Introduce the use of model patterns
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
from hy.models import (HyObject, HyExpression, HyKeyword, HyInteger, HyComplex,
HyString, HyBytes, HySymbol, HyFloat, HyList, HySet,
HyDict, HySequence, wrap_value)
from hy.model_patterns import FORM, SYM, sym, brackets, whole, notpexpr, dolike
from funcparserlib.parser import many, oneplus, maybe, NoParseError
from hy.errors import HyCompileError, HyTypeError
from hy.lex.parser import mangle
@ -88,6 +90,19 @@ def builds(*types, **kwargs):
return _dec
def special(names, pattern):
pattern = whole(pattern)
def dec(fn):
for name in names if isinstance(names, list) else [names]:
if isinstance(name, tuple):
condition, name = name
if not condition:
_compile_table[ast_str(name)] = (fn, pattern)
return fn
return dec
def spoof_positions(obj):
if not isinstance(obj, HyObject):
@ -422,12 +437,23 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
# type of atom, so call it. If it has an extra parameter,
# pass in `atom_type`.
atom_compiler = _compile_table[atom_type]
arity = hy.inspect.get_arity(atom_compiler)
# Compliation methods may mutate the atom, so copy it first.
atom = copy.copy(atom)
ret = (atom_compiler(self, atom, atom_type)
if arity == 3
else atom_compiler(self, atom))
if isinstance(atom_compiler, tuple):
# This build method has a pattern.
build_method, pattern = atom_compiler
parse_tree = pattern.parse(atom[1:])
except NoParseError as e:
raise HyTypeError(atom,
"parse error for special form '{}': {}'".format(
atom[0], str(e)))
ret = build_method(self, atom, atom[0], *parse_tree)
arity = hy.inspect.get_arity(atom_compiler)
# Compliation methods may mutate the atom, so copy it first.
atom = copy.copy(atom)
ret = (atom_compiler(self, atom, atom_type)
if arity == 3
else atom_compiler(self, atom))
if not isinstance(ret, Result):
ret = Result() + ret
return ret
@ -712,15 +738,14 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return imports, HyExpression([HySymbol(name),
form]).replace(form), False
@builds("quote", "quasiquote")
def compile_quote(self, entries):
if entries[0] == "quote":
@special(["quote", "quasiquote"], [FORM])
def compile_quote(self, expr, root, arg):
if root == "quote":
# Never allow unquoting
level = float("inf")
level = 0
imports, stmts, splice = self._render_quoted_form(entries[1], level)
imports, stmts, splice = self._render_quoted_form(arg, level)
ret = self.compile(stmts)
ret.add_imports("hy", imports)
return ret
@ -730,57 +755,49 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"`%s' can't be used at the top-level" % expr[0])
def compile_unpack_iterable(self, expr):
@special("unpack-iterable", [FORM])
def compile_unpack_iterable(self, expr, root, arg):
if not PY3:
raise HyTypeError(expr, "`unpack-iterable` isn't allowed here")
ret = self.compile(expr[1])
ret = self.compile(arg)
ret += asty.Starred(expr, value=ret.force_expr, ctx=ast.Load())
return ret
def compile_unpack_mapping(self, expr):
raise HyTypeError(expr, "`unpack-mapping` isn't allowed here")
@builds("exec*", iff=(not PY3))
@special([(not PY3, "exec*")], [FORM, maybe(FORM), maybe(FORM)])
# Under Python 3, `exec` is a function rather than a statement type, so Hy
# doesn't need a special form for it.
@checkargs(min=1, max=3)
def compile_exec(self, expr):
def compile_exec(self, expr, root, body, globals_, locals_):
return asty.Exec(
globals=self.compile(expr.pop(0)).force_expr if expr else None,
locals=self.compile(expr.pop(0)).force_expr if expr else None)
globals=self.compile(globals_).force_expr if globals_ is not None else None,
locals=self.compile(locals_).force_expr if locals_ is not None else None)
def compile_do(self, expression):
return self._compile_branch(expression)
@special("do", [many(FORM)])
def compile_do(self, expr, root, body):
return self._compile_branch(body)
@checkargs(multiple=[0, 1, 3])
def compile_raise_expression(self, expr):
@special("raise", [maybe(FORM), maybe(sym(":from") + FORM)])
def compile_raise_expression(self, expr, root, exc, cause):
ret = Result()
if expr:
ret += self.compile(expr.pop(0))
if exc is not None:
exc = self.compile(exc)
ret += exc
exc = exc.force_expr
cause = None
if len(expr) == 2 and expr[0] == HyKeyword("from"):
if cause is not None:
if not PY3:
raise HyCompileError(
"raise from only supported in python 3")
cause = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
cause = cause.expr
raise HyTypeError(expr, "raise from only supported in python 3")
cause = self.compile(cause)
ret += cause
cause = cause.force_expr
# Use ret.expr to get a literal `None`
ret += asty.Raise(
expr, type=ret.expr, exc=ret.expr,
expr, type=ret.expr, exc=exc,
inst=None, tback=None, cause=cause)
return ret
@ -954,17 +971,14 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return _type + asty.ExceptHandler(
expr, type=_type.expr, name=name, body=body)
@checkargs(min=2, max=3)
def compile_if(self, expression):
cond = self.compile(expression.pop(0))
body = self.compile(expression.pop(0))
@special("if*", [FORM, FORM, maybe(FORM)])
def compile_if(self, expr, _, cond, body, orel_expr):
cond = self.compile(cond)
body = self.compile(body)
orel = Result()
nested = root = False
if expression:
orel_expr = expression.pop(0)
orel = Result()
if orel_expr is not None:
if isinstance(orel_expr, HyExpression) and isinstance(orel_expr[0],
HySymbol) and orel_expr[0] == 'if*':
# Nested ifs: don't waste temporaries
@ -982,11 +996,11 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
branch = orel
if branch is not None:
if self.temp_if and branch.stmts:
name = asty.Name(expression,
name = asty.Name(expr,
branch += asty.Assign(expression,
branch += asty.Assign(expr,
@ -999,40 +1013,38 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
# We have statements in our bodies
# Get a temporary variable for the result storage
var = self.temp_if or self.get_anon_var()
name = asty.Name(expression,
name = asty.Name(expr,
# Store the result of the body
body += asty.Assign(expression,
body += asty.Assign(expr,
# and of the else clause
if not nested or not orel.stmts or (not root and
var != self.temp_if):
orel += asty.Assign(expression,
orel += asty.Assign(expr,
# Then build the if
ret += ast.If(test=ret.force_expr,
ret += asty.If(expr,
# And make our expression context our temp variable
expr_name = asty.Name(expression, id=ast_str(var), ctx=ast.Load())
expr_name = asty.Name(expr, id=ast_str(var), ctx=ast.Load())
ret += Result(expr=expr_name, temp_variables=[expr_name, name])
# Just make that an if expression
ret += ast.IfExp(test=ret.force_expr,
ret += asty.IfExp(expr,
if root:
self.temp_if = None
@ -1060,22 +1072,10 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
msg = self.compile(expr.pop(0)).force_expr
return ret + asty.Assert(expr, test=e, msg=msg)
@builds("nonlocal", iff=PY3)
def compile_global_or_nonlocal(self, expr):
form = expr.pop(0)
names = []
while len(expr) > 0:
identifier = expr.pop(0)
name = ast_str(identifier)
if not isinstance(identifier, HySymbol):
raise HyTypeError(
"({}) arguments must be Symbols".format(form))
node = asty.Global if form == "global" else asty.Nonlocal
return node(expr, names=names)
@special(["global", (PY3, "nonlocal")], [oneplus(SYM)])
def compile_global_or_nonlocal(self, expr, root, syms):
node = asty.Global if root == "global" else asty.Nonlocal
return node(expr, names=list(map(ast_str, syms)))
@ -1163,13 +1163,10 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return rimports
def compile_index_expression(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # index
indices, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(expr[1:])
ret += self.compile(expr[0])
@special("get", [FORM, oneplus(FORM)])
def compile_index_expression(self, expr, name, obj, indices):
indices, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(indices)
ret += self.compile(obj)
for ix in indices:
ret += asty.Subscript(
@ -1180,50 +1177,34 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return ret
def compile_attribute_access(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # dot
@special(".", [FORM, many(SYM | brackets(FORM))])
def compile_attribute_access(self, expr, name, invocant, keys):
ret = self.compile(invocant)
ret = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
for attr in expr:
for attr in keys:
if isinstance(attr, HySymbol):
ret += asty.Attribute(attr,
elif type(attr) == HyList:
if len(attr) != 1:
raise HyTypeError(
"The attribute access DSL only accepts HySymbols "
"and one-item lists, got {0}-item list instead".format(
else: # attr is a HyList
compiled_attr = self.compile(attr[0])
ret = compiled_attr + ret + asty.Subscript(
raise HyTypeError(
"The attribute access DSL only accepts HySymbols "
"and one-item lists, got {0} instead".format(
return ret
def compile_del_expression(self, expr):
root = expr.pop(0)
if not expr:
return asty.Pass(root)
@special("del", [many(FORM)])
def compile_del_expression(self, expr, name, args):
if not args:
return asty.Pass(expr)
del_targets = []
ret = Result()
for target in expr:
for target in args:
compiled_target = self.compile(target)
ret += compiled_target
del_targets.append(self._storeize(target, compiled_target,
@ -1231,53 +1212,38 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return ret + asty.Delete(expr, targets=del_targets)
@checkargs(min=1, max=4)
def compile_cut_expression(self, expr):
ret = Result()
nodes = [None] * 4
for i, e in enumerate(expr[1:]):
ret += self.compile(e)
nodes[i] = ret.force_expr
@special("cut", [FORM, maybe(FORM), maybe(FORM), maybe(FORM)])
def compile_cut_expression(self, expr, name, obj, lower, upper, step):
ret = [Result()]
def c(e):
ret[0] += self.compile(e)
return ret[0].force_expr
return ret + asty.Subscript(
s = asty.Subscript(
slice=ast.Slice(lower=nodes[1], upper=nodes[2], step=nodes[3]),
slice=ast.Slice(lower=c(lower), upper=c(upper), step=c(step)),
return ret[0] + s
def compile_decorate_expression(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # with-decorator
fn = self.compile(expr.pop())
@special("with-decorator", [oneplus(FORM)])
def compile_decorate_expression(self, expr, name, args):
decs, fn = args[:-1], self.compile(args[-1])
if not fn.stmts or not isinstance(fn.stmts[-1], _decoratables):
raise HyTypeError(expr, "Decorated a non-function")
decorators, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(expr)
fn.stmts[-1].decorator_list = decorators + fn.stmts[-1].decorator_list
raise HyTypeError(args[-1], "Decorated a non-function")
decs, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(decs)
fn.stmts[-1].decorator_list = decs + fn.stmts[-1].decorator_list
return ret + fn
@builds("with/a*", iff=PY35)
def compile_with_expression(self, expr):
root = expr.pop(0)
@special(["with*", (PY35, "with/a*")],
[brackets(FORM, maybe(FORM)), many(FORM)])
def compile_with_expression(self, expr, root, args, body):
thing, ctx = (None, args[0]) if args[1] is None else args
if thing is not None:
thing = self._storeize(thing, self.compile(thing))
ctx = self.compile(ctx)
args = expr.pop(0)
if not isinstance(args, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"{0} expects a list, received `{1}'".format(
root, type(args).__name__))
if len(args) not in (1, 2):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"{0} needs [arg (expr)] or [(expr)]".format(root))
thing = None
if len(args) == 2:
thing = self._storeize(args[0], self.compile(args.pop(0)))
ctx = self.compile(args.pop(0))
body = self._compile_branch(expr)
body = self._compile_branch(body)
# Store the result of the body in a tempvar
var = self.get_anon_var()
@ -1381,16 +1347,14 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
@builds("not", "~")
def compile_unary_operator(self, expression):
@special(["not", "~"], [FORM])
def compile_unary_operator(self, expr, root, arg):
ops = {"not": ast.Not,
"~": ast.Invert}
operator = expression.pop(0)
operand = self.compile(expression.pop(0))
operand = self.compile(arg)
operand += asty.UnaryOp(
expression, op=ops[operator](), operand=operand.force_expr)
expr, op=ops[root](), operand=operand.force_expr)
return operand
@ -1442,18 +1406,17 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
raise HyTypeError(entry, "unrecognized (require) syntax")
return Result()
@builds("and", "or")
def compile_logical_or_and_and_operator(self, expression):
@special(["and", "or"], [many(FORM)])
def compile_logical_or_and_and_operator(self, expr, operator, args):
ops = {"and": (ast.And, "True"),
"or": (ast.Or, "None")}
operator = expression.pop(0)
opnode, default = ops[operator]
if len(expression) == 0:
if len(args) == 0:
return asty.Name(operator, id=default, ctx=ast.Load())
elif len(expression) == 1:
return self.compile(expression[0])
elif len(args) == 1:
return self.compile(args[0])
ret = Result()
values = list(map(self.compile, expression))
values = list(map(self.compile, args))
if any(value.stmts for value in values):
# Compile it to an if...else sequence
var = self.get_anon_var()
@ -1500,33 +1463,29 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
"in": ast.In, "not-in": ast.NotIn}
ops = {ast_str(k): v for k, v in ops.items()}
def _compile_compare_op_expression(self, expression):
inv = ast_str(expression.pop(0))
ops = [self.ops[inv]() for _ in range(len(expression) - 1)]
def _compile_compare_op_expression(self, expr, root, args):
inv = ast_str(root)
ops = [self.ops[inv]() for _ in args[1:]]
e = expression[0]
exprs, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(expression)
exprs, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(args)
return ret + asty.Compare(
e, left=exprs[0], ops=ops, comparators=exprs[1:])
expr, left=exprs[0], ops=ops, comparators=exprs[1:])
@builds("=", "is", "<", "<=", ">", ">=")
def compile_compare_op_expression(self, expression):
if len(expression) == 2:
return (self.compile(expression[1]) +
asty.Name(expression, id="True", ctx=ast.Load()))
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expression)
@special(["=", "is", "<", "<=", ">", ">="], [oneplus(FORM)])
def compile_compare_op_expression(self, expr, root, args):
if len(args) == 1:
return (self.compile(args[0]) +
asty.Name(expr, id="True", ctx=ast.Load()))
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expr, root, args)
@builds("!=", "is-not")
def compile_compare_op_expression_coll(self, expression):
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expression)
@special(["!=", "is-not"], [FORM, oneplus(FORM)])
def compile_compare_op_expression_coll(self, expr, root, arg1, args):
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expr, root, [arg1] + args)
@builds("in", "not-in")
def compile_compare_op_expression_binary(self, expression):
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expression)
@special(["in", "not-in"], [FORM, FORM])
def compile_compare_op_expression_binary(self, expr, root, needle, haystack):
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expr, root, [needle, haystack])
def _compile_maths_expression(self, expr):
ops = {"+": ast.Add,
@ -1733,22 +1692,14 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
expression, func=func.expr, args=args, keywords=keywords,
starargs=oldpy_star, kwargs=oldpy_kw)
def compile_def_expression(self, expression):
root = expression.pop(0)
if not expression:
@special("setv", [many(FORM + FORM)])
def compile_def_expression(self, expr, root, pairs):
if len(pairs) == 0:
return asty.Name(root, id='None', ctx=ast.Load())
elif len(expression) == 2:
return self._compile_assign(expression[0], expression[1])
elif len(expression) % 2 != 0:
raise HyTypeError(expression,
"`{}' needs an even number of arguments".format(
result = Result()
for tgt, target in zip(expression[::2], expression[1::2]):
result += self._compile_assign(tgt, target)
return result
result = Result()
for pair in pairs:
result += self._compile_assign(*pair)
return result
def _compile_assign(self, name, result):
@ -1781,63 +1732,40 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
return result
@builds("for/a*", iff=PY35)
def compile_for_expression(self, expression):
root = expression.pop(0)
args = expression.pop(0)
if not isinstance(args, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(expression,
"`{0}` expects a list, received `{1}`".format(
root, type(args).__name__))
target_name, iterable = args
except ValueError:
raise HyTypeError(expression,
"`for` requires two forms in the list")
@special(["for*", (PY35, "for/a*")],
[brackets(FORM, FORM), many(notpexpr("else")), maybe(dolike("else"))])
def compile_for_expression(self, expr, root, args, body, else_expr):
target_name, iterable = args
target = self._storeize(target_name, self.compile(target_name))
ret = Result()
orel = Result()
# (for* [] body (else …))
if ends_with_else(expression):
else_expr = expression.pop()
for else_body in else_expr[1:]:
if else_expr is not None:
for else_body in else_expr:
orel += self.compile(else_body)
orel += orel.expr_as_stmt()
ret += self.compile(iterable)
body = self._compile_branch(expression)
body = self._compile_branch(body)
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
node = asty.For if root == 'for*' else asty.AsyncFor
ret += node(expression,
ret += node(expr,
body=body.stmts or [asty.Pass(expression)],
body=body.stmts or [asty.Pass(expr)],
ret.contains_yield = body.contains_yield
return ret
def compile_while_expression(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # "while"
cond = expr.pop(0)
@special(["while"], [FORM, many(notpexpr("else")), maybe(dolike("else"))])
def compile_while_expression(self, expr, root, cond, body, else_expr):
cond_compiled = self.compile(cond)
else_expr = None
if ends_with_else(expr):
else_expr = expr.pop()
if cond_compiled.stmts:
# We need to ensure the statements for the condition are
# executed on every iteration. Rewrite the loop to use a
@ -1853,16 +1781,16 @@ class HyASTCompiler(object):
# changes its truth value, but use (not (not ...)) instead of
# `bool` in case `bool` has been redefined.
e(s('setv'), cond_var, e(s('not'), e(s('not'), cond))),
e(s('if*'), cond_var, e(s('do'), *expr)),
*([else_expr] if else_expr is not None else []))).replace(expr)) # noqa
e(s('if*'), cond_var, e(s('do'), *body)),
*([e(s('else'), *else_expr)] if else_expr is not None else []))).replace(expr)) # noqa
orel = Result()
if else_expr is not None:
for else_body in else_expr[1:]:
for else_body in else_expr:
orel += self.compile(else_body)
orel += orel.expr_as_stmt()
body = self._compile_branch(expr)
body = self._compile_branch(body)
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
ret = cond_compiled + asty.While(
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Copyright 2018 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
"Parser combinators for pattern-matching Hy model trees."
from hy.models import HyExpression, HySymbol, HyKeyword, HyString, HyList
from funcparserlib.parser import (
some, skip, many, finished, a, Parser, NoParseError, State)
from functools import reduce
from itertools import repeat
from operator import add
from math import isinf
FORM = some(lambda _: True)
SYM = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol))
STR = some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HyString))
def sym(wanted):
"Parse and skip the given symbol or keyword."
if wanted.startswith(":"):
return skip(a(HyKeyword(wanted[1:])))
return skip(some(lambda x: isinstance(x, HySymbol) and x == wanted))
def whole(parsers):
"""Parse the parsers in the given list one after another, then
expect the end of the input."""
if len(parsers) == 0:
return finished >> (lambda x: [])
if len(parsers) == 1:
return parsers[0] + finished >> (lambda x: x[:-1])
return reduce(add, parsers) + skip(finished)
def _grouped(group_type, parsers): return (
some(lambda x: isinstance(x, group_type)) >>
(lambda x: group_type(whole(parsers).parse(x)).replace(x, recursive=False)))
def brackets(*parsers):
"Parse the given parsers inside square brackets."
return _grouped(HyList, parsers)
def pexpr(*parsers):
"Parse the given parsers inside a parenthesized expression."
return _grouped(HyExpression, parsers)
def dolike(head):
"Parse a `do`-like form."
return pexpr(sym(head), many(FORM))
def notpexpr(*disallowed_heads):
"""Parse any object other than a HyExpression beginning with a
HySymbol equal to one of the disallowed_heads."""
return some(lambda x: not (
isinstance(x, HyExpression) and
x and
isinstance(x[0], HySymbol) and
x[0] in disallowed_heads))
def times(lo, hi, parser):
"""Parse `parser` several times (`lo` to `hi`) in a row. `hi` can be
float('inf'). The result is a list no matter the number of instances."""
def f(tokens, s):
result = []
for _ in range(lo):
(v, s) =, s)
end = s.max
for _ in (repeat(1) if isinf(hi) else range(hi - lo)):
(v, s) =, s)
except NoParseError as e:
end = e.state.max
return result, State(s.pos, end)
return f
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Install(install):
"." + filename[:-len(".hy")])
install_requires = ['rply>=0.7.5', 'astor', 'clint>=0.4']
install_requires = ['rply>=0.7.5', 'astor', 'funcparserlib>=0.3.6', 'clint>=0.4']
if == 'nt':
@ -511,7 +511,6 @@ def test_compile_error():
"""Ensure we get compile error in tricky cases"""
with pytest.raises(HyTypeError) as excinfo:
can_compile("(fn [] (in [1 2 3]))")
assert excinfo.value.message == "`in' needs 2 arguments, got 1"
def test_for_compile_error():
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
(assert (= b 2))
(setv y 0 x 1 y x)
(assert (= y 1))
(try (eval '(setv a 1 b))
(except [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "`setv' needs an even number of arguments" (str e))))))
(with [(pytest.raises HyTypeError)]
(eval '(setv a 1 b))))
(defn test-setv-returns-none []
@ -280,7 +280,15 @@
y (range 2)]
(+ 1 1)
(else (setv flag (+ flag 2))))
(assert (= flag 2)))
(assert (= flag 2))
(setv l [])
(defn f []
(for [x [4 9 2]]
(.append l (* 10 x))
(yield x)))
(for [_ (f)])
(assert (= l [40 90 20])))
(defn test-while-loop []
Reference in New Issue
Block a user