When set, it will conflict with any tests that generate bytecode because they don't expect it to be set. Fixable by sanitize the environment before forking, but we can't do anything about import tests. This is a pipenv default, and possibly a sane flag to set while doing Hy development, so lets not let it be a hazard for developers to trip over.
89 lines
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89 lines
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# Copyright 2018 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
import hy
from hy.importer import (import_file_to_module, import_buffer_to_ast,
MetaLoader, get_bytecode_path)
from hy.errors import HyTypeError
import os
import ast
import tempfile
from fractions import Fraction
import pytest
def test_basics():
"Make sure the basics of the importer work"
def test_stringer():
_ast = import_buffer_to_ast("(defn square [x] (* x x))", '')
assert type(_ast.body[0]) == ast.FunctionDef
def test_imports():
path = os.getcwd() + "/tests/resources/importer/a.hy"
testLoader = MetaLoader(path)
def _import_test():
return testLoader.load_module("tests.resources.importer.a")
return "Error"
assert _import_test() == "Error"
assert _import_test() is not None
def test_import_error_reporting():
"Make sure that (import) reports errors correctly."
def _import_error_test():
import_buffer_to_ast("(import \"sys\")", '')
except HyTypeError:
return "Error reported"
assert _import_error_test() == "Error reported"
assert _import_error_test() is not None
reason="Bytecode generation is suppressed")
def test_import_autocompiles():
"Test that (import) byte-compiles the module."
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.hy', delete=False)
f.write(b'(defn pyctest [s] (+ "X" s "Y"))')
except (IOError, OSError):
import_file_to_module("mymodule", f.name)
assert os.path.exists(get_bytecode_path(f.name))
def test_eval():
def eval_str(s):
return hy.eval(hy.read_str(s))
assert eval_str('[1 2 3]') == [1, 2, 3]
assert eval_str('{"dog" "bark" "cat" "meow"}') == {
'dog': 'bark', 'cat': 'meow'}
assert eval_str('(, 1 2 3)') == (1, 2, 3)
assert eval_str('#{3 1 2}') == {1, 2, 3}
assert eval_str('1/2') == Fraction(1, 2)
assert eval_str('(.strip " fooooo ")') == 'fooooo'
assert eval_str(
'(if True "this is if true" "this is if false")') == "this is if true"
assert eval_str('(list-comp (pow num 2) (num (range 100)) (= (% num 2) 1))') == [
pow(num, 2) for num in range(100) if num % 2 == 1]