openerp.web_one2many_kanban = function(instance) { var QWeb = instance.web.qweb; var _t = instance.web._t; /*Kanban view For one2many*/ instance.web_kanban.KanbanView.include({ add_qweb_template: function() { this.same_field = [] for (var i=0, ii=this.fields_view.arch.children.length; i < ii; i++) { var child = this.fields_view.arch.children[i]; if (child.tag === "templates") { this.transform_qweb_template(child); this.qweb.add_template(instance.web.json_node_to_xml(child)); break; } else if (child.tag === 'field') { this.extract_aggregates(child); } } }, transform_qweb_template: function(node) { var qweb_add_if = function(node, condition) { if (node.attrs[QWeb.prefix + '-if']) { condition = _.str.sprintf("(%s) and (%s)", node.attrs[QWeb.prefix + '-if'], condition); } node.attrs[QWeb.prefix + '-if'] = condition; }; // Process modifiers if (node.tag && node.attrs.modifiers) { var modifiers = JSON.parse(node.attrs.modifiers || '{}'); if (modifiers.invisible) { qweb_add_if(node, _.str.sprintf("!kanban_compute_domain(%s)", JSON.stringify(modifiers.invisible))); } } switch (node.tag) { case 'div': case 'tr': case 'table': case 'td': case 'span': case 't': var self =this self.dataset.o2m_field = {} if(node.attrs['t-foreach'] != undefined){ var field_name = node.attrs['t-foreach'].split('.')[1] if(field_name != undefined){ self.field_details = this.fields_view.fields[field_name]; if(self.field_details.type == 'one2many' && (self.field_details.related != undefined || self.field_details.relation_field != undefined) && self.same_field.indexOf(field_name) == -1){ self.same_field.push(field_name) var model = self.field_details.relation self.o2m_dataset = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(self,model, {}, []);'fields_get').done(function(data) { var fields=[] _.each(data, function(field_def, field_name) { if(field_def.type != 'many2many'){ fields.push(field_name) } }); self.dataset.o2m_field[field_name] = {'field_name':field_name,'model':model,'fields':fields} }) } } } break; case 'field': var ftype = this.fields_view.fields[].type; ftype = node.attrs.widget ? node.attrs.widget : ftype; if (ftype === 'many2many') { if (_.indexOf(this.many2manys, < 0) { this.many2manys.push(; } node.tag = 'div'; node.attrs['class'] = (node.attrs['class'] || '') + ' oe_form_field oe_tags'; } else if (instance.web_kanban.fields_registry.contains(ftype)) { // do nothing, the kanban record will handle it } else { node.tag = QWeb.prefix; node.attrs[QWeb.prefix + '-esc'] = 'record.' + node.attrs['name'] + '.value'; } break; case 'button': case 'a': var type = node.attrs.type || ''; if (_.indexOf('action,object,edit,open,delete'.split(','), type) !== -1) { _.each(node.attrs, function(v, k) { if (_.indexOf('icon,type,name,args,string,context,states,kanban_states'.split(','), k) != -1) { node.attrs['data-' + k] = v; delete(node.attrs[k]); } }); if (node.attrs['data-string']) { node.attrs.title = node.attrs['data-string']; } if (node.attrs['data-icon']) { node.children = [{ tag: 'img', attrs: { src: instance.session.prefix + '/web/static/src/img/icons/' + node.attrs['data-icon'] + '.png', width: '16', height: '16' } }]; } if (node.tag == 'a') { node.attrs.href = '#'; } else { node.attrs.type = 'button'; } node.attrs['class'] = (node.attrs['class'] || '') + ' oe_kanban_action oe_kanban_action_' + node.tag; } break; } if (node.children) { for (var i = 0, ii = node.children.length; i < ii; i++) { this.transform_qweb_template(node.children[i]); } } }, /* * postprocessing of fields type many2many * make the rpc request for all ids/model and insert value inside .oe_tags fields */ postprocess_m2m_tags: function() { var self = this; if (!this.many2manys.length) { return; } var relations = {}; this.groups.forEach(function(group) { group.records.forEach(function(record) { self.many2manys.forEach(function(name) { var field = record.record[name]; var $el = record.$('.oe_form_field.oe_tags[name=' + name + ']').empty(); if (!relations[field.relation]) { relations[field.relation] = { ids: [], elements: {}, context: self.m2m_context[name]}; } var rel = relations[field.relation]; field.raw_value.forEach(function(id) { rel.ids.push(id); if (!rel.elements[id]) { rel.elements[id] = []; } rel.elements[id].push($el[0]); }); }); }); }); _.each(relations, function(rel, rel_name) { var dataset = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(self, rel_name, self.dataset.get_context(rel.context)); call = false dataset.name_get(_.uniq(rel.ids)).then(function(result) { if(! call){ result.forEach(function(nameget) { call = true $(rel.elements[nameget[0]]).append('' + _.str.escapeHTML(nameget[1]) + ''); }); } }); }); }, do_process_groups: function(groups) { var self = this; this.$el.find('table:first').show(); this.$el.removeClass('oe_kanban_ungrouped').addClass('oe_kanban_grouped'); this.add_group_mutex.exec(function() { self.do_clear_groups(); self.dataset.ids = []; if (!groups.length) { self.no_result(); return false; } self.nb_records = 0; var groups_array = []; return $.when.apply(null,, function (group, index) { var def = $.when([]); var dataset = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(self, self.dataset.model, new instance.web.CompoundContext(self.dataset.get_context(), group.model.context()), group.model.domain()); if (self.dataset._sort) { dataset.set_sort(self.dataset._sort); } if (group.attributes.length >= 1) { def = dataset.read_slice(self.fields_keys.concat(['__last_update']), { 'limit': self.limit }); } return def.then(function(records) { self.nb_records += records.length; self.dataset.ids.push.apply(self.dataset.ids, dataset.ids); dataset.o2m_field = self.dataset.o2m_field groups_array[index] = new instance.web_kanban.KanbanGroup(self, records, group, dataset); }); })).then(function () { if(!self.nb_records) { self.no_result(); } if (self.dataset.index >= self.nb_records){ self.dataset.index = self.dataset.size() ? 0 : null; } return self.do_add_groups(groups_array); }); }); }, }) instance.web_kanban.KanbanGroup.include({ do_add_records: function(records, prepend) { var self = this; var $list_header = this.$records.find('.oe_kanban_group_list_header'); var $show_more = this.$records.find('.oe_kanban_show_more'); var $cards = this.$records.find('.oe_kanban_column_cards'); var record_length = records.length _.each(records, function(record) { if(_.keys(self.dataset.o2m_field).length){ var count = 0 _.each(self.dataset.o2m_field,function(data,index){ var ids = record[data.field_name]; var model = data.model var fields = data.fields self.o2m_dataset = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(self, model, {}, []); self.o2m_dataset.read_slice(fields, {'domain': [['id', 'in', ids]]}).then(function(field_record){ record[data.field_name] = field_record count ++ ; var rec = new instance.web_kanban.KanbanRecord(self, record); if(count == _.keys(self.dataset.o2m_field).length){ if (!prepend) { rec.appendTo($cards); self.records.push(rec); } else { rec.prependTo($cards); self.records.unshift(rec); } if(self.records.length == record_length ){ self.view.postprocess_m2m_tags(); } } }) }) }else{ var rec = new instance.web_kanban.KanbanRecord(self, record); if (!prepend) { rec.appendTo($cards); self.records.push(rec); } else { rec.prependTo($cards); self.records.unshift(rec); } } }); if ($show_more.length) { var size = this.dataset.size(); $show_more.toggle(record_length < size).find('.oe_kanban_remaining').text(size - this.records.length); } }, }); instance.web_kanban.KanbanRecord.include({ do_reload: function() { var self = this; this.view.dataset.read_ids([], this.view.fields_keys.concat(['__last_update'])).done(function(records) { _.each(self.sub_widgets, function(el) { el.destroy(); }); self.sub_widgets = []; if(_.keys(self.view.dataset.o2m_field).length){ var count = 0 _.each(self.view.dataset.o2m_field,function(data,index){ var ids = records[0][data.field_name]; var fields = data.fields var model = data.model self.o2m_dataset = new instance.web.DataSetSearch(self, model, {}, []); self.o2m_dataset.read_slice(fields, {'domain': [['id', 'in', ids]]}).then(function(field_record){ count ++ ; if(count == _.keys(self.view.dataset.o2m_field).length){ records[0][data.field_name] = field_record self.set_record(records[0]); self.renderElement(); self.init_content();; self.view.postprocess_m2m_tags(); } }); }); }else{ if (records.length) { self.set_record(records[0]); self.renderElement(); self.init_content();; self.view.postprocess_m2m_tags(); } else { self.destroy(); } } }); }, }); }