diff --git a/golem_ressources/__manifest__.py b/golem_ressources/__manifest__.py
index 7874a49..941404b 100644
--- a/golem_ressources/__manifest__.py
+++ b/golem_ressources/__manifest__.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
'name': 'GOLEM non-profit resources',
'summary': 'GOLEM resources management',
'description': ''' GOLEM resources management ''',
- 'version': '',
+ 'version': '',
'category': 'GOLEM',
'author': 'Youssef El Ouahby, Fabien Bourgeois',
'license': 'AGPL-3',
diff --git a/golem_ressources/models/golem_resources.py b/golem_ressources/models/golem_resources.py
index 11e38fe..7cfe84c 100644
--- a/golem_ressources/models/golem_resources.py
+++ b/golem_ressources/models/golem_resources.py
@@ -18,73 +18,120 @@
""" GOLEM Resources management """
-from odoo import models, fields, api, _, exceptions
+from math import modf
+from odoo import models, fields, api, _
+from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
#modèle de base : ressources
-class GolemResources(models.Model):
- """ GOLEM Resources """
- _name = 'golem.resources'
- _description = 'GOLEM Resources'
+class GolemResource(models.Model):
+ """ GOLEM Resource Model """
+ _name = 'golem.resource'
+ _description = 'GOLEM Resource Model'
- name = fields.Char(required=True)
+ name = fields.Char(required=True, index=True)
active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
- validation_required = fields.Boolean(default=True)
- resource_type = fields.Many2one("golem.resourcetype")
- resource_responsible = fields.Many2one("res.partner")
- article_link = fields.Many2one("product.template")
+ validation_required = fields.Boolean(default=True,
+ string='Is validation required ?')
+ type_id = fields.Many2one('golem.resource.type',
+ index=True, string='Resource Type')
+ supervisor_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', index=True, string='Supervisor')
+ product_tmpl_id = fields.Many2one('product.template', index=True,
+ string='Linked product')
- #Configuration de disponibilité(période, jours et horaire)
- start_of_availability_date = fields.Date(required=True)
- end_of_availability_date = fields.Date(required=True)
- timetable = fields.One2many("golem.timetable", "resource_id", string="Availibility timetable")
- reservation = fields.One2many("golem.reservation", "linked_resource")
+ avaibility_start = fields.Date(required=True, string='Availibility start date')
+ avaibility_stop = fields.Date(required=True, string='Availibility stop date')
+ timetable_ids = fields.One2many('golem.resource.timetable', 'resource_id',
+ string='Availibility timetable')
+ reservation_ids = fields.One2many('golem.resource.reservation', 'resource_id',
+ string='Reservations')
- def active_change(self):
- self.active = not self.active
+ def active_toggle(self):
+ """ Toggles active boolean """
+ for resource in self:
+ resource.active = not resource.active
+class GolemResourceReservation(models.Model):
+ """ GOLEM Resource Reservation Model """
+ _name = 'golem.resource.reservation'
+ _description = 'GOLEM Reservation Model'
-#modèle gestion des reservation
-class GolemReservation(models.Model):
- """ GOLEM Reservation """
- _name = 'golem.reservation'
- _description = 'GOLEM Reservation'
+ name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_name', store=True)
+ # TODO: handle multiple days reservation
+ date = fields.Date(required=True, index=True)
+ hour_start = fields.Float('Start hour', required=True)
+ hour_stop = fields.Float('Stop hour', required=True)
+ date_start = fields.Datetime(compute='_compute_date_start', store=True, index=True)
+ date_stop = fields.Datetime(compute='_compute_date_stop', store=True, index=True)
- start_date = fields.Datetime()
- end_date = fields.Datetime()
- linked_resource = fields.Many2one('golem.resources', required=True)
- user = fields.Many2one('res.users', required=True, default=lambda self: self.env.user)
- on_behalf_of = fields.Many2one('res.partner', required=True, default=lambda self: self.env['res.partner'])
- rejection_reason = fields.Text()
+ resource_id = fields.Many2one('golem.resource', required=True, index=True,
+ string='Resource')
+ user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', required=True, index=True,
+ string='User',
+ default=lambda self: self.env.user)
+ partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='On behalf of',
+ required=True, index=True)
status = fields.Selection([
- ('draft', "Draft"),
- ('confirmed', "Confirmed"),
- ('canceled', "Canceled"),
- ('validated', "Validated"),
- ('rejected', "Rejected"),
+ ('draft', 'Draft'),
+ ('confirmed', 'Confirmed'),
+ ('canceled', 'Canceled'),
+ ('validated', 'Validated'),
+ ('rejected', 'Rejected'),
], default='draft')
+ rejection_reason = fields.Text()
+ @api.depends('resource_id', 'date')
+ def _compute_name(self):
+ """ Computes reservation name """
+ for reservation in self:
+ reservation.name = u'{}/{}'.format(reservation.resource_id.name,
+ reservation.date)
+ @api.depends('date', 'hour_start')
+ def _compute_date_start(self):
+ """ Computes Date start """
+ for reservation in self:
+ hour_start, minute_start = modf(reservation.hour_start)
+ minute_start = int(round(minute_start * 60))
+ reservation.date_start = u'{} {}:{}'.format(reservation.date,
+ hour_start, minute_start)
+ @api.depends('date', 'hour_stop')
+ def _compute_date_stop(self):
+ """ Computes Date stop """
+ for reservation in self:
+ hour_stop, minute_stop = modf(reservation.hour_stop)
+ minute_stop = int(round(minute_stop * 60))
+ reservation.date_stop = u'{} {}:{}'.format(reservation.date,
+ hour_stop, minute_stop)
def status_draft(self):
- self.status = 'draft'
+ """ Status to draft """
+ self.write({'status': 'draft'})
def status_confirm(self):
- self.status = 'confirmed'
- if( not self.linked_resource.validation_required) :
- self.status='validated'
+ """ Confirms reservation, or validates it if not workflow is involved """
+ for reservation in self:
+ if reservation.resource_id.validation_required:
+ reservation.status = 'confirmed'
+ else:
+ reservation.status_validated()
def status_canceled(self):
- self.status = 'canceled'
+ """ Status to cancel """
+ self.write({'status': 'canceled'})
def status_validated(self):
- self.status = 'validated'
+ """ Status to validated """
+ self.write({'status': 'validated'})
def status_rejected(self):
@@ -100,68 +147,84 @@ class GolemReservation(models.Model):
- def _onConfirmReservation(self):
- if self.status == 'confirmed':
- #verifyin is the reservation is taking place out of the resource availibility period
- if(self.start_date < self.linked_resource.start_of_availability_date or self.end_date > self.linked_resource.end_of_availability_date ):
- raise exceptions.UserError('Not allowed, the resource is not available in this period, please choose another périod before confirming %s' % self.linked_resource.start_of_availability_date)
- else :
- #verifying if the reservation is taking place out the availibility timetable
- #defining a boolean flag, which will determine if the day of the reservation is available
- r_allowed = False
- for day in self.linked_resource.timetable :
- #if the day is available, look for the time if it's inside the resource timetable availibility
- if day.name.id_day == fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_date).weekday():
- start_hour = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_date).hour
- start_min = float(fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_date).minute) #+(int(fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_date).min))/100
- start_time_r = start_hour + start_min/100
- start_hour = fields.Datetime.from_string(self.end_date).hour
- start_min = float(fields.Datetime.from_string(self.end_date).minute) #+(int(fields.Datetime.from_string(self.start_date).min))/100
- end_time_r = start_hour + start_min/100
- #if the time is suitable, the flag state is changed
- if(start_time_r > day.start_time and end_time_r < day.end_time):
- r_allowed = True
- #if the flag is changed no erreur is raised.
- if(not r_allowed):
- raise exceptions.UserError("Not allowed, the resource is not available during this timetable, please choose another time before confirming ")
- #verifying if the resource is already taken during this period
- for reservation in self.linked_resource.reservation :
- if(self.id != reservation.id and reservation.status == 'confirmed' and not (self.end_date < reservation.start_date or self.start_date > reservation.end_date)):
- raise exceptions.UserError("Not allowed, the resource is taken during this period, please choose another période before confirming ")
- elif (not self.linked_resource.validation_required):
- self.status = 'validated'
+ def check_confirmed(self):
+ """ Check date coherence on reservation confirmation """
+ for reservation in self:
+ if reservation.status == 'confirmed':
+ # Check is reservation is not taking place out of the resource avaibility period
+ if reservation.date < reservation.resource_id.avaibility_start or \
+ reservation.date > reservation.resource_id.avaibility_stop:
+ uerr = _('Not allowed, the resource is not available in '
+ 'this period, please choose another périod before '
+ 'confirming')
+ raise UserError(uerr)
+ # Check if reservation is not taking place out the avaibility timetables
+ is_day_allowed = False
+ for timetable in reservation.resource_id.timetable_ids:
+ # Check for the time according to resource timetable avaibility
+ date = fields.Datetime.from_string(reservation.date)
+ if int(timetable.weekday) == date.weekday():
+ is_day_allowed = True
+ if reservation.hour_start < timetable.date_start or \
+ reservation.hour_stop > timetable.date_stop:
+ uerr = _('Not allowed, the resource is not available '
+ 'during this period, please choose another '
+ 'time before confirming.')
+ raise UserError(uerr)
+ if not is_day_allowed:
+ uerr = _('Not allowed, the resource is not available '
+ 'this day. Please choose another date.')
+ raise UserError(uerr)
+ # Check if the resource is already taken during this period
+ # PERF : check the date, not iterate over all reservations
+ domain = [('resource_id', '=', reservation.resource_id.id),
+ ('date', '=', reservation.date),
+ ('status', '=', 'confirmed'),
+ ('id', '!=', reservation.id)]
+ reservations = self.env['golem.resource.reservation'].search(domain)
+ for other_res in reservations:
+ if (other_res.hour_start < reservation.hour_start < other_res.hour_stop) or \
+ (other_res.hour_start < reservation.hour_stop < other_res.hour_stop):
+ uerr = _('Not allowed, the resource is already taken '
+ 'during this period : from {} to {} this day, '
+ 'please choose another périod before confirming.')
+ raise UserError(uerr.format(reservation.date_start,
+ reservation.date_stop))
+ # Finally, validate the reservation if all checks have passed
+ if reservation.resource_id.validation_required:
+ reservation.status = 'validated'
-#modèle de base pour identifier le type de la ressource
class GolemResourceType(models.Model):
""" GOLEM Resource Type """
- _name = 'golem.resourcetype'
+ _name = 'golem.resource.type'
_description = 'GOLEM Resource Type'
+ _sql_constraints = [('golem_resource_type_name_uniq',
+ 'UNIQUE (name)',
+ 'Resource type must be unique.')]
- name = fields.Char(string='Resource Type',required=True)
+ name = fields.Char(string='Resource Type', required=True, index=True)
-#modèle de base pour stocker les jours de la semaine
-class GolemWeekDay(models.Model):
- """ GOLEM Week Day """
- _name = 'golem.weekday'
- _description = 'GOLEM Week Day'
- name = fields.Char(string='Week Day')
- id_day = fields.Integer()
-#modèle de gestion horaire
class GolemTimetable(models.Model):
""" Golem Timetable """
- _name = "golem.timetable"
+ _name = "golem.resource.timetable"
_description = "Golem Timetable"
+ _rec_name = 'weekday'
- resource_id = fields.Many2one("golem.resources", required=True)
- name = fields.Many2one("golem.weekday", required=True)
- start_time = fields.Float(required=True)
- end_time = fields.Float(required=True)
+ resource_id = fields.Many2one('golem.resource', required=True,
+ string='Linked resource')
+ weekday = fields.Selection([('0', _('Monday')),
+ ('1', _('Tuesday')),
+ ('2', _('Wednesday')),
+ ('3', _('Thursday')),
+ ('4', _('Friday')),
+ ('5', _('Saturday')),
+ ('6', _('Sunday'))], copy=False)
+ time_start = fields.Float(required=True, string='Start')
+ time_stop = fields.Float(required=True, string='Stop')
- @api.constrains('start_time', 'end_time')
+ @api.constrains('time_start', 'time_stop')
def _check_time_consistency(self):
- if self.end_time < self.start_time:
- raise exceptions.ValidationError(_('End time should be higher than start time'))
+ for timetable in self:
+ if timetable.time_stop < timetable.time_start:
+ raise ValidationError(_('End time should be after than start time'))
diff --git a/golem_ressources/security/ir.model.access.csv b/golem_ressources/security/ir.model.access.csv
index a269e71..ae785a3 100644
--- a/golem_ressources/security/ir.model.access.csv
+++ b/golem_ressources/security/ir.model.access.csv
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-access_golem_resources_user,Access GOLEM Resources User,model_golem_resources,golem_base.group_golem_user,1,0,0,0
-access_golem_resources_manager,Access GOLEM Resources Manager,model_golem_resources,golem_base.group_golem_manager,1,1,1,1
+access_golem_resource_user,Access GOLEM Resources User,model_golem_resource,golem_base.group_golem_user,1,0,0,0
+access_golem_resource_manager,Access GOLEM Resources Manager,model_golem_resource,golem_base.group_golem_manager,1,1,1,1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/golem_ressources/views/golem_reservation_views.xml b/golem_ressources/views/golem_reservation_views.xml
index 14e0af2..2588a83 100644
--- a/golem_ressources/views/golem_reservation_views.xml
+++ b/golem_ressources/views/golem_reservation_views.xml
@@ -18,99 +18,96 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
- reservation.calendar
- golem.reservation
+ GOLEM Resource Reservation Calendar
+ golem.resource.reservation
- reservation.tree
- golem.reservation
+ GOLEM Resource Reservation Tree
+ golem.resource.reservation
- reservation.form
- golem.reservation
+ GOLEM Resource Reservation Form
+ golem.resource.reservation
- reservation.search
- golem.reservation
+ GOLEM Resource Reservation Search
+ golem.resource.reservation
- Reservation
- golem.reservation
- tree,search,form,calendar
diff --git a/golem_ressources/views/golem_resources_views.xml b/golem_ressources/views/golem_resources_views.xml
index bc71e73..7c3930e 100644
--- a/golem_ressources/views/golem_resources_views.xml
+++ b/golem_ressources/views/golem_resources_views.xml
@@ -18,104 +18,76 @@ along with this program. If not, see .
- Sunday
- 6
- Monday
- 0
- Tuesday
- 1
- wednesday
- 2
- Thursday
- 3
- Friday
- 4
- Saturday
- 5
- resource.search
- golem.resources
+ GOLEM Resource search
+ golem.resource
- resource.tree
- golem.resources
+ GOLEM Resource Tree
+ golem.resource
- resource.form
- golem.resources
+ GOLEM Resource Form
+ golem.resource