275 lines
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275 lines
13 KiB
/* Copyright 2016 Jairo Llopis <jairo.llopis@tecnativa.com>
* License LGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl). */
/* This JS module replaces core AJAX submission because it is impossible
* to extend it as it is currently designed. It is almost a copy+paste from
* upstream, to allow easier version/patch updates, so linter is disabled
* and prettier is ignore. */
/* eslint-disable */
// prettier-ignore
odoo.define("mass_mailing_custom_unsubscribe.unsubscribe", function (require) {
"use strict";
var session = require('web.session');
var ajax = require('web.ajax');
var core = require('web.core');
var _t = core._t;
var email = $("input[name='email']").val();
var mailing_id = parseInt($("input[name='mailing_id']").val(), 10);
var res_id = parseInt($("input[name='res_id']").val(), 10);
var token = (location.search.split('token' + '=')[1] || '').split('&')[0];
var $mailing_lists = $("input[name='contact_ids']");
var $reasons = $("#custom_div_feedback");
var $details = $("textarea[name='details']");
var $radio = $(":radio");
var $info_state = $("#info_state, #custom_div_feedback");
if (!$('.o_unsubscribe_form').length) {
return Promise.reject("DOM doesn't contain '.o_unsubscribe_form'");
$radio.on('change click', function (e) {
$(e.target).is('[data-details-required]') && $(e.target).is(':visible')
// Display reasons form only if there are unsubscriptions
var toggle_reasons = function () {
// Find contacts that were checked and now are unchecked
var $disabled = $mailing_lists.filter(function () {
var $this = $(this);
return !$this.prop('checked') && $this.attr('checked');
// Hide reasons form if you are only subscribing
$reasons.toggleClass('d-none', !$disabled.length);
var $radios = $reasons.find(':radio');
if ($reasons.is(':hidden')) {
// Uncheck chosen reason
.prop('checked', false)
// Unrequire specifying a reason
.prop('required', false)
// Remove possible constraints for details
// Clear textarea
} else {
// Require specifying a reason
$radios.prop('required', true);
$mailing_lists.change(function (e) {
session.load_translations().then(function () {
if (email != '' && email != undefined){
ajax.jsonRpc('/mailing/blacklist/check', 'call', {'email': email, 'mailing_id': mailing_id, 'res_id': res_id, 'token': token})
.then(function (result) {
if (result == 'unauthorized'){
else if (result == true) {
else if (result == false) {
else {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('An error occurred. Please try again later or contact us.'));
.guardedCatch(function () {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('An error occurred. Please try again later or contact us.'));
else {
var unsubscribed_list = $("input[name='unsubscribed_list']").val();
if (unsubscribed_list){
_t("You have been <strong>successfully unsubscribed from %s</strong>."),
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('You have been <strong>successfully unsubscribed</strong>.'));
$('#unsubscribe_form').on('submit', function (e) {
var checked_ids = [];
$("input[type='checkbox']:checked").each(function (i) {
checked_ids[i] = parseInt($(this).val(), 10);
var unchecked_ids = [];
$("input[type='checkbox']:not(:checked)").each(function (i) {
unchecked_ids[i] = parseInt($(this).val(), 10);
var values = {
opt_in_ids: checked_ids,
opt_out_ids: unchecked_ids,
email: email,
mailing_id: mailing_id,
res_id: res_id,
token: token,
// Only send reason and details if an unsubscription was found
if ($reasons.is(':visible')) {
values.reason_id = parseInt(
$reasons.find("[name='reason_id']:checked").val(), 10
values.details = $details.val();
ajax.jsonRpc('/mail/mailing/unsubscribe', 'call', values)
.then(function (result) {
if (result == 'unauthorized'){
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('You are not authorized to do this!'));
else if (result == true) {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('Your changes have been saved.'));
// Store checked status, to enable further changes
$mailing_lists.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
$this.attr('checked', $this.prop('checked'));
else {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('An error occurred. Your changes have not been saved, try again later.'));
.guardedCatch(function () {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('An error occurred. Your changes have not been saved, try again later.'));
// ==================
// Blacklist
// ==================
$('#button_add_blacklist').click(function (e) {
if ($reasons.is(':hidden')) {
$reasons.toggleClass('d-none', false);
$reasons.find(':radio').prop('required', true);
if (!$('#unsubscribe_form')[0].reportValidity()) {
ajax.jsonRpc('/mailing/blacklist/add', 'call', {'email': email, 'mailing_id': mailing_id, 'res_id': res_id, 'token': token,
'reason_id': parseInt($reasons.find("[name='reason_id']:checked").val(), 10),
'details': $details.val(),
.then(function (result) {
if (result == 'unauthorized'){
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('You are not authorized to do this!'));
if (result) {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('You have been successfully <strong>added to our blacklist</strong>. '
+ 'You will not be contacted anymore by our services.'));
// set mailing lists checkboxes to previous state
$mailing_lists.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
$this.prop('checked', $(this)[0].hasAttribute('checked'));
// Hide reasons and reset reason fields
$reasons.toggleClass('d-none', true).find(':radio').prop('checked', false);
$details.val('').prop('required', false);
else {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('An error occurred. Please try again later or contact us.'));
.guardedCatch(function () {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('An error occured. Please try again later or contact us.'));
$('#button_remove_blacklist').click(function (e) {
ajax.jsonRpc('/mailing/blacklist/remove', 'call', {'email': email, 'mailing_id': mailing_id, 'res_id': res_id, 'token': token})
.then(function (result) {
if (result == 'unauthorized'){
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('You are not authorized to do this!'));
if (result) {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t("You have been successfully <strong>removed from our blacklist</strong>. "
+ "You are now able to be contacted by our services."));
else {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('An error occured. Please try again later or contact us.'));
.guardedCatch(function () {
$('#subscription_info').html(_t('An error occured. Please try again later or contact us.'));
// prettier-ignore
function toggle_opt_out_section(value) {
var result = !value;
$("#button_add_blacklist").attr('disabled', false);
$("#button_remove_blacklist").attr('disabled', false);
if (value) { $('[name="button_subscription"]').addClass('clickable'); }
else { $('[name="button_subscription"]').removeClass('clickable'); }