Add a direct access from activity calendar and form views to the linked model instance. Bedore this change, it was not possible to access to the model instance linked to an activity from the calendar view nor from the view opened by clicling on the activity into the calendar [IMP] mail_activiy_board: Restrict related_model_instance selection to models supporting mail acitvities Co-Authored-By: Miquel Raïch <miquel.raich@eficent.com>
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# Copyright 2018 David Juaneda - <djuaneda@sdi.es>
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase
class TestMailActivityBoardMethods(TransactionCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestMailActivityBoardMethods, self).setUp()
# Set up activities
# Create a user as 'Crm Salesman' and added few groups
mail_activity_group = self.create_mail_activity_group()
self.employee = self.env["res.users"].create(
"company_id": self.env.ref("base.main_company").id,
"name": "Employee",
"login": "csu",
"email": "crmuser@yourcompany.com",
"groups_id": [
# Create a user who doesn't have access to anything except activities
self.employee2 = self.env["res.users"].create(
"company_id": self.env.ref("base.main_company").id,
"name": "Employee2",
"login": "alien",
"email": "alien@yourcompany.com",
"groups_id": [(6, 0, [mail_activity_group.id])],
# lead_model_id = self.env['ir.model']._get('crm.lead').id
partner_model = self.env["ir.model"]._get("res.partner")
ActivityType = self.env["mail.activity.type"]
self.activity1 = ActivityType.create(
"name": "Initial Contact",
"delay_count": 5,
"delay_unit": "days",
"summary": "ACT 1 : Presentation, barbecue, ... ",
"res_model": partner_model.model,
self.activity2 = ActivityType.create(
"name": "Call for Demo",
"delay_count": 6,
"delay_unit": "days",
"summary": "ACT 2 : I want to show you my ERP !",
"res_model": partner_model.model,
self.activity3 = ActivityType.create(
"name": "Celebrate the sale",
"delay_count": 3,
"delay_unit": "days",
"summary": "ACT 3 : "
"Beers for everyone because I am a good salesman !",
"res_model": partner_model.model,
# I create an opportunity, as employee
self.partner_client = self.env.ref("base.res_partner_1")
# assure there isn't any mail activity yet
self.act1 = (
"activity_type_id": self.activity3.id,
"note": "Partner activity 1.",
"res_id": self.partner_client.id,
"res_model_id": partner_model.id,
"user_id": self.employee.id,
self.act2 = (
"activity_type_id": self.activity2.id,
"note": "Partner activity 2.",
"res_id": self.partner_client.id,
"res_model_id": partner_model.id,
"user_id": self.employee.id,
self.act3 = (
"activity_type_id": self.activity3.id,
"note": "Partner activity 3.",
"res_id": self.partner_client.id,
"res_model_id": partner_model.id,
"user_id": self.employee.id,
def create_mail_activity_group(self):
manager_mail_activity_test_group = self.env["res.groups"].create(
{"name": "group_manager_mail_activity_test"}
mail_activity_model_id = (
.search([("model", "=", "mail.activity")], limit=1)
access = self.env["ir.model.access"].create(
"name": "full_access_mail_activity",
"model_id": mail_activity_model_id.id,
"perm_read": True,
"perm_write": True,
"perm_create": True,
"perm_unlink": True,
access.group_id = manager_mail_activity_test_group
return manager_mail_activity_test_group
def get_view(self, activity):
action = activity.open_origin()
result = self.env[action.get("res_model")].load_views(action.get("views"))
return result.get("fields_views").get(action.get("view_mode"))
def test_open_origin_res_partner(self):
"""This test case checks
- If the method redirects to the form view of the correct one
of an object of the 'res.partner' class to which the activity
# Id of the form view for the class 'crm.lead', type 'lead'
form_view_partner_id = self.env.ref("base.view_partner_form").id
# Id of the form view return open_origin()
view = self.get_view(self.act1)
# Check the next view is correct
self.assertEqual(form_view_partner_id, view.get("view_id"))
# Id of the form view return open_origin()
view = self.get_view(self.act2)
# Check the next view is correct
self.assertEqual(form_view_partner_id, view.get("view_id"))
# Id of the form view return open_origin()
view = self.get_view(self.act3)
# Check the next view is correct
self.assertEqual(form_view_partner_id, view.get("view_id"))
def test_redirect_to_activities(self):
"""This test case checks
- if the method returns the correct action,
- if the correct activities are shown.
action_id = self.env.ref("mail_activity_board.open_boards_activities").id
action = self.partner_client.redirect_to_activities(
**{"id": self.partner_client.id}
self.assertEqual(action.get("id"), action_id)
kwargs = {"groupby": ["activity_type_id"]}
kwargs["domain"] = action.get("domain")
result = self.env[action.get("res_model")].load_views(action.get("views"))
fields = result.get("fields_views").get("kanban").get("fields")
kwargs["fields"] = list(fields.keys())
result = self.env["mail.activity"].read_group(**kwargs)
acts = []
for group in result:
records = self.env["mail.activity"].search_read(
domain=group.get("__domain"), fields=kwargs["fields"]
acts += [record_id.get("id") for record_id in records]
for act in acts:
self.assertIn(act, self.partner_client.activity_ids.ids)
def test_related_model_instance(self):
"""This test case checks the direct access from the activity to the
linked model instance
self.assertEqual(self.act3.related_model_instance, self.partner_client)
self.act3.write({"res_id": False, "res_model": False})