This addon extends the unsubscription process for allowing to unsubscribe only for an event. Standard process includes the mail in the general blacklist instead, which can be very unconvenient. This includes also the needed changes in the base module `mass_mailing_custom_unsubscribe`.
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# Copyright 2016 Jairo Llopis <jairo.llopis@tecnativa.com>
# Copyright 2020 Tecnativa - Pedro M. Baeza
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
from odoo import models, tools
from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
from itertools import groupby
class MailMassMailing(models.Model):
_inherit = "mail.mass_mailing"
def update_opt_out(self, email, list_ids, value):
"""Save unsubscription reason when opting out from mailing."""
action = "unsubscription" if value else "subscription"
subscription_model = self.env['mail.mass_mailing.list_contact_rel']
opt_out_records = subscription_model.search([
('contact_id.email', '=ilike', email),
('list_id', 'in', list_ids),
('opt_out', '!=', value),
model_name = 'mail.mass_mailing.contact'
for contact, subscriptions in groupby(opt_out_records,
lambda r: r.contact_id):
mailing_list_ids = [r.list_id.id for r in subscriptions]
# reason_id and details are expected from the context
"email": email,
"mass_mailing_id": self.id,
"unsubscriber_id": "%s,%d" % (model_name, contact.id),
'mailing_list_ids': [(6, False, mailing_list_ids)],
"action": action,
return super().update_opt_out(email, list_ids, value)
def update_opt_out_other(self, email, res_ids, value):
"""Method for changing unsubscription for models with opt_out field."""
model = self.env[self.mailing_model_real].with_context(
action = "unsubscription" if value else "subscription"
if 'opt_out' in model._fields:
email_fname = 'email_from'
if 'email' in model._fields:
email_fname = 'email'
records = model.search([
('id', 'in', res_ids), (email_fname, 'ilike', email)])
records.write({'opt_out': value})
for res_id in res_ids:
"email": email,
"mass_mailing_id": self.id,
"unsubscriber_id": "%s,%d" % (
self.mailing_model_real, res_id),
"action": action,
def _get_opt_out_list(self):
"""Handle models with opt_out field for excluding them."""
model = self.env[self.mailing_model_real].with_context(
if (self.mailing_model_real != "mail.mass_mailing.contact" and
'opt_out' in model._fields):
email_fname = 'email_from'
if 'email' in model._fields:
email_fname = 'email'
domain = safe_eval(self.mailing_domain)
domain = [('opt_out', '=', True)] + domain
recs = self.env[self.mailing_model_real].search(domain)
normalized_email = (
tools.email_split(c[email_fname]) for c in recs)
return set(e[0].lower() for e in normalized_email if e)
return super()._get_opt_out_list()