Added settings to customize notification and translations to important parts of the message. [FIX] Security fixes and simplified customization Field `show_followers_partner_format` formatted with %(param)s Removed CSS customizations [FIX] README options [FIX] Index.html configure [FIX] Several changes - Removed unnecesary properties on res_config_settings - Markup safe on partner_format - Use email_domain_extract instead own one
147 lines
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147 lines
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from markupsafe import Markup
from odoo import api, models, tools
class MailMail(models.Model):
_inherit = "mail.mail"
def _build_cc_text(self, partners):
if not partners:
return ""
def get_ctx_param(ctx_key, default_parm):
if ctx_key in self.env.context:
return self.env.context[ctx_key]
return default_parm
def remove_p(markup_txt):
if markup_txt.startswith("<p>") and markup_txt.endswith("</p>"):
return markup_txt[3:-4]
return markup_txt
company = self.env.company
partner_format = get_ctx_param(
"partner_format", company.show_followers_partner_format
msg_sent_to = get_ctx_param(
"msg_sent_to", company.show_followers_message_sent_to
msg_warn = get_ctx_param(
"msg_warn", company.show_followers_message_response_warning
partner_message = ", ".join(
% {
# Supported parameters
"partner_name": p.name,
"partner_email": p.email,
"partner_email_domain": tools.email_domain_extract(p.email),
for p in partners
full_text = """
<div summary='o_mail_notification' style='padding:5px;
margin:10px 0px 10px 0px;font-size:13px;border-radius:5px;
font-family:Arial;border:1px solid #E0E2E6;background-color:#EBEBEB;'>
{msg_sent_to} {partner_message}
rc=msg_warn.striptags() and "<br/>" or "",
msg_warn=msg_warn.striptags() and remove_p(msg_warn) or "",
return full_text
def _send(self, auto_commit=False, raise_exception=False, smtp_session=None):
group_portal = self.env.ref("base.group_portal")
for mail_id in self.ids:
mail = self.browse(mail_id)
# if the email has a model, id and it belongs to the portal group
if mail.model and mail.res_id and group_portal:
obj = self.env[mail.model].browse(mail.res_id)
# those partners are obtained, who do not have a user and
# if they do it must be a portal, we exclude internal
# users of the system.
if hasattr(obj, "message_follower_ids"):
partners_obj = obj.message_follower_ids.mapped("partner_id")
# internal partners
user_partner_ids = (
("active", "in", (True, False)),
("show_in_cc", "=", False),
.filtered(lambda x: group_portal not in x.groups_id)
partners_len = len(
lambda x: x.id not in user_partner_ids
and (
not x.user_ids
or group_portal in x.user_ids.mapped("groups_id")
if partners_len > 1:
# get partners
cc_internal = True
# else get company in object
if hasattr(obj, "company_id") and obj.company_id:
cc_internal = obj.company_id.show_internal_users_cc
# get company in user
elif mail.env and mail.env.user and mail.env.user.company_id:
cc_internal = (
if cc_internal:
partners = partners_obj.filtered(
lambda x: x.id not in user_partner_ids
and (not x.user_ids or x.user_ids.show_in_cc)
partners = partners_obj.filtered(
lambda x: x.id not in user_partner_ids
and (
not x.user_ids
or group_portal in x.user_ids.mapped("groups_id")
partners = partners.filtered(
lambda x: not x.user_ids
or x.user_ids # otherwise, email is not sent
and "email" in x.user_ids.mapped("notification_type")
# set proper lang for recipients
langs = list(
+ [
# get show follower text
final_cc = mail.with_context(
lang=langs and langs[0]
# it is saved in the body_html field so that it does
# not appear in the odoo log
mail.body_html = final_cc + mail.body_html
return super()._send(