
257 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Tecnativa - Antonio Espinosa
# Copyright 2017 Tecnativa - David Vidal
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import hashlib
import hmac
import requests
from datetime import datetime
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from import email_split
import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MailTrackingEmail(models.Model):
_inherit = ""
def _country_search(self, country_code):
country = False
if country_code:
country = self.env[''].search([
('code', '=', country_code.upper()),
if country:
return False
def _mailgun_mandatory_fields(self):
return ('event', 'timestamp', 'token', 'signature',
'tracking_email_id', 'odoo_db')
def _mailgun_event_type_mapping(self):
return {
# Mailgun event type: tracking event type
'delivered': 'delivered',
'opened': 'open',
'clicked': 'click',
'unsubscribed': 'unsub',
'complained': 'spam',
'bounced': 'hard_bounce',
'dropped': 'reject',
'accepted': 'sent',
def _mailgun_event_type_verify(self, event):
event = event or {}
mailgun_event_type = event.get('event')
if mailgun_event_type not in self._mailgun_event_type_mapping:
_logger.error("Mailgun: event type '%s' not supported",
return False
# OK, event type is valid
return True
def _mailgun_signature(self, api_key, timestamp, token):
key=bytes(api_key, 'utf-8'),
msg=bytes('{}{}'.format(str(timestamp), str(token)), 'utf-8'),
def _mailgun_values(self):
icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
api_key = icp.get_param('mailgun.apikey')
if not api_key:
raise ValidationError(_('There is no Mailgun API key!'))
api_url = icp.get_param(
'mailgun.api_url', '')
catchall_domain = icp.get_param('mail.catchall.domain')
domain = icp.get_param('mailgun.domain', catchall_domain)
if not domain:
raise ValidationError(_('A Mailgun domain value is needed!'))
validation_key = icp.get_param('mailgun.validation_key')
return api_key, api_url, domain, validation_key
def _mailgun_signature_verify(self, event):
event = event or {}
icp = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo()
api_key = icp.get_param('mailgun.apikey')
if not api_key:
_logger.warning("No Mailgun api key configured. "
"Please add 'mailgun.apikey' to System parameters "
"to enable Mailgun authentication webhoook "
"requests. More info at: "
timestamp = event.get('timestamp')
token = event.get('token')
signature = event.get('signature')
event_digest = self._mailgun_signature(api_key, timestamp, token)
if signature != event_digest:
_logger.error("Mailgun: Invalid signature '%s' != '%s'",
signature, event_digest)
return False
# OK, signature is valid
return True
def _db_verify(self, event):
event = event or {}
odoo_db = event.get('odoo_db')
current_db =
if odoo_db != current_db:
_logger.error("Mailgun: Database '%s' is not the current database",
return False
# OK, DB is current
return True
def _mailgun_metadata(self, mailgun_event_type, event, metadata):
# Get Mailgun timestamp when found
ts = event.get('timestamp', False)
ts = float(ts)
except Exception:
ts = False
if ts:
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
'timestamp': ts,
'time': fields.Datetime.to_string(dt),
'date': fields.Date.to_string(dt),
'mailgun_id': event.get('id', False)
# Common field mapping
mapping = {
'recipient': 'recipient',
'ip': 'ip',
'user_agent': 'user-agent',
'os_family': 'client-os',
'ua_family': 'client-name',
'ua_type': 'client-type',
'url': 'url',
for k, v in mapping.items():
if event.get(v, False):
metadata[k] = event[v]
# Special field mapping
'mobile': event.get('device-type') in {'mobile', 'tablet'},
'user_country_id': self._country_search(
event.get('country', False)),
# Mapping for special events
if mailgun_event_type == 'bounced':
'error_type': event.get('code', False),
'error_description': event.get('error', False),
'error_details': event.get('notification', False),
elif mailgun_event_type == 'dropped':
'error_type': event.get('reason', False),
'error_description': event.get('code', False),
'error_details': event.get('description', False),
elif mailgun_event_type == 'complained':
'error_type': 'spam',
"Recipient '%s' mark this email as spam" %
event.get('recipient', False),
return metadata
def _mailgun_tracking_get(self, event):
tracking = False
tracking_email_id = event.get('tracking_email_id', False)
if tracking_email_id and tracking_email_id.isdigit():
tracking =[('id', '=', tracking_email_id)], limit=1)
return tracking
def _event_is_from_mailgun(self, event):
event = event or {}
return all([k in event for k in self._mailgun_mandatory_fields])
def event_process(self, request, post, metadata, event_type=None):
res = super(MailTrackingEmail, self).event_process(
request, post, metadata, event_type=event_type)
if res == 'NONE' and self._event_is_from_mailgun(post):
if not self._mailgun_signature_verify(post):
res = 'ERROR: Signature'
elif not self._mailgun_event_type_verify(post):
res = 'ERROR: Event type not supported'
elif not self._db_verify(post):
res = 'ERROR: Invalid DB'
res = 'OK'
if res == 'OK':
mailgun_event_type = post.get('event')
mapped_event_type = self._mailgun_event_type_mapping.get(
mailgun_event_type) or event_type
if not mapped_event_type: # pragma: no cover
res = 'ERROR: Bad event'
tracking = self._mailgun_tracking_get(post)
if not tracking:
res = 'ERROR: Tracking not found'
if res == 'OK':
# Complete metadata with mailgun event info
metadata = self._mailgun_metadata(
mailgun_event_type, post, metadata)
# Create event
tracking.event_create(mapped_event_type, metadata)
if res != 'NONE':
if event_type:
"Mailgun: event '%s' process '%s'", event_type, res)
else:"Mailgun: event process '%s'", res)
return res
def action_manual_check_mailgun(self):
Manual check against Mailgun API
API Documentation:
api_key, api_url, domain, validation_key = self._mailgun_values()
for tracking in self:
if not tracking.mail_message_id:
raise UserError(_('There is no tracked message!'))
message_id = tracking.mail_message_id.message_id.replace(
"<", "").replace(">", "")
res = requests.get(
'%s/%s/events' % (api_url, domain),
auth=("api", api_key),
"begin": tracking.timestamp,
"ascending": "yes",
"message-id": message_id,
if not res or res.status_code != 200:
raise ValidationError(_(
"Couldn't retrieve Mailgun information"))
content = res.json()
if "items" not in content:
raise ValidationError(_("Event information not longer stored"))
for item in content["items"]:
# mailgun event hasn't been synced and recipient is the same as
# in the evaluated tracking. We use email_split since tracking
# recipient could come in format: "example" <>
if not self.env['mail.tracking.event'].search(
[('mailgun_id', '=', item["id"])]) and (
item.get("recipient", "") ==
mapped_event_type = self._mailgun_event_type_mapping.get(
item["event"], item["event"])
metadata = self._mailgun_metadata(
mapped_event_type, item, {})
tracking.event_create(mapped_event_type, metadata)