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2018-04-16 01:09:46 +02:00
# Copyright 2018 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
"Parser combinators for pattern-matching Hy model trees."
from hy.models import HyExpression, HySymbol, HyKeyword, HyString, HyList
from funcparserlib.parser import (
some, skip, many, finished, a, Parser, NoParseError, State)
from functools import reduce
from itertools import repeat
2018-05-29 23:36:10 +02:00
from collections import namedtuple
2018-04-16 01:09:46 +02:00
from operator import add
from math import isinf
FORM = some(lambda _: True)
SYM = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol))
KEYWORD = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HyKeyword))
2018-04-16 01:09:46 +02:00
STR = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HyString))
def sym(wanted):
"Parse and skip the given symbol or keyword."
if wanted.startswith(":"):
return skip(a(HyKeyword(wanted[1:])))
return skip(some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol) and x == wanted))
def whole(parsers):
"""Parse the parsers in the given list one after another, then
expect the end of the input."""
if len(parsers) == 0:
return finished >> (lambda x: [])
if len(parsers) == 1:
return parsers[0] + finished >> (lambda x: x[:-1])
return reduce(add, parsers) + skip(finished)
def _grouped(group_type, parsers): return (
some(lambda x: isinstance(x, group_type)) >>
(lambda x: group_type(whole(parsers).parse(x)).replace(x, recursive=False)))
def brackets(*parsers):
"Parse the given parsers inside square brackets."
return _grouped(HyList, parsers)
def pexpr(*parsers):
"Parse the given parsers inside a parenthesized expression."
return _grouped(HyExpression, parsers)
def dolike(head):
"Parse a `do`-like form."
return pexpr(sym(head), many(FORM))
def notpexpr(*disallowed_heads):
"""Parse any object other than a HyExpression beginning with a
HySymbol equal to one of the disallowed_heads."""
return some(lambda x: not (
isinstance(x, HyExpression) and
x and
isinstance(x[0], HySymbol) and
x[0] in disallowed_heads))
def unpack(kind):
"Parse an unpacking form, returning it unchanged."
return some(lambda x:
isinstance(x, HyExpression)
and len(x) > 0
and isinstance(x[0], HySymbol)
and x[0] == "unpack-" + kind)
2018-04-16 01:09:46 +02:00
def times(lo, hi, parser):
"""Parse `parser` several times (`lo` to `hi`) in a row. `hi` can be
float('inf'). The result is a list no matter the number of instances."""
def f(tokens, s):
result = []
for _ in range(lo):
(v, s) = parser.run(tokens, s)
end = s.max
for _ in (repeat(1) if isinf(hi) else range(hi - lo)):
(v, s) = parser.run(tokens, s)
except NoParseError as e:
end = e.state.max
return result, State(s.pos, end)
return f
2018-05-29 23:36:10 +02:00
Tag = namedtuple('Tag', ['tag', 'value'])
def tag(tag_name, parser):
"""Matches the given parser and produces a named tuple `(Tag tag value)`
with `tag` set to the given tag name and `value` set to the parser's
return parser >> (lambda x: Tag(tag_name, x))