# Copyright 2019 O4SB - Graeme Gellatly # Copyright 2019 Tecnativa - Ernesto Tejeda # Copyright 2020 Onestein - Andrea Stirpe # Copyright 2021 Tecnativa - João Marques # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import re from lxml import etree, html from odoo import api, models class MailRenderMixin(models.AbstractModel): _inherit = "mail.render.mixin" def remove_href_odoo( self, value, remove_parent=True, remove_before=False, to_keep=None ): if len(value) < 20: return value # value can be bytes type; ensure we get a proper string if type(value) is bytes: value = value.decode() has_odoo_link = re.search(r"<a\s(.*)odoo\.com", value, flags=re.IGNORECASE) if has_odoo_link: # We don't want to change what was explicitly added in the message body, # so we will only change what is before and after it. if to_keep: value = value.replace(to_keep, "<body_msg></body_msg>") tree = html.fromstring(value) odoo_anchors = tree.xpath('//a[contains(@href,"odoo.com")]') for elem in odoo_anchors: parent = elem.getparent() previous = elem.getprevious() if remove_before and not remove_parent and previous is not None: # remove 'using' that is before <a and after </span> previous.tail = "" if remove_parent and len(parent.getparent()): # anchor <a href odoo has a parent powered by that must be removed parent.getparent().remove(parent) else: if parent.tag == "td": # also here can be powered by parent.getparent().remove(parent) else: parent.remove(elem) value = etree.tostring( tree, pretty_print=True, method="html", encoding="unicode" ) if to_keep: value = value.replace("<body_msg></body_msg>", to_keep) return value @api.model def _render_template( self, template_src, model, res_ids, engine="qweb_view", add_context=None, options=None, post_process=False, ): """replace anything that is with odoo in templates if is a <a that contains odoo will delete it completely original: Render the given string on records designed by model / res_ids using the given rendering engine. :param str template_src: template text to render (jinja) or (qweb) this could be cleaned but hey, we are in a rush :param str model: model name of records on which we want to perform rendering :param list res_ids: list of ids of records (all belonging to same model) :param string engine: jinja :param post_process: perform rendered str / html post processing (see ``_render_template_postprocess``) :return dict: {res_id: string of rendered template based on record}""" orginal_rendered = super()._render_template( template_src, model, res_ids, engine=engine, add_context=add_context, post_process=post_process, ) for key in res_ids: orginal_rendered[key] = self.remove_href_odoo(orginal_rendered[key]) return orginal_rendered def _replace_local_links(self, html, base_url=None): message = super()._replace_local_links(html) message = re.sub( r"""(Powered by\s(.*)Odoo</a>)""", "<div> </div>", message ) return message