Python Class AST expects a body which is a list of ast.Expr. Force every entry to be stored as a statement. This means we'll preserve print statements. Python also doesn't construct docstrings in classes by setting a __doc__ attribute, it does it by inspecting the first ast.Expr node of the class. But this means we can remove the special handler for it.
141 lines
3.2 KiB
141 lines
3.2 KiB
;; Copyright 2018 the authors.
;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
;; license. See the LICENSE.
(defn test-defclass []
"NATIVE: test defclass simple mechanism"
(defclass A)
(assert (isinstance (A) A)))
(defn test-defclass-inheritance []
"NATIVE: test defclass inheritance"
(defclass A [])
(assert (isinstance (A) object))
(defclass A [object])
(assert (isinstance (A) object))
(defclass B [A])
(assert (isinstance (B) A))
(defclass C [object])
(defclass D [B C])
(assert (isinstance (D) A))
(assert (isinstance (D) B))
(assert (isinstance (D) C))
(assert (not (isinstance (A) D))))
(defn test-defclass-attrs []
"NATIVE: test defclass attributes"
(defclass A []
[x 42])
(assert (= A.x 42))
(assert (= (getattr (A) "x") 42)))
(defn test-defclass-attrs-fn []
"NATIVE: test defclass attributes with fn"
(defclass B []
[x 42
y (fn [self value]
(+ self.x value))])
(assert (= B.x 42))
(assert (= (.y (B) 5) 47))
(setv b (B))
(setv B.x 0)
(assert (= (.y b 1) 1)))
(defn test-defclass-dynamic-inheritance []
"NATIVE: test defclass with dynamic inheritance"
(defclass A [((fn [] (if True list dict)))]
[x 42])
(assert (isinstance (A) list))
(defclass A [((fn [] (if False list dict)))]
[x 42])
(assert (isinstance (A) dict)))
(defn test-defclass-no-fn-leak []
"NATIVE: test defclass attributes with fn"
(defclass A []
[x (fn [] 1)])
(assert False))
(except [NameError])))
(defn test-defclass-docstring []
"NATIVE: test defclass docstring"
(defclass A []
[--doc-- "doc string"
x 1])
(setv a (A))
(assert (= a.__doc__ "doc string"))
(defclass B []
"doc string"
[x 1])
(setv b (B))
(assert (= b.x 1))
(assert (= b.__doc__ "doc string"))
(defclass MultiLine []
"begin a very long multi-line string to make
sure that it comes out the way we hope
and can span 3 lines end."
[x 1])
(setv mL (MultiLine))
(assert (= mL.x 1))
(assert (in "begin" mL.__doc__))
(assert (in "end" mL.__doc__)))
(defn test-defclass-macroexpand []
"NATIVE: test defclass with macro expand"
(defmacro M [] `(defn x [self x] (setv self._x x)))
(defclass A [] (M))
(setv a (A))
(a.x 1)
(assert (= a._x 1)))
(defn test-defclass-syntax []
"NATIVE: test defclass syntax with properties and methods and side-effects"
(setv foo 1)
(defclass A []
[x 1
y 2]
(global foo)
(setv foo 2)
(defn greet [self]
"Greet the caller"
(setv a (A))
(assert (= a.x 1))
(assert (= a.y 2))
(assert foo 2)
(assert (.greet a) "hello"))
(defn test-defclass-implicit-none-for-init []
"NATIVE: test that defclass adds an implicit None to --init--"
(defclass A []
[--init-- (fn [self] (setv self.x 1) 42)])
(defclass B []
(defn --init-- [self]
(setv self.x 2)
(setv a (A))
(setv b (B))
(assert (= a.x 1))
(assert (= b.x 2)))
(defn test-class-sideeffects []
"NATIVE: test that defclass runs all expressions"
(defn set-sentinel []
(setv set-sentinel.set True))
(setv set-sentinel.set False)
(defclass A []
(assert set-sentinel.set))