Bob Tolbert ffd85bcc3e Fixes a long-standing bug in import under Python 3.3 and later.
Our MetaImporter was being inserted at the end of sys.meta_path.
For Python prior to 3.3, this was fine since sys.meta_path
was empty by default. As of the completion of PEP 302 in Py3.3 and
later, there are several importers registered by default. One of
these was trying (and failing) to import simple Hy modules,
resulting in a failure to import anything inside __init__.hy.

This change simply inserts the Hy-specific importer at the front
of the list.

This was noted in issue #620 (great catch @algernon)
2014-12-07 11:02:48 -07:00

605 lines
20 KiB

;; Copyright (c) 2013 Paul Tagliamonte <>
;; Copyright (c) 2013, 2014 Bob Tolbert <>
;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
;;;; some simple helpers
(defn assert-true [x]
(assert (= True x)))
(defn assert-false [x]
(assert (= False x)))
(defn assert-equal [x y]
(assert (= x y)))
(defn assert-nil [x]
(assert (is x nil)))
(defn test-coll? []
"NATIVE: testing coll?"
(assert-true (coll? [1 2 3]))
(assert-true (coll? {"a" 1 "b" 2}))
(assert-true (coll? (range 10)))
(assert-false (coll? "abc"))
(assert-false (coll? 1)))
(defn test-butlast []
"NATIVE: testing butlast function"
(assert-equal (list (butlast (range 10)))
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8])
(assert-equal (list (butlast [1]))
(assert-equal (list (butlast []))
; with an infinite sequence
(import itertools)
(assert-equal (list (take 5 (butlast (itertools.count 10))))
[10 11 12 13 14]))
(defn test-cycle []
"NATIVE: testing cycle"
(assert-equal (list (cycle [])) [])
(assert-equal (list (take 7 (cycle [1 2 3]))) [1 2 3 1 2 3 1])
(assert-equal (list (take 2 (cycle [1 2 3]))) [1 2])
(assert-equal (list (take 4 (cycle [1 None 3]))) [1 None 3 1]))
(defn test-dec []
"NATIVE: testing the dec function"
(assert-equal 0 (dec 1))
(assert-equal -1 (dec 0))
(assert-equal 0 (dec (dec 2)))
(try (do (dec "foo") (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (dec []) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (dec None) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))))
(defn test-setv []
"NATIVE: testing setv mutation"
(setv x 1)
(setv y 1)
(assert-equal x y)
(setv x (setv y 12))
(assert-equal x 12)
(assert-equal y 12)
(setv x (setv y (fn [x] 9)))
(assert-equal (x y) 9)
(assert-equal (y x) 9)
(try (do (setv a.b 1) (assert False))
(catch [e [NameError]] (assert (in "name 'a' is not defined" (str e)))))
(try (do (setv b.a (fn [x] x)) (assert False))
(catch [e [NameError]] (assert (in "name 'b' is not defined" (str e)))))
(import itertools)
(setv foopermutations (fn [x] (itertools.permutations x)))
(setv p (set [(, 1 3 2) (, 3 2 1) (, 2 1 3) (, 3 1 2) (, 1 2 3) (, 2 3 1)]))
(assert-equal (set (itertools.permutations [1 2 3])) p)
(assert-equal (set (foopermutations [3 1 2])) p)
(setv permutations- itertools.permutations)
(setv itertools.permutations (fn [x] 9))
(assert-equal (itertools.permutations p) 9)
(assert-equal (foopermutations foopermutations) 9)
(setv itertools.permutations permutations-)
(assert-equal (set (itertools.permutations [2 1 3])) p)
(assert-equal (set (foopermutations [2 3 1])) p))
(defn test-distinct []
"NATIVE: testing the distinct function"
(setv res (list (distinct [ 1 2 3 4 3 5 2 ])))
(assert-equal res [1 2 3 4 5])
;; distinct of an empty list should be []
(setv res (list (distinct [])))
(assert-equal res [])
;; now with an iter
(setv test_iter (iter [1 2 3 4 3 5 2]))
(setv res (list (distinct test_iter)))
(assert-equal res [1 2 3 4 5])
; make sure we can handle None in the list
(setv res (list (distinct [1 2 3 2 5 None 3 4 None])))
(assert-equal res [1 2 3 5 None 4]))
(defn test-drop []
"NATIVE: testing drop function"
(setv res (list (drop 2 [1 2 3 4 5])))
(assert-equal res [3 4 5])
(setv res (list (drop 3 (iter [1 2 3 4 5]))))
(assert-equal res [4 5])
(setv res (list (drop 3 (iter [1 2 3 None 4 5]))))
(assert-equal res [None 4 5])
(setv res (list (drop 0 [1 2 3 4 5])))
(assert-equal res [1 2 3 4 5])
(try (do (list (drop -1 [1 2 3 4 5])) (assert False))
(catch [e [ValueError]] nil))
(setv res (list (drop 6 (iter [1 2 3 4 5]))))
(assert-equal res [])
(setv res (list (take 5 (drop 2 (iterate inc 0)))))
(assert-equal res [2 3 4 5 6]))
(defn test-drop-last []
"NATIVE: testing drop-last function"
(assert-equal (list (drop-last 5 (range 10 20)))
[10 11 12 13 14])
(assert-equal (list (drop-last 0 (range 5)))
[0 1 2 3 4])
(assert-equal (list (drop-last 100 (range 100)))
; with an infinite sequence
(import itertools)
(assert-equal (list (take 5 (drop-last 100 (itertools.count 10))))
[10 11 12 13 14]))
(defn test-drop-while []
"NATIVE: testing drop-while function"
(setv res (list (drop-while even? [2 4 7 8 9])))
(assert (= res [7 8 9]))
(setv res (list (drop-while pos? [2 4 7 8 9])))
(assert (= res []))
(setv res (list (drop-while numeric? [1 2 3 None "a"])))
(assert (= res [None "a"])))
(defn test-empty? []
"NATIVE: testing the empty? function"
(assert-true (empty? ""))
(assert-false (empty? "None"))
(assert-true (empty? (,)))
(assert-false (empty? (, None)))
(assert-true (empty? []))
(assert-false (empty? [None]))
(assert-true (empty? {}))
(assert-false (empty? {"a" None}))
(assert-true (empty? (set)))
(assert-false (empty? (set [None]))))
(defn test-even []
"NATIVE: testing the even? function"
(assert-true (even? -2))
(assert-false (even? 1))
(assert-true (even? 0))
(try (even? "foo")
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (even? [])
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (even? None)
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))))
(defn test-every? []
"NATIVE: testing the every? function"
(assert-true (every? even? [2 4 6]))
(assert-false (every? even? [1 3 5]))
(assert-false (every? even? [2 4 5]))
(assert-true (every? even? [])))
(defn test-filter []
"NATIVE: testing the filter function"
(setv res (list (filter pos? [ 1 2 3 -4 5])))
(assert-equal res [ 1 2 3 5 ])
;; test with iter
(setv res (list (filter pos? (iter [ 1 2 3 -4 5 -6]))))
(assert-equal res [ 1 2 3 5])
(setv res (list (filter neg? [ -1 -4 5 3 4])))
(assert-false (= res [1 2]))
;; test with empty list
(setv res (list (filter neg? [])))
(assert-equal res [])
;; test with None in the list
(setv res (list (filter even? (filter numeric? [1 2 None 3 4 None 4 6]))))
(assert-equal res [2 4 4 6])
(setv res (list (filter none? [1 2 None 3 4 None 4 6])))
(assert-equal res [None None]))
(defn test-flatten []
"NATIVE: testing the flatten function"
(setv res (flatten [1 2 [3 4] 5]))
(assert-equal res [1 2 3 4 5])
(setv res (flatten ["foo" (, 1 2) [1 [2 3] 4] "bar"]))
(assert-equal res ["foo" 1 2 1 2 3 4 "bar"])
(setv res (flatten [1]))
(assert-equal res [1])
(setv res (flatten []))
(assert-equal res [])
(setv res (flatten (, 1)))
(assert-equal res [1])
;; test with None
(setv res (flatten (, 1 (, None 3))))
(assert-equal res [1 None 3])
(try (flatten "foo")
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a collection" (str e)))))
(try (flatten 12.34)
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a collection" (str e))))))
(defn test-float? []
"NATIVE: testing the float? function"
(assert-true (float? 4.2))
(assert-false (float? 0))
(assert-false (float? -3))
(assert-true (float? -3.2))
(assert-false (float? "foo")))
(defn test-gensym []
"NATIVE: testing the gensym function"
(import [hy.models.symbol [HySymbol]])
(setv s1 (gensym))
(assert (isinstance s1 HySymbol))
(assert (= 0 (.find s1 ":G_")))
(setv s2 (gensym "xx"))
(setv s3 (gensym "xx"))
(assert (= 0 (.find s2 ":xx_")))
(assert (not (= s2 s3)))
(assert (not (= (str s2) (str s3)))))
(defn test-identity []
"NATIVE: testing the identity function"
(assert (= 4 (identity 4)))
(assert (= "hy" (identity "hy")))
(assert (= [1 2] (identity [1 2]))))
(defn test-inc []
"NATIVE: testing the inc function"
(assert-equal 3 (inc 2))
(assert-equal 0 (inc -1))
(try (do (inc "foo") (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (inc []) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (inc None) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))))
(defn test-instance []
"NATIVE: testing instance? function"
(defclass Foo [object])
(defclass Foo2 [object])
(defclass Foo3 [Foo])
(setv foo (Foo))
(setv foo3 (Foo3))
(assert-true (instance? Foo foo))
(assert-false (instance? Foo2 foo))
(assert-true (instance? Foo foo3))
(assert-true (instance? float 1.0))
(assert-true (instance? int (int 3)))
(assert-true (instance? str (str "hello"))))
(defn test-integer? []
"NATIVE: testing the integer? function"
(assert-true (integer? 0))
(assert-true (integer? 3))
(assert-true (integer? -3))
(assert-true (integer? (integer "-3")))
(assert-true (integer? (integer 3)))
(assert-false (integer? 4.2))
(assert-false (integer? None))
(assert-false (integer? "foo")))
(defn test-integer-char? []
"NATIVE: testing the integer-char? function"
(assert-true (integer-char? "1"))
(assert-true (integer-char? "-1"))
(assert-true (integer-char? (str (integer 300))))
(assert-false (integer-char? "foo"))
(assert-false (integer-char? None)))
(defn test-interleave []
"NATIVE: testing the interleave function"
;; with more than 2 sequences
(assert-equal (list (take 9 (interleave (range 10)
(range 10 20)
(range 20 30))))
[0 10 20 1 11 21 2 12 22])
;; with sequences of different length
(assert-equal (list (interleave (range 1000000)
(range 0 -3 -1)))
[0 0 1 -1 2 -2])
;; with infinite sequences
(import itertools)
(assert-equal (list (take 10 (interleave (itertools.count)
(itertools.count 100))))
[0 100 1 101 2 102 3 103 4 104]))
(defn test-interpose []
"NATIVE: testing the interpose function"
;; with a list
(assert-equal (list (interpose "!" ["a" "b" "c"]))
["a" "!" "b" "!" "c"])
;; with an infinite sequence
(import itertools)
(assert-equal (list (take 7 (interpose -1 (itertools.count))))
[0 -1 1 -1 2 -1 3]))
(defn test-iterable []
"NATIVE: testing iterable? function"
;; should work for a string
(setv s (str "abcde"))
(assert-true (iterable? s))
;; should work for unicode
(setv u "hello")
(assert-true (iterable? u))
(assert-true (iterable? (iter u)))
;; should work for a list
(setv l [1 2 3 4])
(assert-true (iterable? l))
(assert-true (iterable? (iter l)))
;; should work for a dict
(setv d {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(assert-true (iterable? d))
;; should work for a tuple?
(setv t (, 1 2 3 4))
(assert-true (iterable? t))
;; should work for a generator
(assert-true (iterable? (repeat 3)))
;; shouldn't work for an int
(assert-false (iterable? 5)))
(defn test-iterate []
"NATIVE: testing the iterate function"
(setv res (list (take 5 (iterate inc 5))))
(assert-equal res [5 6 7 8 9])
(setv res (list (take 3 (iterate (fn [x] (* x x)) 5))))
(assert-equal res [5 25 625])
(setv f (take 4 (iterate inc 5)))
(assert-equal (list f) [5 6 7 8]))
(defn test-iterator []
"NATIVE: testing iterator? function"
;; should not work for a list
(setv l [1 2 3 4])
(assert-false (iterator? l))
;; should work for an iter over a list
(setv i (iter [1 2 3 4]))
(assert-true (iterator? i))
;; should not work for a dict
(setv d {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
(assert-false (iterator? d))
;; should not work for a tuple?
(setv t (, 1 2 3 4))
(assert-false (iterator? t))
;; should work for a generator
(assert-true (iterator? (repeat 3)))
;; should not work for an int
(assert-false (iterator? 5)))
(defn test-neg []
"NATIVE: testing the neg? function"
(assert-true (neg? -2))
(assert-false (neg? 1))
(assert-false (neg? 0))
(try (do (neg? "foo") (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (neg? []) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (neg? None) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))))
(defn test-zero []
"NATIVE: testing the zero? function"
(assert-false (zero? -2))
(assert-false (zero? 1))
(assert-true (zero? 0))
(try (do (zero? "foo") (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (zero? []) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (zero? None) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))))
(defn test-none []
"NATIVE: testing for `is None`"
(assert-true (none? None))
(setv f None)
(assert-true (none? f))
(assert-false (none? 0))
(assert-false (none? "")))
(defn test-nil? []
"NATIVE: testing for `is nil`"
(assert-true (nil? nil))
(assert-true (nil? None))
(setv f nil)
(assert-true (nil? f))
(assert-false (nil? 0))
(assert-false (nil? "")))
(defn test-nth []
"NATIVE: testing the nth function"
(assert-equal 2 (nth [1 2 4 7] 1))
(assert-equal 7 (nth [1 2 4 7] 3))
(assert-nil (nth [1 2 4 7] 5))
(assert-equal (nth [1 2 4 7] 5 "some default value")
"some default value") ; with default specified
(try (do (nth [1 2 4 7] -1) (assert False))
(catch [e [ValueError]] nil))
;; now for iterators
(assert-equal 2 (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) 1))
(assert-equal 7 (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) 3))
(assert-nil (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) 5))
(assert-equal (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) 5 "some default value")
"some default value") ; with default specified
(try (do (nth (iter [1 2 4 7]) -1) (assert False))
(catch [e [ValueError]] nil))
(assert-equal 5 (nth (take 3 (drop 2 [1 2 3 4 5 6])) 2)))
(defn test-numeric? []
"NATIVE: testing the numeric? function"
(assert-true (numeric? 1))
(assert-true (numeric? 3.4))
(assert-true (numeric? 0.0))
(assert-true (numeric? -1.45))
(assert-false (numeric? "Foo"))
(assert-false (numeric? None)))
(defn test-odd []
"NATIVE: testing the odd? function"
(assert-true (odd? -3))
(assert-true (odd? 1))
(assert-false (odd? 0))
(try (do (odd? "foo") (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (odd? []) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (odd? None) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))))
(defn test-pos []
"NATIVE: testing the pos? function"
(assert-true (pos? 2))
(assert-false (pos? -1))
(assert-false (pos? 0))
(try (do (pos? "foo") (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (pos? []) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e)))))
(try (do (pos? None) (assert False))
(catch [e [TypeError]] (assert (in "not a number" (str e))))))
(defn test-remove []
"NATIVE: testing the remove function"
(setv r (list (remove odd? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(assert-equal r [2 4 6])
(assert-equal (list (remove even? [1 2 3 4 5])) [1 3 5])
(assert-equal (list (remove neg? [1 2 3 4 5])) [1 2 3 4 5])
(assert-equal (list (remove pos? [1 2 3 4 5])) [])
;; deal with embedded None
(assert-equal (list (remove (fn [x] (not (numeric? x))) [1 2 None 3 None 4])) [1 2 3 4]))
(defn test-repeat []
"NATIVE: testing repeat"
(setv r (repeat 10))
(assert-equal (list (take 5 r)) [10 10 10 10 10])
(assert-equal (list (take 4 r)) [10 10 10 10])
(setv r (repeat 10 3))
(assert-equal (list r) [10 10 10]))
(defn test-repeatedly []
"NATIVE: testing repeatedly"
(setv r (repeatedly (fn [] (inc 4))))
(assert-equal (list (take 5 r)) [5 5 5 5 5])
(assert-equal (list (take 4 r)) [5 5 5 5])
(assert-equal (list (take 6 r)) [5 5 5 5 5 5]))
(defn test-second []
"NATIVE: testing second"
(assert-equal 2 (second [1 2]))
(assert-equal 3 (second [2 3 4])))
(defn test-some []
"NATIVE: testing the some function"
(assert-true (some even? [2 4 6]))
(assert-nil (some even? [1 3 5]))
(assert-true (some even? [1 2 3]))
(assert-nil (some even? []))
; 0, "" (empty string) and [] (empty list) are all logical false
(assert-nil (some identity [0 "" []]))
; non-empty string is logical true
(assert-equal (some identity [0 "this string is non-empty" []])
"this string is non-empty")
; nil if collection is empty
(assert-nil (some even? [])))
(defn test-string? []
"NATIVE: testing string?"
(assert-true (string? "foo"))
(assert-true (string? ""))
(assert-false (string? 5.3))
(assert-true (string? (str 5.3)))
(assert-false (string? None)))
(defn test-take []
"NATIVE: testing the take function"
(setv res (list (take 3 [1 2 3 4 5])))
(assert-equal res [1 2 3])
(setv res (list (take 4 (repeat "s"))))
(assert-equal res ["s" "s" "s" "s"])
(setv res (list (take 0 (repeat "s"))))
(assert-equal res [])
(try (do (list (take -1 (repeat "s"))) (assert False))
(catch [e [ValueError]] nil))
(setv res (list (take 6 [1 2 None 4])))
(assert-equal res [1 2 None 4]))
(defn test-take-nth []
"NATIVE: testing the take-nth function"
(setv res (list (take-nth 2 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(assert-equal res [1 3 5 7])
(setv res (list (take-nth 3 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(assert-equal res [1 4 7])
(setv res (list (take-nth 4 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(assert-equal res [1 5])
(setv res (list (take-nth 5 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(assert-equal res [1 6])
(setv res (list (take-nth 6 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(assert-equal res [1 7])
(setv res (list (take-nth 7 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(assert-equal res [1])
;; what if there are None's in list
(setv res (list (take-nth 2 [1 2 3 None 5 6])))
(assert-equal res [1 3 5])
(setv res (list (take-nth 3 [1 2 3 None 5 6])))
(assert-equal res [1 None])
;; using 0 should raise ValueError
(let [[passed false]]
(setv res (list (take-nth 0 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])))
(catch [ValueError] (setv passed true)))
(assert passed)))
(defn test-take-while []
"NATIVE: testing the take-while function"
(setv res (list (take-while pos? [ 1 2 3 -4 5])))
(assert-equal res [1 2 3])
(setv res (list (take-while neg? [ -1 -4 5 3 4])))
(assert-false (= res [1 2]))
(setv res (list (take-while none? [None None 1 2 3])))
(assert-equal res [None None])
(setv res (list (take-while (fn [x] (not (none? x))) [1 2 3 4 None 5 6 None 7])))
(assert-equal res [1 2 3 4]))
(defn test-zipwith []
"NATIVE: testing the zipwith function"
(import operator)
(setv res (zipwith operator.add [1 2 3] [3 2 1]))
(assert-equal (list res) [4 4 4])
(setv res (zipwith operator.sub [3 7 9] [1 2 4]))
(assert-equal (list res) [2 5 5]))
(defn test-doto []
"NATIVE: testing doto macro"
(setv collection [])
(doto collection (.append 1) (.append 2) (.append 3))
(assert-equal collection [1 2 3])
(setv res (doto (set) (.add 2) (.add 1)))
(assert-equal res (set [1 2]))
(setv res (doto [] (.append 1) (.append 2) .reverse))
(assert-equal res [2 1]))
(defn test-is-keyword []
"NATIVE: testing the keyword? function"
(assert (keyword? ':bar))
(assert (keyword? ':baz))
(assert (keyword? :bar))
(assert (keyword? :baz))
(assert (not (keyword? "foo")))
(assert (not (keyword? ":foo")))
(assert (not (keyword? 1)))
(assert (not (keyword? nil))))
(defn test-import-init-hy []
"NATIVE: testing import of __init__.hy"
(import tests.resources.bin)
(assert (in "_null_fn_for_import_test" (dir tests.resources.bin))))