2017-12-30 19:02:15 -05:00

19 lines
700 B

import _pytest
import hy
import os
from hy._compat import PY3, PY35, PY36
NATIVE_TESTS = os.path.join("", "tests", "native_tests", "")
def pytest_collect_file(parent, path):
if (path.ext == ".hy"
and NATIVE_TESTS in path.dirname + os.sep
and path.basename != "__init__.hy"
and not ("py3_only" in path.basename and not PY3)
and not ("py35_only" in path.basename and not PY35)
and not ("py36_only" in path.basename and not PY36)):
m = _pytest.python.pytest_pycollect_makemodule(path, parent)
# Spoof the module name to avoid hitting an assertion in pytest.
m.name = m.name[:-len(".hy")] + ".py"
return m