Pedro M. Baeza 4f66b5d55b account_netting: AR/AP netting
AR/AP netting

This module allows to compensate the balance of a receivable account with the
balance of a payable account for the same partner, creating a journal item
that reflects this operation.

**WARNING**: This operation can be forbidden in your country by the accounting
regulations, so you should check current laws before using it. For example, in
Spain, this is not allowed at first instance, unless you document well the
operation from both parties.


From any account journal entries view:

* Accounting/Journal Entries/Journal Items
* Accounting/Periodic Processing/Reconciliation/Manual Reconciliation

select all the lines that corresponds to both AR/AP operations from the same
partner. Click on "More > Compensate". If the items don't correspond to the
same partner or they aren't AR/AP accounts, you will get an error.

On contrary, a dialog box will be presented with the result of the operation
and a selection of the journal to register the operation. When you click on the
"Compensate" button, a journal entry is created with the corresponding
counterparts of the AR/AP operations.

OCA Transbot updated translations from Transifex
2023-10-31 14:52:19 +01:00

162 lines
5.0 KiB

# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * account_netting
# Translators:
# Ahmet Altinisik <aaltinisik@altinkaya.com.tr>, 2015
# Antonio Trueba, 2016
# Bruno JOLIVEAU, 2015
# Gustavo Lepri <gustavolepri@gmail.com>, 2015
# Hotellook, 2014
# Jarmo Kortetjärvi <jarmo.kortetjarvi@gmail.com>, 2016
# Matjaž Mozetič <m.mozetic@matmoz.si>, 2016
# Paolo Valier, 2016
# Rudolf Schnapka <rs@techno-flex.de>, 2015-2016
# Thomas A. Jaeger, 2015
# Thomas A. Jaeger, 2015
# yterrettaz, 2015
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: account-financial-tools (8.0)\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-09-24 00:47+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-10-04 09:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: OCA Transbot <transbot@odoo-community.org>\n"
"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/oca/OCA-account-financial-tools-8-0/language/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: account_netting
#: code:addons/account_netting/wizard/account_move_make_netting.py:56
#, python-format
msgid "AR/AP netting"
msgstr "AR/AP Verrechnung"
#. module: account_netting
#: code:addons/account_netting/wizard/account_move_make_netting.py:30
#, python-format
msgid "All entries must have a receivable or payable account"
msgstr "Alle Einträge müssen eine Verbindlichkeit oder eine Forderung sein"
#. module: account_netting
#: code:addons/account_netting/wizard/account_move_make_netting.py:33
#, python-format
msgid "All entries mustn't been reconciled"
msgstr "Kein Eintrag darf ausgeglichen sein"
#. module: account_netting
#: code:addons/account_netting/wizard/account_move_make_netting.py:39
#, python-format
msgid ""
"All entries should have a partner and the partner must be the same for all."
msgstr "Alle Einträge müssen den gleichen Partner haben"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,balance:0
msgid "Balance"
msgstr "Saldo"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,balance_type:0
msgid "Balance type"
msgstr "Saldotyp"
#. module: account_netting
#: view:account.move.make.netting:account_netting.view_account_move_make_netting_form
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
#. module: account_netting
#: view:account.move.make.netting:account_netting.view_account_move_make_netting_form
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:account_netting.act_account_move_make_netting
msgid "Compensate"
msgstr "ausgleichen"
#. module: account_netting
#: view:account.move.make.netting:account_netting.view_account_move_make_netting_form
msgid "Compensate entries"
msgstr "Einträge ausgleichen"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,create_uid:0
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Erstellt von"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,create_date:0
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Erstellt am"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,display_name:0
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Anzeigename"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,id:0
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,journal:0
msgid "Journal"
msgstr "Journal"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,__last_update:0
msgid "Last Modified on"
msgstr "Zuletzt geändert am"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Zuletzt geändert von"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,write_date:0
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Zuletzt geändert am"
#. module: account_netting
#: field:account.move.make.netting,move_lines:0
msgid "Move lines"
msgstr "Buchungszeilen"
#. module: account_netting
#: view:account.move.make.netting:account_netting.view_account_move_make_netting_form
msgid "Select the journal where storing the journal entries"
msgstr "Wählen Sie das Journal, wo die Einträge gespeichert werden"
#. module: account_netting
#: view:account.move.make.netting:account_netting.view_account_move_make_netting_form
msgid ""
"This operation will generate account entries that are counterpart of the "
"receivable/payable accounts selected, and reconcile each other, letting this"
" balance in the partner:"
msgstr "Dies generiert Gegenbuchungen zu den selektierten Forderungen oder Verbindlichkeiten um diese dann auf dem Partner auszugleichen:"
#. module: account_netting
#: selection:account.move.make.netting,balance_type:0
msgid "To pay"
msgstr "zu zahlen"
#. module: account_netting
#: selection:account.move.make.netting,balance_type:0
msgid "To receive"
msgstr "zu erhalten"
#. module: account_netting
#: code:addons/account_netting/wizard/account_move_make_netting.py:24
#, python-format
msgid "You should compensate at least 2 journal entries."
msgstr "Sie sollten mindestens 2 Journaleinträge ausgleichen"
#. module: account_netting
#: view:account.move.make.netting:account_netting.view_account_move_make_netting_form
msgid "or"
msgstr "oder"