
=> (setv spot.colour "Black")
=> (.speak spot)
defn / defun
`defmacro` is used to define macros. The general format is
`(defmacro [parameters] expr)`.
Following example defines a macro that can be used to swap order of elements in
code, allowing the user to write code in infix notation, where operator is in
between the operands.
.. code-block:: clj
=> (defmacro infix [code]
... (quasiquote (
... (unquote (get code 1))
... (unquote (get code 0))
... (unquote (get code 2)))))
=> (infix (1 + 1))
@ -197,9 +324,70 @@ eval-when-compile
first / car
`first` and `car` are macros for accessing the first element of a collection:
.. code-block:: clj
=> (first (range 10))
`for` macro is used to build nested `foreach` loops. The macro takes two
parameters, first being a vector specifying collections to iterate over and
variables to bind. The second parameter is a statement which is executed during
each loop:
.. code-block:: clj
(for [x iter y iter] stmt)
(foreach [x iter]
(foreach [y iter] stmt))
`foreach` is used to call a function for each element in a list or vector.
Results are discarded and None is returned instead. Example code iterates over
collection and calls side-effect to each element in the collection:
.. code-block:: clj
;; assuming that (side-effect) is a function that takes a single parameter
(foreach [element collection] (side-effect element))
;; foreach can have an optional else block
(foreach [element collection] (side-effect element)
(else (side-effect-2)))
The optional `else` block is executed only if the `foreach` loop terminates
normally. If the execution is halted with `break`, the `else` does not execute.
.. code-block:: clj
=> (foreach [element [1 2 3]] (if (< element 3)
... (print element)
... (break))
... (else (print "loop finished")))
=> (foreach [element [1 2 3]] (if (< element 4)
... (print element)
... (break))
... (else (print "loop finished")))
loop finished
@ -224,9 +412,29 @@ Example usages:
.. note:: `get` raises an IndexError if a list is queried for an index that is
out of bounds.
`global` can be used to mark a symbol as global. This allows the programmer to
assign a value to a global symbol. Reading a global symbol does not require the
`global` keyword, just the assigning does.
Following example shows how global `a` is assigned a value in a function and later
on printed on another function. Without the `global` keyword, the second function
would thrown a `NameError`.
.. code-block:: clj
(defn set-a [value]
(global a)
(setv a value))
(defn print-a []
(print a))
(set-a 5)
@ -283,10 +491,55 @@ of import you can use.
`kwapply` can be used to supply keyword arguments to a function.
For example:
.. code-block:: clj
=> (defn rent-car [&kwargs kwargs]
... (cond ((in :brand kwargs) (print "brand:" (:brand kwargs)))
... ((in :model kwargs) (print "model:" (:model kwargs)))))
=> (kwapply (rent-car) {:model "T-Model"})
model: T-Model
=> (defn total-purchase [price amount &optional [fees 1.05] [vat 1.1]]
... (* price amount fees vat))
=> (total-purchase 10 15)
=> (kwapply (total-purchase 10 15) {"vat" 1.05})
lambda / fn
`lambda` and `fn` can be used to define an anonymous function. The parameters are
similar to `defn`: first parameter is vector of parameters and the rest is the
body of the function. lambda returns a new function. In the example an anonymous
function is defined and passed to another function for filtering output.
.. code-block:: clj
=> (def people [{:name "Alice" :age 20}
... {:name "Bob" :age 25}
... {:name "Charlie" :age 50}
... {:name "Dave" :age 5}])
=> (defn display-people [people filter]
... (foreach [person people] (if (filter person) (print (:name person)))))
=> (display-people people (fn [person] (< (:age person) 25)))
@ -309,6 +562,7 @@ conditional expression. Some examples:
=> (list-comp (* x 2) [x collection] (< x 5))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
@ -374,9 +628,32 @@ the `print` form is used to output on screen. Example usage:
.. note:: `print` always returns None
`require` is used to import macros from a given module. It takes at least one
parameter specifying the module which macros should be imported. Multiple
modules can be imported with a single `require`.
The following example will import macros from `module-1` and `module-2`:
.. code-block:: clj
(require module-1 module-2)
rest / cdr
`rest` and `cdr` return the collection passed as an argument without the first
.. code-block:: clj
=> (rest (range 10))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
@ -457,6 +734,33 @@ be executed. If no errors are raised the `else` block is executed. Regardless
if an error was raised or not, the `finally` block is executed as last.
`unless` macro is a shorthand for writing a if-statement that checks if the
given conditional is False. The following shows how the macro expands into code.
.. code-block:: clj
(unless conditional statement)
(if conditional
(do statement))
`when` is similar to `unless`, except it tests when the given conditional is
True. It is not possible to have an `else` block in `when` macro. The following
shows how the macro is expanded into code.
.. code-block:: clj
(when conditional statement)
(if conditional (do statement))
@ -469,16 +773,75 @@ The following example will output "hello world!" on screen indefinetely:
(while True (print "hello world!"))
`with` is used to wrap execution of a block with a context manager. The context
manager can then set up the local system and tear it down in a controlled
manner. Typical example of using `with` is processing files. `with` can bind
context to an argument or ignore it completely, as shown below:
.. code-block:: clj
(with [arg (expr)] block)
(with [(expr)] block)
The following example will open file `NEWS` and print its content on screen. The
file is automatically closed after it has been processed.
.. code-block:: clj
(with [f (open "NEWS")] (print (.read f)))
`with-decorator` is used to wrap a function with another. The function performing
decoration should accept a single value, the function being decorated and return
a new function. `with-decorator` takes two parameters, the function performing
decoration and the function being decorated.
In the following example, `inc-decorator` is used to decorate function `addition`
with a function that takes two parameters and calls the decorated function with
values that are incremented by 1. When decorated `addition` is called with values
1 and 1, the end result will be 4 (1+1 + 1+1).
.. code-block:: clj
=> (defn inc-decorator [func]
... (fn [value-1 value-2] (func (+ value-1 1) (+ value-2 1))))
=> (with-decorator inc-decorator (defn addition [a b] (+ a b)))
=> (addition 1 1)
`yield` is used to create a generator object, that returns 1 or more values.
The generator is iterable and therefore can be used in loops, list
comprehensions and other similar constructs.
Especially the second example shows how generators can be used to generate
infinite series without consuming infinite amount of memory.
.. code-block:: clj
=> (defn multiply [bases coefficients]
... (foreach [(, base coefficient) (zip bases coefficients)]
... (yield (* base coefficient))))
=> (multiply (range 5) (range 5))
<generator object multiply at 0x978d8ec>
=> (list-comp value [value (multiply (range 10) (range 10))])
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
=> (import random)
=> (defn random-numbers [low high]
... (while True (yield (.randint random low high))))
=> (list-comp x [x (take 15 (random-numbers 1 50))])])
[7, 41, 6, 22, 32, 17, 5, 38, 18, 38, 17, 14, 23, 23, 19]

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@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ In python we might see::
The same thing in Hy::
=> (defn optional_arg [pos1 pos2 &optional keyword1 [keyword2 88]]
=> (defn optional_arg [pos1 pos2 &optional keyword1 [keyword2 42]]
... [pos1 pos2 keyword1 keyword2])
=> (optional_arg 1 2)
[1 2 None 42]

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@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ class Result(object):
The Result object is interoperable with python AST objects: when an AST
object gets added to a Result object, it gets converted on-the-fly.
__slots__ = ("imports", "stmts", "temp_variables", "_expr", "__used_expr")
__slots__ = ("imports", "stmts", "temp_variables",
"_expr", "__used_expr", "contains_yield")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
@ -165,12 +166,14 @@ class Result(object):
self.stmts = []
self.temp_variables = []
self._expr = None
self.contains_yield = False
self.__used_expr = False
# XXX: Make sure we only have AST where we should.
for kwarg in kwargs:
if kwarg not in ["imports", "stmts", "expr", "temp_variables"]:
if kwarg not in ["imports", "contains_yield", "stmts", "expr",
raise TypeError(
"%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % (
self.__class__.__name__, kwarg))
@ -282,13 +285,21 @@ class Result(object):
result.stmts = self.stmts + other.stmts
result.expr = other.expr
result.temp_variables = other.temp_variables
result.contains_yield = False
if self.contains_yield or other.contains_yield:
result.contains_yield = True
return result
def __str__(self):
return "Result(imports=[%s], stmts=[%s], expr=%s)" % (
return (
"Result(imports=[%s], stmts=[%s], "
"expr=%s, contains_yield=%s)"
) % (
", ".join(ast.dump(x) for x in self.imports),
", ".join(ast.dump(x) for x in self.stmts),
ast.dump(self.expr) if self.expr else None,
@ -318,7 +329,7 @@ def _raise_wrong_args_number(expression, error):
def checkargs(exact=None, min=None, max=None):
def checkargs(exact=None, min=None, max=None, even=None):
def _dec(fn):
def checker(self, expression):
if exact is not None and (len(expression) - 1) != exact:
@ -335,6 +346,14 @@ def checkargs(exact=None, min=None, max=None):
"`%%s' needs at most %d arguments, got %%d" % (max))
is_even = not((len(expression) - 1) % 2)
if even is not None and is_even != even:
even_str = "even" if even else "odd"
"`%%s' needs an %s number of arguments, got %%d"
% (even_str))
return fn(self, expression)
return checker
@ -1011,7 +1030,7 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
def compile_yield_expression(self, expr):
ret = Result()
ret = Result(contains_yield=True)
value = None
if expr != []:
@ -1130,25 +1149,28 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
@checkargs(min=3, even=False)
def compile_assoc_expression(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # assoc
# (assoc foo bar baz) => foo[bar] = baz
target = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
key = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
val = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
ret = target
i = iter(expr)
for (key, val) in ((self.compile(x), self.compile(y))
for (x, y) in zip(i, i)):
return target + key + val + ast.Assign(
ret += key + val + ast.Assign(
return ret
@ -1178,11 +1200,18 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
thing = self._storeize(self.compile(args.pop(0)))
body = self._compile_branch(expr)
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
if not body.stmts:
body += ast.Pass(lineno=expr.start_line,
var = self.get_anon_var()
name = ast.Name(id=ast_str(var), arg=ast_str(var),
# Store the result of the body in a tempvar
body += ast.Assign(targets=[name],
the_with = ast.With(context_expr=ctx.force_expr,
@ -1194,7 +1223,16 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
the_with.items = [ast.withitem(context_expr=ctx.force_expr,
return ctx + the_with
ret = ctx + the_with
# And make our expression context our temp variable
expr_name = ast.Name(id=ast_str(var), arg=ast_str(var),
ret += Result(expr=expr_name, temp_variables=[expr_name, name])
return ret
def compile_tuple(self, expr):
@ -1537,6 +1575,8 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
ret.contains_yield = body.contains_yield
return ret
@ -1554,6 +1594,8 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
ret.contains_yield = body.contains_yield
return ret
@ -1597,9 +1639,12 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return ret
if body.expr:
body += ast.Return(value=body.expr,
if body.contains_yield:
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
body += ast.Return(value=body.expr,
if not body.stmts:
body += ast.Pass(lineno=expression.start_line,
@ -1643,6 +1688,17 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
body = Result()
# grab the doc string, if there is one
if expression and isinstance(expression[0], HyString):
docstring = expression.pop(0)
symb = HySymbol("__doc__")
symb.start_line = docstring.start_line
symb.start_column = docstring.start_column
body += self._compile_assign(symb, docstring,
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
if expression:
body_expression = iter(expression.pop(0))

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@ -60,3 +60,26 @@
(assert false))
(except [NameError])))
(defn test-defclass-docstring []
"NATIVE: test defclass docstring"
(defclass A []
[[--doc-- "doc string"]
[x 1]])
(setv a (A))
(assert (= a.__doc__ "doc string"))
(defclass B []
"doc string"
[[x 1]])
(setv b (B))
(assert (= b.x 1))
(assert (= b.__doc__ "doc string"))
(defclass MultiLine []
"begin a very long multi-line string to make
sure that it comes out the way we hope
and can span 3 lines end."
[[x 1]])
(setv mL (MultiLine))
(assert (= mL.x 1))
(assert (in "begin" mL.__doc__))
(assert (in "end" mL.__doc__)))

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@ -348,6 +348,11 @@
(assoc vals "two" "three")
(assert (= (get vals "two") "three")))
(defn test-multiassoc []
"NATIVE: test assoc multiple values"
(setv vals {"one" "two"})
(assoc vals "two" "three" "four" "five")
(assert (and (= (get vals "two") "three") (= (get vals "four") "five") (= (get vals "one") "two"))))
(defn test-pass []
"NATIVE: Test pass worksish"
@ -406,6 +411,13 @@
(with [(open "" "r")] (do)))
(defn test-with-return []
"NATIVE: test that with returns stuff"
(defn read-file [filename]
(with [fd (open filename "r")] (.read fd)))
(assert (!= 0 (len (read-file "")))))
(defn test-for-doodle []
"NATIVE: test for-do"
(do (do (do (do (do (do (do (do (do (setv (, x y) (, 0 0)))))))))))

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@ -46,6 +46,36 @@
"NATIVE: test macro calling a plain function"
(assert (= 3 (bar 1 2))))
(defn test-midtree-yield []
"NATIVE: test yielding with a returnable"
(defn kruft [] (yield) (+ 1 1)))
(defn test-midtree-yield-in-for []
"NATIVE: test yielding in a for with a return"
(defn kruft-in-for []
(for [i (range 5)]
(yield i))
(+ 1 2)))
(defn test-midtree-yield-in-while []
"NATIVE: test yielding in a while with a return"
(defn kruft-in-while []
(setv i 0)
(while (< i 5)
(yield i)
(setv i (+ i 1)))
(+ 2 3)))
(defn test-multi-yield []
"NATIVE: testing multiple yields"
(defn multi-yield []
(for [i (range 3)]
(yield i))
(yield "a")
(yield "end"))
(assert (= (list (multi-yield)) [0 1 2 "a" "end"])))
; Macro that checks a variable defined at compile or load time
(setv phase "load")