Flectra is Forked from Odoo v11 commit : (6135e82d73
557 B
557 B
Belgium, 2015-06-04
DynApps N.V. agrees to the terms of the Odoo Corporate Contributor License Agreement v1.0.
I declare that I am authorized and able to make this agreement and sign this declaration.
Stijn Houben stijn.houben@dynapps.be https://github.com/stijnh92
List of contributors:
Stijn Houben stijn.houben@dynapps.be https://github.com/stijnh92 Raf Ven raf.ven@dynapps.be https://github.com/rven Kurt Schmitz kurt.schmitz@dynapps.be https://github.com/kurt-schmitz Rod Schouteden rod.schouteden@dynapps.be https://github.com/schout-it