[IMP] mail_tracking_mailgun: validation auto check
- Configurable partner email auto check.
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ parameters:
validity you must config this parameter with your account Public Validation
You can also config partner email autocheck with this system parameter:
- `mailgun.auto_check_partner_email`: Set it to True.
@ -242,10 +242,10 @@ class MailTrackingEmail(models.Model):
if "items" not in content:
raise ValidationError(_("Event information not longer stored"))
for item in content["items"]:
if not self.env['mail.tracking.event'].search(
# mailgun event hasn't been synced and recipient is the same as
# in the evaluated tracking. We use email_split since tracking
# recipient could come in format: "example" <to@dest.com>
if not self.env['mail.tracking.event'].search(
[('mailgun_id', '=', item["id"])]) and (
item.get("recipient", "") ==
@ -254,59 +254,3 @@ class MailTrackingEmail(models.Model):
metadata = self._mailgun_metadata(
mapped_event_type, item, {})
tracking.event_create(mapped_event_type, metadata)
def check_email_list_validity(self, email_list):
Checks email list validity with Mailgun's API
API documentation:
api_key, api_url, domain, validation_key = self.env[
if not validation_key:
raise UserError(_('You need to configure mailgun.validation_key'
' in order to be able to check mails validity'))
result = {}
for email in email_list:
res = requests.get(
"%s/address/validate" % api_url,
auth=("api", validation_key), params={
"address": email,
"mailbox_verification": True,
if not res or res.status_code != 200:
result[email] = {'result': (_(
'Error %s trying to '
'check mail' % res.status_code or 'of connection'))}
content = json.loads(res.content, res.apparent_encoding)
if 'mailbox_verification' not in content:
result[email] = {'result': (
_("Mailgun Error. Mailbox verification value wasn't"
" returned"))}
# Not a valid address: API sets 'is_valid' as False
# and 'mailbox_verification' as None
if not content['is_valid']:
result[email] = {'result': (
_('%s is not a valid email address. Please check it '
'in order to avoid sending issues') % (email))}
# If the mailbox is not valid API returns 'mailbox_verification'
# as a string with value 'false'
if content['mailbox_verification'] == 'false':
result[email] = {'result': (
_('%s failed the mailbox verification. Please check it '
'in order to avoid sending issues') % (email))}
# If Mailgun can't complete the validation request the API returns
# 'mailbox_verification' as a string set to 'unknown'
if content['mailbox_verification'] == 'unknown':
result[email] = {'result': (
_("%s couldn't be verified. Either the request couln't be "
"completed or the mailbox provider doesn't support "
"email verification") % (email))}
result[email] = {'result': _("The mailbox is correct")}
return result
@ -45,19 +45,21 @@ class ResPartner(models.Model):
if not validation_key:
raise UserError(_('You need to configure mailgun.validation_key'
' in order to be able to check mails validity'))
for partner in self:
for partner in self.filtered('email'):
res = requests.get(
"%s/address/validate" % api_url,
auth=("api", validation_key), params={
"address": partner.email,
"mailbox_verification": True,
if not res or res.status_code != 200:
if not res or res.status_code != 200 and not self.env.context.get(
raise UserError(_(
'Error %s trying to '
'check mail' % res.status_code or 'of connection'))
content = json.loads(res.content, res.apparent_encoding)
if 'mailbox_verification' not in content:
if not self.env.context.get('mailgun_auto_check'):
raise UserError(
_("Mailgun Error. Mailbox verification value wasn't"
" returned"))
@ -65,23 +67,28 @@ class ResPartner(models.Model):
# and 'mailbox_verification' as None
if not content['is_valid']:
partner.email_bounced = True
raise UserError(
_('%s is not a valid email address. Please check it '
'in order to avoid sending issues') % (partner.email))
body = _('%s is not a valid email address. Please check it'
' in order to avoid sending issues') % partner.email
if not self.env.context.get('mailgun_auto_check'):
raise UserError(body)
# If the mailbox is not valid API returns 'mailbox_verification'
# as a string with value 'false'
if content['mailbox_verification'] == 'false':
partner.email_bounced = True
raise UserError(
_('%s failed the mailbox verification. Please check it '
'in order to avoid sending issues') % (partner.email))
body = _('%s failed the mailbox verification. Please check it'
' in order to avoid sending issues') % partner.email
if not self.env.context.get('mailgun_auto_check'):
raise UserError(body)
# If Mailgun can't complete the validation request the API returns
# 'mailbox_verification' as a string set to 'unknown'
if content['mailbox_verification'] == 'unknown':
if not self.env.context.get('mailgun_auto_check'):
raise UserError(
_("%s couldn't be verified. Either the request couln't be "
"completed or the mailbox provider doesn't support "
"email verification") % (partner.email))
_("%s couldn't be verified. Either the request couln't"
" be completed or the mailbox provider doesn't "
"support email verification") % (partner.email))
def check_email_bounced(self):
@ -133,3 +140,21 @@ class ResPartner(models.Model):
auth=("api", api_key))
if res.status_code in (200, 404) and partner.email_bounced:
partner.email_bounced = False
def _autocheck_partner_email(self):
for partner in self:
def create(self, vals):
if 'email' in vals and self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(
return super(ResPartner, self).create(vals)
def write(self, vals):
if 'email' in vals and self.env['ir.config_parameter'].get_param(
return super(ResPartner, self).write(vals)
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ class TestMailgun(TransactionCase):
'mail.catchall.domain', self.domain)
'mailgun.validation_key', self.api_key)
'mailgun.auto_check_partner_email', '')
self.event = {
'Message-Id': u'<xxx.xxx.xxx-openerp-xxx-res.partner@test_db>',
'X-Mailgun-Sid': u'WyIwNjgxZSIsICJ0b0BleGFtcGxlLmNvbSIsICI3MG'
@ -332,14 +334,16 @@ class TestMailgun(TransactionCase):
@mock.patch(_packagepath + '.models.res_partner.requests')
def test_email_validity(self, mock_request):
self.partner.email_bounced = False
self.partner.email = 'info@tecnativa.com'
mock_request.get.return_value.apparent_encoding = 'ascii'
mock_request.get.return_value.status_code = 200
mock_request.get.return_value.content = json.dumps({
'is_valid': True,
'mailbox_verification': 'true',
}, ensure_ascii=True)
# Trigger email auto validation in partner
'mailgun.auto_check_partner_email', 'True')
self.partner.email = 'info@tecnativa.com'
self.partner.email = 'xoxoxoxo@tecnativa.com'
# Not a valid mailbox
Reference in New Issue
Block a user