#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # __coconut_hash__ = 0xd881e1a # Compiled with Coconut version 1.4.3 [Ernest Scribbler] """ XML helpers and macros """ # Coconut Header: ------------------------------------------------------------- from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, unicode_literals, division import sys as _coconut_sys, os.path as _coconut_os_path _coconut_file_path = _coconut_os_path.dirname(_coconut_os_path.abspath(__file__)) _coconut_cached_module = _coconut_sys.modules.get(b"__coconut__") if _coconut_cached_module is not None and _coconut_os_path.dirname(_coconut_cached_module.__file__) != _coconut_file_path: del _coconut_sys.modules[b"__coconut__"] _coconut_sys.path.insert(0, _coconut_file_path) from __coconut__ import * from __coconut__ import _coconut, _coconut_MatchError, _coconut_igetitem, _coconut_base_compose, _coconut_forward_compose, _coconut_back_compose, _coconut_forward_star_compose, _coconut_back_star_compose, _coconut_forward_dubstar_compose, _coconut_back_dubstar_compose, _coconut_pipe, _coconut_back_pipe, _coconut_star_pipe, _coconut_back_star_pipe, _coconut_dubstar_pipe, _coconut_back_dubstar_pipe, _coconut_bool_and, _coconut_bool_or, _coconut_none_coalesce, _coconut_minus, _coconut_map, _coconut_partial, _coconut_get_function_match_error, _coconut_base_pattern_func, _coconut_addpattern, _coconut_sentinel, _coconut_assert, _coconut_mark_as_match # Compiled Coconut: ----------------------------------------------------------- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2019-2020 Fabien Bourgeois # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from os import path import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.dom import minidom from typing import Dict from typing import List from typing import Union from typing import Any # TODO: ADT for XMLchild children**s** class XMLChildren(_coconut.typing.NamedTuple("XMLChildren", [("clist", 'List[Union[XMLChildDict, XMLChildText]]')]), _coconut.object): __slots__ = () __ne__ = _coconut.object.__ne__ def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and _coconut.tuple.__eq__(self, other) def __hash__(self): return _coconut.tuple.__hash__(self) ^ hash(self.__class__) class XMLChildText(_coconut.typing.NamedTuple("XMLChildText", [("text", 'Union[str, unicode]')]), _coconut.object): __slots__ = () __ne__ = _coconut.object.__ne__ def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and _coconut.tuple.__eq__(self, other) def __hash__(self): return _coconut.tuple.__hash__(self) ^ hash(self.__class__) class XMLChildDict(_coconut.typing.NamedTuple("XMLChildDict", [("tag", 'str'), ("attrs", 'Dict[str, str]'), ("children", 'XMLChildren')]), _coconut.object): __slots__ = () __ne__ = _coconut.object.__ne__ def __eq__(self, other): return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and _coconut.tuple.__eq__(self, other) def __hash__(self): return _coconut.tuple.__hash__(self) ^ hash(self.__class__) def xmlroot(tree # type: Dict[str, Any] ): # type: (...) -> ET.Element """ Special process for root XML Node """ rootel = (ET.Element)(*(tree['tag'], tree['attrs'])) if 'children' in tree: (xmlchild)(*(rootel, tree['children'])) return rootel def xmlchild(parent, # type: ET.Element children # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> None """ Handling of children (ie non root) XML Nodes with/o text and subchildren (recursive) """ _coconut_match_to = children _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, (str, unicode)): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: parent.text = children return _coconut_match_to = children _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, dict): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: attrs = dict(((unicode(k)), (unicode(v))) for [k, v] in children['attrs'].items()) new_parent = (ET.SubElement)(*(parent, children['tag'], attrs)) subchildren = children['children'] if subchildren: (xmlchild)(*(new_parent, subchildren)) _coconut_match_to = children _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, list): _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: (consume)((map)(*(((_coconut.functools.partial(_coconut.functools.partial, xmlchild))(parent)), children))) def xmln(tag='', # type: str attrs={}, # type: Dict[str, str] children=[] # type: Union[str, List] ): # type: (...) -> Dict """ XMLNode with default children, not attributes """ _coconut_match_to = children _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, str): c = _coconut_match_to _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return {'tag': tag, 'attrs': attrs, 'children': [c]} else: _coconut_match_to = children _coconut_match_check = False if _coconut.isinstance(_coconut_match_to, list): c = _coconut_match_to _coconut_match_check = True if _coconut_match_check: return {'tag': tag, 'attrs': attrs, 'children': c} else: raise TypeError('Invalid arguments for xmln') def xml_write(filepath, tree): """ Write XML file according to filename and given tree """ if filepath.endswith('.py'): # if .pyc, no need to generate XML output_xml = minidom.parseString(ET.tostring(tree)).toprettyxml(indent=' ') output_path = path.dirname(path.abspath(filepath)) fpath = '%s/%s' % (output_path, path.basename(filepath).replace('.py', '_views.xml')) with open(fpath, 'w') as output_file: output_file.write(output_xml)