.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/licence-AGPL--3-blue.svg :target: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl :alt: License: AGPL-3 ================== Mail Show Follower ================== This module extends the functionality of mailing to show the document followers in head of the mails. In the cc, only appear when: #. The followers only count if are contacts or external users (Inner Followers will be discriminated) #. The number of followers are more than 1. Installation ============ To install this module, you need to: #. Only install. Configuration ============= To configure this module, you need to: #. Go General settings/Discuss/Show Internal Users CC and set if want to show or not internal users in cc details. #. Go Settings/Users & Company salect any user in 'Preferences' check or not the 'Show in CC' field if this user need to appear in the cc note. Usage ===== To use this module, you need to: #. Send an email from any document of odoo. ROADMAP ======= * ... Bug Tracker =========== Bugs and errors are managed in `issues of GitHub `_. In case of problems, please check if your problem has already been reported. If you are the first to discover it, help us solving it by indicating a detailed description `here `_. Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues. Credits ======= Authors ~~~~~~~ * Sygel, Odoo Community Association (OCA) Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Valentin Vinagre Maintainer ~~~~~~~~~~ This module is maintained by Sygel. This module is part of the `Sygel/sy-server-backend `_. To contribute to this module, please visit https://github.com/sygel-technology.