
386 lines
12 KiB

# Copyright 2018 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
import importlib
import inspect
import pkgutil
from hy._compat import PY3, string_types
from hy.models import replace_hy_obj, HyExpression, HySymbol, wrap_value
from hy.lex import mangle
from hy.errors import HyTypeError, HyMacroExpansionError
# Check if we have the newer inspect.signature available.
# Otherwise fallback to the legacy getargspec.
inspect.signature # noqa
except AttributeError:
def has_kwargs(fn):
argspec = inspect.getargspec(fn)
return argspec.keywords is not None
def format_args(fn):
argspec = inspect.getargspec(fn)
return inspect.formatargspec(*argspec)
def has_kwargs(fn):
parameters = inspect.signature(fn).parameters
return any(param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD
for param in parameters.values())
def format_args(fn):
return str(inspect.signature(fn))
def macro(name):
"""Decorator to define a macro called `name`.
name = mangle(name)
def _(fn):
fn.__name__ = '({})'.format(name)
fn._hy_macro_pass_compiler = has_kwargs(fn)
except Exception:
# An exception might be raised if fn has arguments with
# names that are invalid in Python.
fn._hy_macro_pass_compiler = False
module = inspect.getmodule(fn)
module_macros = module.__dict__.setdefault('__macros__', {})
module_macros[name] = fn
return fn
return _
def tag(name):
"""Decorator to define a tag macro called `name`.
def _(fn):
_name = mangle('#{}'.format(name))
if not PY3:
_name = _name.encode('UTF-8')
fn.__name__ = _name
module = inspect.getmodule(fn)
module_name = module.__name__
if module_name.startswith("hy.core"):
module_name = None
module_tags = module.__dict__.setdefault('__tags__', {})
module_tags[mangle(name)] = fn
return fn
return _
def _same_modules(source_module, target_module):
"""Compare the filenames associated with the given modules names.
This tries to not actually load the modules.
if not (source_module or target_module):
return False
if target_module == source_module:
return True
def _get_filename(module):
filename = None
if not inspect.ismodule(module):
loader = pkgutil.get_loader(module)
if loader:
filename = loader.get_filename()
filename = inspect.getfile(module)
except (TypeError, ImportError):
return filename
source_filename = _get_filename(source_module)
target_filename = _get_filename(target_module)
return (source_filename and target_filename and
source_filename == target_filename)
def require(source_module, target_module, assignments, prefix=""):
"""Load macros from one module into the namespace of another.
This function is called from the `require` special form in the compiler.
source_module: str or types.ModuleType
The module from which macros are to be imported.
target_module: str, types.ModuleType or None
The module into which the macros will be loaded. If `None`, then
the caller's namespace.
The latter is useful during evaluation of generated AST/bytecode.
assignments: str or list of tuples of strs
The string "ALL" or a list of macro name and alias pairs.
prefix: str, optional ("")
If nonempty, its value is prepended to the name of each imported macro.
This allows one to emulate namespaced macros, like
"mymacromodule.mymacro", which looks like an attribute of a module.
out: boolean
Whether or not macros and tags were actually transferred.
if target_module is None:
parent_frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
target_namespace = parent_frame.f_globals
target_module = target_namespace.get('__name__', None)
elif isinstance(target_module, string_types):
target_module = importlib.import_module(target_module)
target_namespace = target_module.__dict__
elif inspect.ismodule(target_module):
target_namespace = target_module.__dict__
raise TypeError('`target_module` is not a recognized type: {}'.format(
# Let's do a quick check to make sure the source module isn't actually
# the module being compiled (e.g. when `runpy` executes a module's code
# in `__main__`).
# We use the module's underlying filename for this (when they exist), since
# it's the most "fixed" attribute.
if _same_modules(source_module, target_module):
return False
if not inspect.ismodule(source_module):
source_module = importlib.import_module(source_module)
source_macros = source_module.__dict__.setdefault('__macros__', {})
source_tags = source_module.__dict__.setdefault('__tags__', {})
if len(source_module.__macros__) + len(source_module.__tags__) == 0:
if assignments != "ALL":
raise ImportError('The module {} has no macros or tags'.format(
return False
target_macros = target_namespace.setdefault('__macros__', {})
target_tags = target_namespace.setdefault('__tags__', {})
if prefix:
prefix += "."
if assignments == "ALL":
name_assigns = [(k, k) for k in
tuple(source_macros.keys()) + tuple(source_tags.keys())]
name_assigns = assignments
for name, alias in name_assigns:
_name = mangle(name)
alias = mangle(prefix + alias)
if _name in source_module.__macros__:
target_macros[alias] = source_macros[_name]
elif _name in source_module.__tags__:
target_tags[alias] = source_tags[_name]
raise ImportError('Could not require name {} from {}'.format(
_name, source_module))
return True
def load_macros(module):
"""Load the hy builtin macros for module `module_name`.
Modules from `hy.core` can only use the macros from CORE_MACROS.
Other modules get the macros from CORE_MACROS and EXTRA_MACROS.
builtin_macros = CORE_MACROS
if not module.__name__.startswith("hy.core"):
builtin_macros += EXTRA_MACROS
module_macros = module.__dict__.setdefault('__macros__', {})
module_tags = module.__dict__.setdefault('__tags__', {})
for builtin_mod_name in builtin_macros:
builtin_mod = importlib.import_module(builtin_mod_name)
# Make sure we don't overwrite macros in the module.
if hasattr(builtin_mod, '__macros__'):
module_macros.update({k: v
for k, v in builtin_mod.__macros__.items()
if k not in module_macros})
if hasattr(builtin_mod, '__tags__'):
module_tags.update({k: v
for k, v in builtin_mod.__tags__.items()
if k not in module_tags})
def make_empty_fn_copy(fn):
# This might fail if fn has parameters with funny names, like o!n. In
# such a case, we return a generic function that ensures the program
# can continue running. Unfortunately, the error message that might get
# raised later on while expanding a macro might not make sense at all.
formatted_args = format_args(fn)
fn_str = 'lambda {}: None'.format(
empty_fn = eval(fn_str)
except Exception:
def empty_fn(*args, **kwargs):
return empty_fn
def macroexpand(tree, module, compiler=None, once=False):
"""Expand the toplevel macros for the given Hy AST tree.
Load the macros from the given `module`, then expand the (top-level) macros
in `tree` until we no longer can.
`HyExpression` resulting from macro expansions are assigned the module in
which the macro function is defined (determined using `inspect.getmodule`).
If the resulting `HyExpression` is itself macro expanded, then the
namespace of the assigned module is checked first for a macro corresponding
to the expression's head/car symbol. If the head/car symbol of such a
`HyExpression` is not found among the macros of its assigned module's
namespace, the outer-most namespace--e.g. the one given by the `module`
parameter--is used as a fallback.
tree: HyObject or list
Hy AST tree.
module: str or types.ModuleType
Module used to determine the local namespace for macros.
compiler: HyASTCompiler, optional
The compiler object passed to expanded macros.
once: boolean, optional
Only expand the first macro in `tree`.
out: HyObject
Returns a mutated tree with macros expanded.
if not inspect.ismodule(module):
module = importlib.import_module(module)
assert not compiler or compiler.module == module
while True:
if not isinstance(tree, HyExpression) or tree == []:
fn = tree[0]
if fn in ("quote", "quasiquote") or not isinstance(fn, HySymbol):
fn = mangle(fn)
expr_modules = (([] if not hasattr(tree, 'module') else [tree.module])
+ [module])
# Choose the first namespace with the macro.
m = next((mod.__macros__[fn]
for mod in expr_modules
if fn in mod.__macros__),
if not m:
opts = {}
if m._hy_macro_pass_compiler:
if compiler is None:
from hy.compiler import HyASTCompiler
compiler = HyASTCompiler(module)
opts['compiler'] = compiler
m_copy = make_empty_fn_copy(m)
m_copy(module.__name__, *tree[1:], **opts)
except TypeError as e:
msg = "expanding `" + str(tree[0]) + "': "
msg += str(e).replace("<lambda>()", "", 1).strip()
raise HyMacroExpansionError(tree, msg)
obj = m(module.__name__, *tree[1:], **opts)
except HyTypeError as e:
if e.expression is None:
e.expression = tree
except Exception as e:
msg = "expanding `" + str(tree[0]) + "': " + repr(e)
raise HyMacroExpansionError(tree, msg)
if isinstance(obj, HyExpression):
obj.module = inspect.getmodule(m)
tree = replace_hy_obj(obj, tree)
if once:
tree = wrap_value(tree)
return tree
def macroexpand_1(tree, module, compiler=None):
"""Expand the toplevel macro from `tree` once, in the context of
return macroexpand(tree, module, compiler, once=True)
def tag_macroexpand(tag, tree, module):
"""Expand the tag macro `tag` with argument `tree`."""
if not inspect.ismodule(module):
module = importlib.import_module(module)
expr_modules = (([] if not hasattr(tree, 'module') else [tree.module])
+ [module])
# Choose the first namespace with the macro.
tag_macro = next((mod.__tags__[tag]
for mod in expr_modules
if tag in mod.__tags__),
if tag_macro is None:
raise HyTypeError(tag, "'{0}' is not a defined tag macro.".format(tag))
expr = tag_macro(tree)
if isinstance(expr, HyExpression):
expr.module = inspect.getmodule(tag_macro)
return replace_hy_obj(expr, tree)