Bob Tolbert 4798863e0f This change updates the required Pygments version to 1.6, which
supports Hy code.

All code-blocks in the documentation have been changed from
clojure to hy.

Also added docs/make.bat for Windows, so the top-level docs
target now works on Windows as well.
2014-03-14 09:01:47 -04:00

137 lines
1.9 KiB

REM Make batch file for Hy development
if "%1" == "" goto help
if "%1" == "help" (
echo. No default step. Use setup.py
echo. Other targets:
echo. - docs
echo. - full
echo. - dev "test & flake"
echo. - flake
echo. - test
echo. - diff
echo. - tox
echo. - d
echo. - r
echo. - clean
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "docs" (
cd docs
make.bat html
cd ..
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "upload" (
python setup.py sdist upload
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "clear" (
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "d" (
call :clear
call :dev
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "test" (
call :venv
nosetests -sv
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "venv" (
echo.%VIRTUAL_ENV% | findstr /C:"hy" 1>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo.You're not in a Hy virtualenv. FOR SHAME
) ELSE (
echo.We're properly in a virtualenv. Going ahead.
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "flake" (
echo.flake8 hy
flake8 hy
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "dev" (
call :test
call :flake
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "tox" (
call :venv
tox -e "py26,py27,py32,py33,flake8"
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "d" (
call :clear
call :dev
goto :EOF
if "%i" == "diff" (
git diff --color
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "r" (
call :d
call :tox
call :diff
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "full" (
call :docs
call :d
call :tox
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "clean" (
if EXIST hy\*.pyc cmd /C del /S /Q hy\*.pyc
if EXIST tests\*pyc cmd /C del /S /Q tests\*pyc
for /r %%R in (__pycache__) do if EXIST %%R (rmdir /S /Q %%R)
if EXIST .tox\NUL cmd /C rmdir /S /Q .tox
if EXIST dist\NUL cmd /C rmdir /S /Q dist
if EXIST hy.egg-info\NUL cmd /C rmdir /S /Q hy.egg-info
if EXIST docs\_build\NUL cmd /C rmdir /S /Q docs\_build
goto :EOF
echo.Error: '%1' - unknown target
goto :help