610 lines
21 KiB
610 lines
21 KiB
# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# * email_template
# Translators:
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo 8.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2015-01-21 14:08+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-17 07:06+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Martin Trigaux\n"
"Language-Team: German (http://www.transifex.com/odoo/odoo-8/language/de/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Language: de\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
#. module: email_template
#: code:addons/email_template/email_template.py:365
#, python-format
msgid "%s (copy)"
msgstr "%s (copy)"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Hinzufügen"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,user_signature:0
#: field:email_template.preview,user_signature:0
msgid "Add Signature"
msgstr "Signatur hinzufügen"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Erweiterte Einstellung"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,model_id:0 field:email_template.preview,model_id:0
msgid "Applies to"
msgstr "Gilt für"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,attachment_ids:0
#: field:email_template.preview,attachment_ids:0
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Anhänge"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Author Signature (mass mail only)"
msgstr "Verfassersignatur (nur Massenmail)"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,auto_delete:0
#: field:email_template.preview,auto_delete:0
msgid "Auto Delete"
msgstr "Autom. Löschen"
#. module: email_template
#: view:res.partner:email_template.res_partner_opt_out_search
msgid "Available for mass mailing"
msgstr "Für Massenversand von Mails verfügbar"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,body_html:0 field:email_template.preview,body_html:0
#: field:ir.actions.server,body_html:0
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Hauptteil"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,email_cc:0 help:email_template.preview,email_cc:0
msgid "Carbon copy recipients (placeholders may be used here)"
msgstr "Carbon Copy-Empfänger (Platzhalter können verwendet werden)"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,email_cc:0 field:email_template.preview,email_cc:0
msgid "Cc"
msgstr "CC"
#. module: email_template
#: view:ir.actions.server:email_template.view_server_action_form_template
msgid "Choose a template to display its values."
msgstr "Wählen Sie eine Vorlage zur Platzhalter Anzeige."
#. module: email_template
#: view:email_template.preview:email_template.email_template_preview_form
msgid "Choose an example"
msgstr "Wählen Sie ein Beispiel"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Comma-separated carbon copy recipients addresses"
msgstr "Komma separierte Carbon-Copy Emailempfängerliste"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Comma-separated ids of recipient partners"
msgstr "Komma separierte ID's Liste der Emailempfänger"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,partner_to:0 help:email_template.preview,partner_to:0
msgid ""
"Comma-separated ids of recipient partners (placeholders may be used here)"
msgstr "Kommagetrennte Liste mit ids der verbundenen Partner (Platzhalter müssen eingesetzt werden)."
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Comma-separated recipient addresses"
msgstr "Komma separierte Emailempfängeradressen"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,email_to:0 help:email_template.preview,email_to:0
msgid "Comma-separated recipient addresses (placeholders may be used here)"
msgstr "Komma-getrennte Empfängeradressen (Platzhalter können verwendet werden)"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Content"
msgstr "Inhalt"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Context Action"
msgstr "Kontextaktion"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,create_uid:0 field:email_template.preview,create_uid:0
msgid "Created by"
msgstr "Erstellt durch"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,create_date:0
#: field:email_template.preview,create_date:0
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Erstellt am"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,null_value:0 field:email_template.preview,null_value:0
msgid "Default Value"
msgstr "Standardwert"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,use_default_to:0
#: field:email_template.preview,use_default_to:0
msgid "Default recipients"
msgstr "Standardempfänger"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,use_default_to:0
#: help:email_template.preview,use_default_to:0
msgid ""
"Default recipients of the record:\n"
"- partner (using id on a partner or the partner_id field) OR\n"
"- email (using email_from or email field)"
msgstr "Standardempfänger des Datensatz:\n- Partner (durch Verwendung der Felder id oder partner_id) oder\n- E-Mail (durch Verwendung der Felder email_from oder email)"
#. module: email_template
#: code:addons/email_template/email_template.py:355
#, python-format
msgid "Deletion of the action record failed."
msgstr "Das Löschen des Datensatzes schlug fehl."
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid ""
"Display an option on related documents to open a composition wizard with "
"this template"
msgstr "Anzeige einer Option, einen Assistenten zu finden."
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Dynamic Placeholder Generator"
msgstr "Dynamischer Platzhaltergenerator"
#. module: email_template
#: view:ir.actions.server:email_template.view_server_action_form_template
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-Mail"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Email Configuration"
msgstr "E-Mail Konfiguration"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email_template.preview:email_template.email_template_preview_form
msgid "Email Preview"
msgstr "E-Mail-Vorschau"
#. module: email_template
#: field:ir.actions.server,template_id:0
msgid "Email Template"
msgstr "Vorlage der Email"
#. module: email_template
#: model:ir.model,name:email_template.model_email_template_preview
msgid "Email Template Preview"
msgstr "Email Vorlagevorschau"
#. module: email_template
#: model:ir.model,name:email_template.model_email_template
msgid "Email Templates"
msgstr "E-Mail-Vorlagen"
#. module: email_template
#: model:ir.model,name:email_template.model_mail_compose_message
msgid "Email composition wizard"
msgstr "E-Mail Assistent"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,model_object_field:0
#: field:email_template.preview,model_object_field:0
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Feld"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,copyvalue:0 help:email_template.preview,copyvalue:0
msgid ""
"Final placeholder expression, to be copy-pasted in the desired template "
msgstr "Endgültiger Platzhalterausdruck, der mit copy/paste in das entsprechende Vorlagenfeld kopiert werden muss"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,email_from:0 field:email_template.preview,email_from:0
#: field:ir.actions.server,email_from:0
msgid "From"
msgstr "Von"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.view_email_template_search
msgid "Group by..."
msgstr "Gruppierung..."
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,id:0 field:email_template.preview,id:0
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,user_signature:0
#: help:email_template.preview,user_signature:0
msgid ""
"If checked, the user's signature will be appended to the text version of the"
" message"
msgstr "Wenn aktiviert, wird die Signatur des Benutzers an die Text-Version der Nachricht angehängt"
#. module: email_template
#: help:res.partner,opt_out:0
msgid ""
"If opt-out is checked, this contact has refused to receive emails for mass "
"mailing and marketing campaign. Filter 'Available for Mass Mailing' allows "
"users to filter the partners when performing mass mailing."
msgstr "Wenn opt-out ausgewählt ist, hat dieser Empfänger den Erhalt von Massenmails abgelehnt. Der Filter \"Verfügbar für Massenversand von EMails\" erlaubt es dem Benutzer die Partner entsprechend zu heraus zu filtern."
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,lang:0 field:email_template.preview,lang:0
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Sprache"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,write_uid:0 field:email_template.preview,write_uid:0
msgid "Last Updated by"
msgstr "Zuletzt aktualisiert durch"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,write_date:0 field:email_template.preview,write_date:0
msgid "Last Updated on"
msgstr "Zuletzt aktualisiert am"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.view_email_template_search
msgid "Model"
msgstr "Modul"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,name:0 field:email_template.preview,name:0
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Bezeichn."
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,report_name:0 help:email_template.preview,report_name:0
msgid ""
"Name to use for the generated report file (may contain placeholders)\n"
"The extension can be omitted and will then come from the report type."
msgstr "Name für den erzeugten Report (Platzhalter können verwendet werden).\nDie Endung kann weggelassen werden und wird dann automatisch bestimmt."
#. module: email_template
#: field:res.partner,opt_out:0
msgid "Opt-Out"
msgstr "Opt-Out"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,mail_server_id:0
#: help:email_template.preview,mail_server_id:0
msgid ""
"Optional preferred server for outgoing mails. If not set, the highest "
"priority one will be used."
msgstr "Optional bevorzugter Server für ausgehende E-Mails. Wenn nicht gesetzt, wird der Server mit der höchten Priorität verwendet."
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,report_template:0
#: field:email_template.preview,report_template:0
msgid "Optional report to print and attach"
msgstr "Optionaler zu druckender und anzuhängender Report"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,lang:0 help:email_template.preview,lang:0
msgid ""
"Optional translation language (ISO code) to select when sending out an "
"email. If not set, the english version will be used. This should usually be "
"a placeholder expression that provides the appropriate language, e.g. "
msgstr "Optionale Übersetzung (ISO Code) zur Auswahl beim E-Mailversand. Falls es keinen Eintrag gibt, wird die Englische Version verwendet. Es sollte sich normalerweise um einen Platzhalter Ausdruck handeln, der die passende Sprache enthält, z.B. ${object.partner_id.lang}."
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,null_value:0 help:email_template.preview,null_value:0
msgid "Optional value to use if the target field is empty"
msgstr "Optionaler Wert, wenn das Zielfeld leer ist."
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,mail_server_id:0
#: field:email_template.preview,mail_server_id:0
msgid "Outgoing Mail Server"
msgstr "Postausgangsserver"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Override author's email"
msgstr "Überschreibe die E-Mail des Verfassers"
#. module: email_template
#: model:ir.model,name:email_template.model_res_partner
msgid "Partner"
msgstr "Partner"
#. module: email_template
#: view:res.partner:email_template.res_partner_opt_out_search
msgid "Partners that did not ask not to be included in mass mailing campaigns"
msgstr "Partner, die die Aufnahme in die Massen-E-Mail-Kampagnen nicht erbeten haben"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,auto_delete:0 help:email_template.preview,auto_delete:0
msgid "Permanently delete this email after sending it, to save space"
msgstr "Dauerhaftes Löschen dieser E-Mail nach dem Absenden, um Platz zu sparen"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,copyvalue:0 field:email_template.preview,copyvalue:0
msgid "Placeholder Expression"
msgstr "Platzhalterausdruck"
#. module: email_template
#: view:ir.actions.server:email_template.view_server_action_form_template
msgid "Please set the Base Model before setting the action details."
msgstr "Bitte definieren Sie das base Datenmodell vor weiterer Festlegung von Aktionsdetails."
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Preferred reply address"
msgstr "Bevorzugte Antwortadresse"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,reply_to:0 help:email_template.preview,reply_to:0
msgid "Preferred response address (placeholders may be used here)"
msgstr "Bevorzugte Antwort-Adresse (Platzhalter können verwendet werden)"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Vorschau"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email_template.preview:email_template.email_template_preview_form
msgid "Preview of"
msgstr "Vorschau von"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email_template.preview,partner_ids:0
msgid "Recipients"
msgstr "Empfänger"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,model:0 field:email_template.preview,model:0
msgid "Related Document Model"
msgstr "Zugehöriges Dokumenten-Modell"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Entfernen"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
msgid "Remove the contextual action to use this template on related documents"
msgstr "Entfernen Sie die Aktion, um diese Vorlage für bestimmte Dokumente zu verwenden"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,reply_to:0 field:email_template.preview,reply_to:0
msgid "Reply-To"
msgstr "Antwort an"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,report_name:0
#: field:email_template.preview,report_name:0
msgid "Report Filename"
msgstr "Report Dateiname"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,body_html:0 help:email_template.preview,body_html:0
msgid "Rich-text/HTML version of the message (placeholders may be used here)"
msgstr "Rich-text/HTML Version der Nachricht /Platzhalter können verwendet werden)"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.view_email_template_search
msgid "SMTP Server"
msgstr "Postausgang-Server (SMTP)"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email_template.preview,res_id:0
msgid "Sample Document"
msgstr "Beispieldokument"
#. module: email_template
#: view:mail.compose.message:email_template.email_compose_message_wizard_inherit_form
msgid "Save as a new template"
msgstr "Als neue Vorlage speichern"
#. module: email_template
#: view:mail.compose.message:email_template.email_compose_message_wizard_inherit_form
msgid "Save as new template"
msgstr "Als neue Vorlage speichern"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,model_object_field:0
#: help:email_template.preview,model_object_field:0
msgid ""
"Select target field from the related document model.\n"
"If it is a relationship field you will be able to select a target field at the destination of the relationship."
msgstr "Wählen Sie das Zielfeld des zugehörigen Dokumentenmodells\nWenn es ein relationales Feld ist können Sie dann ein Feld aus der Relation auswählen."
#. module: email_template
#: code:addons/email_template/email_template.py:318
#, python-format
msgid "Send Mail (%s)"
msgstr "Mail (%s) versenden"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,email_from:0 help:email_template.preview,email_from:0
msgid ""
"Sender address (placeholders may be used here). If not set, the default "
"value will be the author's email alias if configured, or email address."
msgstr "Versenderadresse (Platzhalter können eingesetzt werden). Wenn nicht gesetzt, wird des Autors EMail-Alias sofern vorhanden als Vorgabewert eingestellt, ansonsten dessen EMail-Adresse."
#. module: email_template
#: code:addons/email_template/email_template.py:551
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Sender email is missing or empty after template rendering. Specify one to "
"deliver your message"
msgstr "Die E-Mail Adresse des Versenders fehlt oder ist nach der Anwendung einer Vorlage unausgefüllt. Spezifizieren Sie zur Auslieferung einer Nachricht mindestens einen E-Mailversender."
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,ref_ir_value:0
#: field:email_template.preview,ref_ir_value:0
msgid "Sidebar Button"
msgstr "Sidebar-Button"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,ref_ir_act_window:0
#: field:email_template.preview,ref_ir_act_window:0
msgid "Sidebar action"
msgstr "Sidebar-Aktion"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,ref_ir_act_window:0
#: help:email_template.preview,ref_ir_act_window:0
msgid ""
"Sidebar action to make this template available on records of the related "
"document model"
msgstr "Sidebaraktion, um diese Vorlage für alle Datensätze des zugehörigen Datenmodells verfügbar zu machen."
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,ref_ir_value:0
#: help:email_template.preview,ref_ir_value:0
msgid "Sidebar button to open the sidebar action"
msgstr "Sidebar -Button, um eine Sidebar-Aktion zu starten"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,sub_model_object_field:0
#: field:email_template.preview,sub_model_object_field:0
msgid "Sub-field"
msgstr "Untergeordnetes Feld"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,sub_object:0 field:email_template.preview,sub_object:0
msgid "Sub-model"
msgstr "Sub-Modul"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,subject:0 field:email_template.preview,subject:0
#: field:ir.actions.server,subject:0
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Betreff"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
#: help:email.template,subject:0 help:email_template.preview,subject:0
msgid "Subject (placeholders may be used here)"
msgstr "Betreff (Platzhalter können verwendet werden)"
#. module: email_template
#: view:res.partner:email_template.res_partner_opt_out_search
msgid "Suppliers"
msgstr "Lieferanten"
#. module: email_template
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:email_template.wizard_email_template_preview
msgid "Template Preview"
msgstr "Vorlagenvorschau"
#. module: email_template
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_form
#: view:email.template:email_template.email_template_tree
#: view:email.template:email_template.view_email_template_search
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:email_template.action_email_template_tree_all
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:email_template.menu_email_templates
msgid "Templates"
msgstr "Vorlagen"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,model_id:0 help:email_template.preview,model_id:0
msgid "The kind of document with with this template can be used"
msgstr "Dokument, das mit diesem Template genutzt werden kann"
#. module: email_template
#: view:ir.actions.server:email_template.view_server_action_form_template
msgid ""
"The values displayed hereunder are informative. When sending the email, the values\n"
" will be taken from the email template."
msgstr "Die unten stehenden Werte werden zu Informationszwecken dargestellt. Beim Versand einer E-Mail, werden die\n Werte der E-Mailvorlage genommen."
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,email_to:0 field:email_template.preview,email_to:0
#: field:ir.actions.server,email_to:0
msgid "To (Emails)"
msgstr "An (E-Mails)"
#. module: email_template
#: field:email.template,partner_to:0 field:email_template.preview,partner_to:0
#: field:ir.actions.server,partner_to:0
msgid "To (Partners)"
msgstr "An (Partner)"
#. module: email_template
#: view:mail.compose.message:email_template.email_compose_message_wizard_inherit_form
#: field:mail.compose.message,template_id:0
msgid "Use template"
msgstr "Benutze Vorlage"
#. module: email_template
#: code:addons/email_template/email_template.py:355
#, python-format
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Warnung"
#. module: email_template
#: code:addons/email_template/email_template.py:551
#, python-format
msgid "Warning!"
msgstr "Warnung!"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,sub_model_object_field:0
#: help:email_template.preview,sub_model_object_field:0
msgid ""
"When a relationship field is selected as first field, this field lets you "
"select the target field within the destination document model (sub-model)."
msgstr "Wenn eine Relation als erstes Feld gewählt wird, dann können Sie hier das Zielfeld der Relation auswählen (sub-model)"
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,sub_object:0 help:email_template.preview,sub_object:0
msgid ""
"When a relationship field is selected as first field, this field shows the "
"document model the relationship goes to."
msgstr "Wenn eine Relation als erstes Feld verwendet wird, wird der Modellname der Relation angezeigt."
#. module: email_template
#: help:email.template,attachment_ids:0
#: help:email_template.preview,attachment_ids:0
msgid ""
"You may attach files to this template, to be added to all emails created "
"from this template"
msgstr "Sie können Anhänge zu dieser Vorlage hinzufügen, die mit allen E-Mails, basierend auf dieser Vorlage, versandt werden."
#. module: email_template
#: view:ir.actions.server:email_template.view_server_action_form_template
msgid ""
"Your template does not defined any email_from. Please update your template."
msgstr "Ihre Vorlage beinhaltet kein email_from. Bitte aktualisieren Sie Ihre Vorlage."
#. module: email_template
#: view:email_template.preview:email_template.email_template_preview_form
msgid "record:"
msgstr "Datensatz:"