Katherine Zaoral 573181bcea [ADD] mail_tracking_mailgun: manage failed state from mailgun
This change let odoo process a state sent from mailgun legacy webhooks
that seems to apply when the message is not sent because the related
email has been mark us as spam or have bounced before. For solve this
add two new states to _mailgun_event_type_mapping_mailgun_event_type_mapping

* failed: Mailgun could not deliver the email to the recipient email server
* rejected: Mailgun rejected the request to send/forward the email

source in
2022-05-17 17:16:14 -03:00

259 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Tecnativa - Antonio Espinosa
# Copyright 2017 Tecnativa - David Vidal
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import hashlib
import hmac
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from import email_split
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailTrackingEmail(models.Model):
_inherit = ""
def _country_search(self, country_code):
country = False
if country_code:
country = self.env[''].search([
('code', '=', country_code.upper()),
if country:
return False
def _mailgun_mandatory_fields(self):
return ('event', 'timestamp', 'token', 'signature',
'tracking_email_id', 'odoo_db')
def _mailgun_event_type_mapping(self):
return {
# Mailgun event type: tracking event type
'delivered': 'delivered',
'opened': 'open',
'clicked': 'click',
'unsubscribed': 'unsub',
'complained': 'spam',
'bounced': 'hard_bounce',
'dropped': 'reject',
'accepted': 'sent',
'failed': 'error',
'rejected': 'error',
def _mailgun_event_type_verify(self, event):
event = event or {}
mailgun_event_type = event.get('event')
if mailgun_event_type not in self._mailgun_event_type_mapping:
_logger.error("Mailgun: event type '%s' not supported",
return False
# OK, event type is valid
return True
def _mailgun_signature(self, api_key, timestamp, token):
key=bytes(api_key, 'utf-8'),
msg=bytes('{}{}'.format(str(timestamp), str(token)), 'utf-8'),
def _mailgun_values(self):
icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
api_key = icp.get_param('mailgun.apikey')
if not api_key:
raise ValidationError(_('There is no Mailgun API key!'))
api_url = icp.get_param(
'mailgun.api_url', '')
catchall_domain = icp.get_param('mail.catchall.domain')
domain = icp.get_param('mailgun.domain', catchall_domain)
if not domain:
raise ValidationError(_('A Mailgun domain value is needed!'))
validation_key = icp.get_param('mailgun.validation_key')
return api_key, api_url, domain, validation_key
def _mailgun_signature_verify(self, event):
event = event or {}
icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
api_key = icp.get_param('mailgun.apikey')
if not api_key:
_logger.warning("No Mailgun api key configured. "
"Please add 'mailgun.apikey' to System parameters "
"to enable Mailgun authentication webhoook "
"requests. More info at: "
timestamp = event.get('timestamp')
token = event.get('token')
signature = event.get('signature')
event_digest = self._mailgun_signature(api_key, timestamp, token)
if signature != event_digest:
_logger.error("Mailgun: Invalid signature '%s' != '%s'",
signature, event_digest)
return False
# OK, signature is valid
return True
def _db_verify(self, event):
event = event or {}
odoo_db = event.get('odoo_db')
current_db =
if odoo_db != current_db:
_logger.error("Mailgun: Database '%s' is not the current database",
return False
# OK, DB is current
return True
def _mailgun_metadata(self, mailgun_event_type, event, metadata):
# Get Mailgun timestamp when found
ts = event.get('timestamp', False)
ts = float(ts)
except Exception:
ts = False
if ts:
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
'timestamp': ts,
'time': fields.Datetime.to_string(dt),
'date': fields.Date.to_string(dt),
'mailgun_id': event.get('id', False)
# Common field mapping
mapping = {
'recipient': 'recipient',
'ip': 'ip',
'user_agent': 'user-agent',
'os_family': 'client-os',
'ua_family': 'client-name',
'ua_type': 'client-type',
'url': 'url',
for k, v in mapping.items():
if event.get(v, False):
metadata[k] = event[v]
# Special field mapping
'mobile': event.get('device-type') in {'mobile', 'tablet'},
'user_country_id': self._country_search(
event.get('country', False)),
# Mapping for special events
if mailgun_event_type == 'bounced':
'error_type': event.get('code', False),
'error_description': event.get('error', False),
'error_details': event.get('notification', False),
elif mailgun_event_type == 'dropped':
'error_type': event.get('reason', False),
'error_description': event.get('code', False),
'error_details': event.get('description', False),
elif mailgun_event_type == 'complained':
'error_type': 'spam',
"Recipient '%s' mark this email as spam" %
event.get('recipient', False),
return metadata
def _mailgun_tracking_get(self, event):
tracking = False
tracking_email_id = event.get('tracking_email_id', False)
if tracking_email_id and tracking_email_id.isdigit():
tracking =[('id', '=', tracking_email_id)], limit=1)
return tracking
def _event_is_from_mailgun(self, event):
event = event or {}
return all([k in event for k in self._mailgun_mandatory_fields])
def event_process(self, request, post, metadata, event_type=None):
res = super(MailTrackingEmail, self).event_process(
request, post, metadata, event_type=event_type)
if res == 'NONE' and self._event_is_from_mailgun(post):
if not self._mailgun_signature_verify(post):
res = 'ERROR: Signature'
elif not self._mailgun_event_type_verify(post):
res = 'ERROR: Event type not supported'
elif not self._db_verify(post):
res = 'ERROR: Invalid DB'
res = 'OK'
if res == 'OK':
mailgun_event_type = post.get('event')
mapped_event_type = self._mailgun_event_type_mapping.get(
mailgun_event_type) or event_type
if not mapped_event_type: # pragma: no cover
res = 'ERROR: Bad event'
tracking = self._mailgun_tracking_get(post)
if not tracking:
res = 'ERROR: Tracking not found'
if res == 'OK':
# Complete metadata with mailgun event info
metadata = self._mailgun_metadata(
mailgun_event_type, post, metadata)
# Create event
tracking.event_create(mapped_event_type, metadata)
if res != 'NONE':
if event_type:
"Mailgun: event '%s' process '%s'", event_type, res)
else:"Mailgun: event process '%s'", res)
return res
def action_manual_check_mailgun(self):
Manual check against Mailgun API
API Documentation:
api_key, api_url, domain, validation_key = self._mailgun_values()
for tracking in self:
if not tracking.mail_message_id:
raise UserError(_('There is no tracked message!'))
message_id = tracking.mail_message_id.message_id.replace(
"<", "").replace(">", "")
res = requests.get(
'%s/%s/events' % (api_url, domain),
auth=("api", api_key),
"begin": tracking.timestamp,
"ascending": "yes",
"message-id": message_id,
if not res or res.status_code != 200:
raise ValidationError(_(
"Couldn't retrieve Mailgun information"))
content = res.json()
if "items" not in content:
raise ValidationError(_("Event information not longer stored"))
for item in content["items"]:
# mailgun event hasn't been synced and recipient is the same as
# in the evaluated tracking. We use email_split since tracking
# recipient could come in format: "example" <>
if not self.env['mail.tracking.event'].search(
[('mailgun_id', '=', item["id"])]) and (
item.get("recipient", "") ==
mapped_event_type = self._mailgun_event_type_mapping.get(
item["event"], item["event"])
metadata = self._mailgun_metadata(
mapped_event_type, item, {})
tracking.event_create(mapped_event_type, metadata)