386 lines
13 KiB
386 lines
13 KiB
;;; Hy AST walker
;; Copyright 2017 the authors.
;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
;; license. See the LICENSE.
(import [hy [HyExpression HyDict]]
[functools [partial]]
[collections [OrderedDict]]
[hy.macros [macroexpand :as mexpand]]
[hy.compiler [HyASTCompiler]])
(defn walk [inner outer form]
"Traverses form, an arbitrary data structure. Applies inner to each
element of form, building up a data structure of the same type.
Applies outer to the result."
[(instance? HyExpression form)
(outer (HyExpression (map inner form)))]
[(instance? HyDict form)
(HyDict (outer (HyExpression (map inner form))))]
[(cons? form)
(outer (cons (inner (first form))
(inner (rest form))))]
[(instance? list form)
((type form) (outer (HyExpression (map inner form))))]
[(coll? form)
(walk inner outer (list form))]
[True (outer form)]))
(defn postwalk [f form]
"Performs depth-first, post-order traversal of form. Calls f on each
sub-form, uses f's return value in place of the original."
(walk (partial postwalk f) f form))
(defn prewalk [f form]
"Performs depth-first, pre-order traversal of form. Calls f on each
sub-form, uses f's return value in place of the original."
(walk (partial prewalk f) identity (f form)))
;; TODO: move to hy.core?
(defn call? [form]
"Checks whether form is a non-empty HyExpression"
(and (instance? HyExpression form)
(defn macroexpand-all [form &optional module-name]
"Recursively performs all possible macroexpansions in form."
(setv module-name (or module-name (calling-module-name))
quote-level [0]) ; TODO: make nonlocal after dropping Python2
(defn traverse [form]
(walk expand identity form))
(defn expand [form]
;; manages quote levels
(defn +quote [&optional [x 1]]
(setv head (first form))
(+= (get quote-level 0) x)
(when (neg? (get quote-level 0))
(raise (TypeError "unquote outside of quasiquote")))
(setv res (traverse (cut form 1)))
(-= (get quote-level 0) x)
`(~head ~@res))
(if (call? form)
(cond [(get quote-level 0)
(cond [(in (first form) '[unquote unquote-splice])
(+quote -1)]
[(= (first form) 'quasiquote) (+quote)]
[True (traverse form)])]
[(= (first form) 'quote) form]
[(= (first form) 'quasiquote) (+quote)]
[True (traverse (mexpand form (HyASTCompiler module-name)))])
(if (coll? form)
(traverse form)
(expand form))
;; TODO: move to hy.extra.reserved?
(import hy)
(setv special-forms (list-comp k
[k (.keys hy.compiler._compile-table)]
(isinstance k hy._compat.string-types)))
(defn lambda-list [form]
splits a fn argument list into sections based on &-headers.
returns an OrderedDict mapping headers to sublists.
Arguments without a header are under None.
(setv headers '[&optional &key &rest &kwonly &kwargs]
sections (OrderedDict [(, None [])])
header None)
(for [arg form]
(if (in arg headers)
(do (setv header arg)
(assoc sections header [])
;; Don't use a header more than once. It's the compiler's problem.
(.remove headers header))
(.append (get sections header) arg)))
(defn symbolexpand [form expander
[protected (frozenset)]
[quote-level 0]]
(.expand (SymbolExpander form expander protected quote-level)))
(defclass SymbolExpander[]
(defn __init__ [self form expander protected quote-level]
(setv self.form form
self.expander expander
self.protected protected
self.quote-level quote-level))
(defn expand-symbols [self form &optional protected quote-level]
(if (none? protected)
(setv protected self.protected))
(if (none? quote-level)
(setv quote-level self.quote-level))
(symbolexpand form self.expander protected quote-level))
(defn traverse [self form &optional protected quote-level]
(if (none? protected)
(setv protected self.protected))
(if (none? quote-level)
(setv quote-level self.quote-level))
(walk (partial symbolexpand
:expander self.expander
:protected protected
:quote-level quote-level)
;; manages quote levels
(defn +quote [self &optional [x 1]]
`(~(self.head) ~@(self.traverse (self.tail)
:quote-level (+ self.quote-level x))))
(defn handle-dot [self]
`(. ~@(walk (fn [form]
(if (symbol? form)
form ; don't expand attrs
(self.expand-symbols form)))
(defn head [self]
(first self.form))
(defn tail [self]
(cut self.form 1))
(defn handle-except [self]
(setv tail (self.tail))
;; protect the "as" name binding the exception
`(~(self.head) ~@(self.traverse tail (| self.protected
(if (and tail
(-> tail
(= 2)))
#{(first (first tail))}
(defn handle-args-list [self]
(setv protected #{}
argslist `[])
(for [[header section] (-> self (.tail) first lambda-list .items)]
(if header (.append argslist header))
(cond [(in header [None '&rest '&kwargs])
(.update protected (-> section flatten set))
(.extend argslist section)]
[(in header '[&optional &kwonly])
(for [pair section]
(cond [(coll? pair)
(.add protected (first pair))
(.append argslist
`[~(first pair)
~(self.expand-symbols (second pair))])]
(.add protected pair)
(.append argslist pair)]))]
[(= header '&key)
(setv &key-dict '{})
(for [[k v] (-> section first partition)]
(.add protected k)
(.append &key-dict k)
(.append &key-dict (self.expand-symbols v)))
(.append argslist &key-dict)]))
(, protected argslist))
(defn handle-fn [self]
(setv [protected argslist] (self.handle-args-list))
`(~(self.head) ~argslist
~@(self.traverse (cut (self.tail) 1)(| protected self.protected))))
;; don't expand symbols in quotations
(defn handle-quoted [self]
(if (call? self.form)
(if (in (self.head) '[unquote unquote-splice]) (self.+quote -1)
(= (self.head) 'quasiquote) (self.+quote)
(if (coll? self.form)
;; convert dotted names to the standard special form
(defn convert-dotted-symbol [self]
(self.expand-symbols `(. ~@(map HySymbol (.split self.form '.)))))
(defn expand-symbol [self]
(if (not-in self.form self.protected)
(self.expander self.form)
(defn handle-symbol [self]
(if (and self.form
(not (.startswith self.form '.))
(in '. self.form))
(defn handle-global [self]
(.update self.protected (set (self.tail)))
(defn handle-defclass [self]
;; don't expand the name of the class
`(~(self.head) ~(first (self.tail))
~@(self.traverse (cut (self.tail) 1))))
(defn handle-special-form [self]
;; don't expand other special form symbols in head position
`(~(self.head) ~@(self.traverse (self.tail))))
(defn handle-base [self]
(defn handle-coll [self]
;; recursion
(self.traverse self.form))
;; We have to treat special forms differently.
;; Quotation should suppress symbol expansion,
;; and local bindings should shadow those made by let.
(defn handle-call [self]
(setv head (first self.form))
(if (in head '[fn fn*]) (self.handle-fn)
(in head '[import
eval-when-compile]) (self.handle-base)
(= head 'except) (self.handle-except)
(= head ".") (self.handle-dot)
(= head 'defclass) (self.handle-defclass)
(= head 'quasiquote) (self.+quote)
;; must be checked last!
(in head special-forms) (self.handle-special-form)
;; Not a special form. Traverse it like a coll
(defn expand [self]
"the main entry point. Call this to do the expansion"
(setv form self.form)
(if self.quote-level (self.handle-quoted)
(symbol? form) (self.handle-symbol)
(call? form) (self.handle-call)
(coll? form) (self.handle-coll)
;; recursive base case--it's an atom. Put it back.
(defmacro smacrolet [bindings &optional module-name &rest body]
symbol macro let.
Replaces symbols in body, but only where it would be a valid let binding.
The bindings pairs the target symbol and the expansion form for that symbol.
(if (odd? (len bindings))
(macro-error bindings "bindings must be paired"))
(for [k (cut bindings None None 2)]
(if-not (symbol? k)
(macro-error k "bind targets must be symbols")
(if (in '. k)
(macro-error k "binding target may not contain a dot"))))
(setv bindings (dict (partition bindings))
body (macroexpand-all body (or module-name (calling-module-name))))
(symbolexpand `(do ~@body)
(fn [symbol]
(.get bindings symbol symbol))))
(defmacro let [bindings &rest body]
sets up lexical bindings in its body
Bindings are processed sequentially,
so you can use the result of an earlier binding in a later one.
Basic assignments (e.g. setv, +=) will update the let binding,
if they use the name of a let binding.
But assignments via `import` are always hoisted to normal Python scope, and
likewise, `defclass` will assign the class to the Python scope,
even if it shares the name of a let binding.
Use __import__ and type (or whatever metaclass) instead,
if you must avoid this hoisting.
Function arguments can shadow let bindings in their body,
as can nested let forms.
(if (odd? (len bindings))
(macro-error bindings "let bindings must be paired"))
(setv g!let (gensym 'let)
replacements (OrderedDict)
values [])
(defn expander [symbol]
(.get replacements symbol symbol))
(for [[k v] (partition bindings)]
(if-not (symbol? k)
(macro-error k "bind targets must be symbols")
(if (in '. k)
(macro-error k "binding target may not contain a dot")))
(.append values (symbolexpand (macroexpand-all v &name) expander))
(assoc replacements k `(get ~g!let ~(name k))))
(setv ~g!let {}
~@(interleave (.values replacements) values))
~@(symbolexpand (macroexpand-all body &name) expander)))
;; (defmacro macrolet [])
#_[special cases for let
;; Symbols containing a dot should be converted to this form.
;; attrs should not get expanded,
;; but [] lookups should.
;;; can shadow let bindings with Python locals
;; protect its bindings for the lexical scope of its body.
;; protect as bindings for the lexical scope of its body
;;; changes scope of named variables
;; protect the variables they name for the lexical scope of their container
;; should we provide a protect form?
;; it's an anaphor only valid in a `let` body.
;; this would make the named variables python-scoped in its body
;; expands to a do
;;; quoted variables must not be expanded.
;; but unprotected, unquoted variables must be.
;;;; deferred
;; should really only exist at toplevel. Ignore until someone complains?
;; raise an error? treat like fn?
;; should probably be implemented as macros in terms of fn/setv anyway.
;;; create Python-scoped variables. It's probably hard to avoid this.
;; Best just doc this behavior for now.
;; we can't avoid clobbering enclosing python scope, unless we use a gensym,
;; but that corrupts '__name__'.
;; It could be set later, but that could mess up metaclasses!
;; Should the class name update let variables too?
;; should this update let variables?
;; it could be done with gensym/setv.
;; I don't understand these. Ignore until someone complains?
'eval_and_compile', 'eval_when_compile', 'require',]