The user couldn't see the proper count of his own activities. It was allways showing the team activities counter. TT35885
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# Copyright 2018-22 ForgeFlow S.L.
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
from odoo import SUPERUSER_ID, _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class MailActivity(models.Model):
_inherit = "mail.activity"
def _get_default_team_id(self, user_id=None):
if not user_id:
user_id = self.env.uid
res_model = self.env.context.get("default_res_model")
model = self.sudo().env["ir.model"].search([("model", "=", res_model)], limit=1)
domain = [("member_ids", "in", [user_id])]
if res_model:
["|", ("res_model_ids", "=", False), ("res_model_ids", "in", model.ids)]
return self.env["mail.activity.team"].search(domain, limit=1)
user_id = fields.Many2one(required=False)
team_user_id = fields.Many2one(related="user_id", readonly=False)
team_id = fields.Many2one(
comodel_name="mail.activity.team", default=lambda s: s._get_default_team_id()
def _onchange_user_id(self):
if not self.user_id or (
self.team_id and self.user_id in self.team_id.member_ids
self.team_id = self.with_context(
def _onchange_team_id(self):
if self.team_id and self.user_id not in self.team_id.member_ids:
if self.team_id.user_id:
self.user_id = self.team_id.user_id
elif len(self.team_id.member_ids) == 1:
self.user_id = self.team_id.member_ids
self.user_id = self.env["res.users"]
@api.constrains("team_id", "user_id")
def _check_team_and_user(self):
for activity in self:
# SUPERUSER is used to put mail.activity on some objects
# like sale.order coming from stock.picking
# (for example with exception type activity, with no backorder).
# SUPERUSER is inactive and then even if you add it
# to member_ids it's not taken account
# To not be blocked we must add it to constraint condition.
# We must consider also users that could be archived but come from
# an automatic scheduled activity
if (
activity.user_id.id != SUPERUSER_ID
and activity.team_id
and activity.user_id
and activity.user_id
not in activity.team_id.with_context(active_test=False).member_ids
raise ValidationError(
"The assigned user %(user_name)s is "
"not member of the team %(team_name)s.",
def _onchange_activity_type_id(self):
res = super(MailActivity, self)._onchange_activity_type_id()
if self.activity_type_id.default_team_id:
self.team_id = self.activity_type_id.default_team_id
members = self.activity_type_id.default_team_id.member_ids
if self.user_id not in members and members:
self.user_id = members[:1]
return res