(for) is restored to clojure-like flatness. (with) can be used without the nested list if you don't care about the name. Tests and examples updated.
374 lines
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374 lines
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Changes from Hy 0.9.11
0.9.12 comes with some massive changes,
We finally took the time to implement gensym, as well as a few
other bits that help macro writing. Check the changelog for
what exactly was added.
The biggest feature, Reader Macros, landed later
in the cycle, but were big enough to warrent a release on it's
own. A huge thanks goes to Foxboron for implementing them
and a massive hug goes out to olasd for providing ongoing
reviews during the development.
Welcome to the new Hy contributors, Henrique Carvalho Alves
an Kenan Bölükbaşı. Thanks for your work so far, folks!
Hope y'all enjoy the finest that 2013 has to offer,
- Hy Society
* Special thanks goes to Willyfrog, Foxboron and theanalyst for writing
0.9.12's NEWS. Thanks, y'all! (PT)
[ Language Changes ]
* Translate foo? -> is_foo, for better Python interop. (PT)
* Reader Macros!
* Operators + and * now can work without arguments
* Define kwapply as a macro
* Added apply as a function
* Instant symbol generation with gensym
* Allow macros to return None
* Add a method for casting into byte string or unicode depending on python version
* flatten function added to language
* Add a method for casting into byte string or unicode depending on python version
* Added type coercing to the right integer for the platform
[ Misc. Fixes ]
* Added information about core team members
* Documentation fixed and extended
* Add astor to install_requires to fix hy --spy failing on hy 0.9.11.
* Convert stdout and stderr to UTF-8 properly in the run_cmd helper.
* Update requirements.txt and setup.py to use rply upstream.
* tryhy link added in documentation and README
* Command line options documented
* Adding support for coverage tests at coveralls.io
* Added info about tox, so people can use it prior to a PR
* Added the start of hacking rules
* Halting Problem removed from example as it was nonfree
* Fixed PyPI is now behind a CDN. The --use-mirrors option is deprecated.
* Badges for pypi version and downloads.
[ Syntax Fixes ]
* get allows multiple arguments
[ Bug Fixes ]
* OSX: Fixes for readline Repl problem which caused HyREPL not allowing 'b'
* Fix REPL completions on OSX
* Make HyObject.replace more resilient to prevent compiler breakage.
[ Contrib changes ]
* Anaphoric macros added to contrib
* Modified eg/twisted to follow the newer hy syntax
* Added (experimental) profile module
Changes from Hy 0.9.10
* Many thanks to Guillermo Vayá (Willyfrog) for preparing this release's
release notes. Major shout-out. (PT)
[ Misc. Fixes ]
* Many many many documentation fixes
* Change virtualenv name to be `hy'
* Rewrite language.hy not to require hy.core.macros
* Rewrite the bootstrap macros in hy
* Cleanup the hy.macros module
* Add comments to the functions and reorder them
* Translation of meth from Python to Hy
* PY3 should really check for Python >= 3
* Add hy._compat module to unify all Python 2 and 3 compatibility codes.
* Import future.print_statement in hy code
* Coerce the contents of unquote-splice'd things to a list
* Various setup.py enhancements.
* PEP8 fixes
* Use setuptools.find_packages()
* Update PyPI classifiers
* Update website URL
* Install the argparse module in Python 2.6 and before
* Delete the duplicate rply in install_requires. With the PyPI version,
tests are failed.
* Finally fixed access to hy.core.macros here. have to explicitly require
[ Language Changes ]
* Slightly cleaner version of drop-while, could use yield-from when ready
* Added many native core functions
* Add zero? predicate to check if an object is zero
* Macro if-python2 for compile-time choice between Python 2 and Python 3
code branches
* Added new travis make target to skip flake8 on pypy but run
it on all others
* Add "spy mode" to REPL
* Add CL handling to hyc
* Add yield from via macro magic.
* Add some machinery to avoid importing hy in setup.py
* Add a rply-based parser and lexer
* Allow quoting lambda list keywords.
* Clarified rest / cdr, cleaned up require
* Make with return the last expression from its branch
* Fix yielding to not suck (#151)
* Make assoc accept multiple values, also added a even/odd check for
* Added ability to parse doc strings set in defclass declarations,
* Provide bin scripts for both Windows and *nix
* Removes setf in favor of setv
Changes from Hy 0.9.9
[ Stupid Fixes ]
* I forgot to include hy.core.language in the sdist. (PT)
Changes from Hy 0.9.8
[ Syntax Fixes ]
* Macros are now module-specific, and must be required when used. (KH)
* Added a few more string escapes to the compiler (Thomas Ballinger)
* Keywords are pseudo-callable again, to get the value out of a dict. (PT)
* Empty expression is now the same as an empty vector. (Guillermo Vaya)
[ Language Changes ]
* HyDicts (quoted dicts or internal HST repr) are now lists
that compiled down to dicts by the Compiler later on. (ND)
* Macros can be constants as well. (KH)
* Add eval-when-compile and eval-and-compile (KH)
* Add break and continue to Hy (Morten Linderud)
* Core language libraries added. As example, I've included `take` and
`drop` in this release. More to come (PT)
* Importing a broken module's behavior now matches Python's more
closely. (Morten Linderud)
[ Misc. Fixes ]
* Ensure compiler errors are always "user friendly" (JD)
* Hy REPL quitter repr adjusted to match Hy syntax (Morten Linderud)
* Windows will no longer break due to missing readline (Ralph Moritz)
Changes from Hy 0.9.7
[ Syntax Fixes ]
* Quasi-quoting now exists long with quoting. Macros will also not
expand things in quotes.
* kwapply now works with symbols as well as raw dicts. (ND)
* Try / Except will now return properly again. (PT)
* Bare-names sprinked around the AST won't show up anymore (ND)
[ Language Changes ]
* Added a new (require) form, to import macros for that module (PT)
* Native macros exist and work now! (ND)
* (fn) and (lambda) have been merged (ND)
* New (defclass) builtin for class definitions (JD)
* Add unquote-splicing (ND)
[ Errata ]
* Paul was an idiot and marked the j-related bug as a JD fix, it was
actually ND. My bad.
Changes from Hy 0.9.6
[ Syntax Fixes ]
* UTF-8 encoded hy symbols are now hy_... rather than __hy_..., it's
silly to prefex them as such. (PT)
* `j' is no longer always intepreted as a complex number; we use it much
more as a symbol. (ND)
* (decorate-with) has been moved to (with-decorate) (JD)
* New (unless) macro (JD)
* New (when) macro (JD)
* New (take) macro (@eigenhombre)
* New (drop) macro (@eigenhombre)
* import-from and import-as finally removed. (GN)
* Allow bodyless functions (JD)
* Allow variable without value in `let' declaration (JD)
* new (global) builtin (@eal)
* new lambda-list syntax for function defs, for var-arity, kwargs. (JK)
[ Language Changes ]
* *HUGE* rewrite of the compiler. Massive thanks go to olasd
and jd for making this happen. This solves just an insane number
of bugs. (ND, PT, JD)
* Eval no longer sucks with statements (ND)
* New magic binary flags / mis fixes with the hy intepreter
(WKG + @eigenhombre)
Changes from Hy 0.9.5
[ Syntax Fixes ]
* .pyc generation routines now work on Python 3. (Vladimir Gorbunov)
* Allow empty (do) forms (JD)
* The `else' form is now supported in `try' statements. (JD)
* Allow `(raise)', which, like Python, will re-raise
the last Exception. (JD)
* Strings, bools, symbols are now valid top-level entries. (Konrad Hinsen)
* UTF-8 strings will no longer get punycode encoded. (ND)
* bare (yield) is now valid. (PT)
* (try) now supports the (finally) form. (JD)
* Add in the missing operators and AugAssign operators. (JD)
* (foreach) now supports the (else) form. (JD)
[ Language Changes ]
=============== WARNING: WARNING: READ ME: READ ME: ===================
From here on out, we will only support "future division" as part of hy.
This is actually quite a pain for us, but it's going to be quite an
amazing feautre.
This also normalizes behavior from Py 2 --> Py 3.
Thank you so much, Konrad Hinsen.
* (pass) has been removed from the language; it's a wart that comes from
a need to create valid Python syntax without breaking the whitespace
bits. (JD)
* We've moved to a new import style, (import-from) and (import-as) will
be removed before 1.0. (GN)
* Prototypes for quoted forms (PT)
* Prototypes for eval (PT)
* Enhance tracebacks from language breakage coming from the compiler (JD)
* The REPL no longer bails out if the internals break (Konrad Hinsen)
* We now support float and complex numbers. (Konrad Hinsen)
* Keywords (such as :foo) are now valid and loved. (GN)
Changes from Hy 0.9.4
[ Syntax Fixes ]
* `try' now accepts `else': (JD)
(try BODY
(except [] BODY)
(else BODY))
Changes from Hy 0.9.4
[ Syntax Fixes ]
* Statements in the `fn' path early will not return anymore. (PT)
* Added "not" as the inline "not" operator. It's advised to still
use "not-in" or "is-not" rather then nesting. (JD)
* `let' macro added (PT)
* Added "~" as the "invert" operator. (JD)
* `catch' now accepts a new format: (JD)
(catch [] BODY)
(catch [Exception] BODY)
(catch [e Exception] BODY)
(catch [e [Exception1 Exception2]] BODY)
* With's syntax was fixed to match the rest of the code. It's now: (PT)
(with [name context-managed-fn] BODY)
(with [context-managed-fn] BODY)
[ Language Changes ]
* Added `and' and `or' (GN)
* Added the tail threading macro (->>) (PT)
* UTF encoded symbols are allowed, but mangled. All Hy source is now
presumed to be UTF-8. (JD + PT)
* Better builtin signature checking (JD)
* If hoisting (for things like printing the return of an if statement)
have been added. '(print (if true true true))' (PT)
[ Documentation ]
* Initial documentation added to the source tree. (PT)
Changes from Hy 0.9.3
[ Syntax Fixes ]
* Nested (do) expressions no longer break Hy (PT)
* `progn' is now a valid alias for `do' (PT)
* `defun' is now a valid alias for `defn' (PT)
* Added two new escapes for \ and " (PT)
[ Language Changes ]
* Show a traceback when a compile-error bubbles up in the Hy REPL (PT)
* `setf' / `setv' added, the behavior of `def` may change in the future.
* `print' no longer breaks in Python 3.x (PT)
* Added `list-comp' list comprehensions. (PT)
* Function hoisting (for things like inline invocation of functions,
e.g. '((fn [] (print "hi!")))' has been added. (PT)
* `while' form added. (ND)
[ Documentation ]
* Initial docs added. (WKG + CW)
Changes from Hy 0.9.2
[ General Enhancements ]
* hy.__main__ added, `python -m hy' will now allow a hy shim into existing
Python scripts. (PT)
[ Language Changes ]
* `import-as' added to allow for importing modules. (Amrut Joshi)
* `slice' added to slice up arrays. (PT)
* `with-as' added to allow for context managed bits. (PT)
* `%' added to do Modulo. (PT)
* Tuples added with the '(, foo bar)' syntax. (PT)
* `car' / `first' added. (PT)
* `cdr' / `rest' added. (PT)
* hy --> .pyc compiler added. (PT)
* Completer added for the REPL Readline autocompletion. (PT)
* Merge the `meth' macros into hy.contrib. (PT)
* Changed __repr__ to match Hy source conventions. (PT)
* 2.6 support restored. (PT)
Changes from Hy 0.9.1
[ General Enhancements ]
* Hy REPL added. (PT)
* Doc templates added. (PT)
[ Language Changes ]
* Add `pass' (PT)
* Add `yield' (PT)
* Moved `for' to a macro, and move `foreach' to old `for'. (PT)
* Add the threading macro (`->'). (PT)
* Add "earmufs" in. (tenach)
* Add comments in (PT)
Changes from Hy 0.9.0
[ Language Changes ]
* Add `throw' (PT)
* Add `try' (PT)
* add `catch' (PT)
Changes from Hy 0.8.2
[ Notes ]
* Complete rewrite of old-hy. (PT)