Zack M. Davis 0dbf2126cf adds support for Python 3.5 infix matrix multiplication
Python 3.5 will have a new commercial-at infix operator with the magic
methods __matmul__, __rmatmul__, and __imatmul__, unused as yet in the
standard library, but intended to represent matrix multiplication in
numerical code; see PEP 465 (https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0465/)
for details. This commit (developed against Python 3.5 alpha 3) brings
support for this operator to Hy when running under Python 3.5 (or,
hypothetically as yet, greater). For Hy under Python <= 3.4, attempting
to use `@` in function-call position currently results in a NameError;
this commit does not change that behavior.

This is intended to resolve #668.
2015-04-12 21:45:39 -07:00

194 lines
4.9 KiB

(import [hy._compat [PY35]])
(setv square (fn [x]
(* x x)))
(setv test_basic_math (fn []
"NATIVE: Test basic math."
(assert (= (+ 2 2) 4))))
(setv test_mult (fn []
"NATIVE: Test multiplication."
(assert (= 4 (square 2)))
(assert (= 8 (* 8)))
(assert (= 1 (*)))))
(setv test_sub (fn []
"NATIVE: Test subtraction"
(assert (= 4 (- 8 4)))
(assert (= -8 (- 8)))))
(setv test_add (fn []
"NATIVE: Test addition"
(assert (= 4 (+ 1 1 1 1)))
(assert (= 8 (+ 8)))
(assert (= 0 (+)))))
(setv test_div (fn []
"NATIVE: Test division"
(assert (= 25 (/ 100 2 2)))
; Commented out until float constants get implemented
; (assert (= 0.5 (/ 1 2)))
(assert (= 1 (* 2 (/ 1 2))))))
(setv test_int_div (fn []
"NATIVE: Test integer division"
(assert (= 25 (// 101 2 2)))))
(defn test-modulo []
"NATIVE: test mod"
(assert (= (% 10 2) 0)))
(defn test-pow []
"NATIVE: test pow"
(assert (= (** 10 2) 100)))
(defn test-lshift []
"NATIVE: test lshift"
(assert (= (<< 1 2) 4)))
(defn test-rshift []
"NATIVE: test lshift"
(assert (= (>> 8 1) 4)))
(defn test-bitor []
"NATIVE: test lshift"
(assert (= (| 1 2) 3)))
(defn test-bitxor []
"NATIVE: test xor"
(assert (= (^ 1 2) 3)))
(defn test-bitand []
"NATIVE: test lshift"
(assert (= (& 1 2) 0)))
(defn test-augassign-add []
"NATIVE: test augassign add"
(let [[x 1]]
(+= x 41)
(assert (= x 42))))
(defn test-augassign-sub []
"NATIVE: test augassign sub"
(let [[x 1]]
(-= x 41)
(assert (= x -40))))
(defn test-augassign-mult []
"NATIVE: test augassign mult"
(let [[x 1]]
(*= x 41)
(assert (= x 41))))
(defn test-augassign-div []
"NATIVE: test augassign div"
(let [[x 42]]
(/= x 2)
(assert (= x 21))))
(defn test-augassign-floordiv []
"NATIVE: test augassign floordiv"
(let [[x 42]]
(//= x 2)
(assert (= x 21))))
(defn test-augassign-mod []
"NATIVE: test augassign mod"
(let [[x 42]]
(%= x 2)
(assert (= x 0))))
(defn test-augassign-pow []
"NATIVE: test augassign pow"
(let [[x 2]]
(**= x 3)
(assert (= x 8))))
(defn test-augassign-lshift []
"NATIVE: test augassign lshift"
(let [[x 2]]
(<<= x 2)
(assert (= x 8))))
(defn test-augassign-rshift []
"NATIVE: test augassign rshift"
(let [[x 8]]
(>>= x 1)
(assert (= x 4))))
(defn test-augassign-bitand []
"NATIVE: test augassign bitand"
(let [[x 8]]
(&= x 1)
(assert (= x 0))))
(defn test-augassign-bitor []
"NATIVE: test augassign bitand"
(let [[x 0]]
(|= x 2)
(assert (= x 2))))
(defn test-augassign-bitxor []
"NATIVE: test augassign bitand"
(let [[x 1]]
(^= x 1)
(assert (= x 0))))
(defn overflow-int-to-long []
"NATIVE: test if int does not raise an overflow exception"
(assert (integer? (+ 1 1000000000000000000000000))))
(defclass HyTestMatrix [list]
(fn [self other]
(let [[n (len self)]
[m (len (. other [0]))]
[result []]]
(for [i (range m)]
(let [[result-row []]]
(for [j (range n)]
(let [[dot-product 0]]
(for [k (range (len (. self [0])))]
(+= dot-product (* (. self [i] [k])
(. other [k] [j]))))
(.append result-row dot-product)))
(.append result result-row)))
(def first-test-matrix (HyTestMatrix [[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]]))
(def second-test-matrix (HyTestMatrix [[2 0 0]
[0 2 0]
[0 0 2]]))
(def product-of-test-matrices (HyTestMatrix [[ 2 4 6]
[ 8 10 12]
[14 16 18]]))
(defn test-matmul []
"NATIVE: test matrix multiplication"
(if PY35
(assert (= (@ first-test-matrix second-test-matrix)
;; Python <= 3.4
(let [[matmul-attempt (try (@ first-test-matrix second-test-matrix)
(catch [e [Exception]] e))]]
(assert (isinstance matmul-attempt NameError)))))
(defn test-augassign-matmul []
"NATIVE: test augmented-assignment matrix multiplication"
(let [[matrix first-test-matrix]
[matmul-attempt (try (@= matrix second-test-matrix)
(catch [e [Exception]] e))]]
(if PY35
(assert (= product-of-test-matrices matrix))
(assert (isinstance matmul-attempt NameError)))))