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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp import http, SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp.http import request
from openerp.addons.mass_mailing.controllers.main import MassMailController
from openerp.tools.translate import _
class GroupeURD_Newsletter(http.Controller):
@http.route('/newsletter/html_version_<massmailing_id>', auth='public')
def view_newsletter_html_version(self, massmailing_id):
mass_mailing = http.request.env['mail.mass_mailing'].search([('id','=',massmailing_id)])
return mass_mailing.body_html
##class GroupeURD_MassMailController(MassMailController):
## #Add nicer message on unsubscribe
## @http.route(['/mail/mailing/<int:mailing_id>/unsubscribe'], type='http', auth='none')
## def mailing(self, mailing_id, email=None, res_id=None, **post):
## sup_Controller = super(MassMailController, self)
## basic_result_message = sup_Controller.mailing(mailing_id, email, res_id, **post)
## # part of the method added to have a nicer message
## res_contact = http.request.env['mail.mass_mailing.contact'].search([('id','=',res_id)])
## html_result_message = '<div style="text-align:center">'
## if basic_result_message == 'OK':
## html_result_message += _("The following email address has been successfully unsubscribed from the list")
## html_result_message += ' "%s" : ' % res_contact.list_id.name
## html_result_message += email
## else:
## html_result_message += _("Unable to unsubscribe the following email address from the list")
## html_result_message += ' "%s" : ' % res_contact.list_id.name
## html_result_message += email
## html_result_message += '</div>'
## return html_result_message