Bob Tolbert df7bb1d29a Provide bin scripts for both Windows and *nix
Summary: This update does away with the scripts in bin and changes
setup.py to use entry_points in cmdline.py for the scripts 'hy' and

This fixes installing and running on Windows.

The tests are updated to run the 'hy' script produced by setup.py
and not from bin/hy. This is more correct and makes the tox tests
run on both Window and *nix.

For running hy or nosetests directly in the source tree, you do have
to run 'python setup.py develop' first. But since tox runs and builds
dists, all tox tests pass on all platforms.

Also, since there is no built-in readline on Windows, the setup.py
only on Windows requires 'pyreadline' as a replacement.

Switched from optparse to argparse in cmdline.py

Instead of trying to manually separate args meant for
hy from args meant for a hy script, this switches from
optparse to argparse for the CLI.

argparse automatically peels out args meant for hy and leaves
the rest, including the user hy script in options.args.

This fixes the issue @paultag found running "hy foo" where
foo is not a real file. Also added a test that makes sure
trying to run a non-existent script exits instead of dropping
the user into the REPL.

Added argparse as setup.py resource (and removed from tox.ini) as well as removed uses of deprecated setf
2013-07-14 09:06:42 -06:00

116 lines
1.5 KiB

REM Make batch file for Hy development
if "%1" == "" goto help
if "%1" == "help" (
echo. No default step. Use setup.py
echo. Other targets:
echo. - docs
echo. - full
echo. - dev "test & flake"
echo. - flake
echo. - test
echo. - diff
echo. - tox
echo. - d
echo. - r
goto end
if "%1" == "docs" (
echo.docs not yet supported under Windows
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "upload" (
python setup.py sdist upload
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "clear" (
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "d" (
call :clear
call :dev
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "test" (
call :venv
nosetests -sv
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "venv" (
echo.%VIRTUAL_ENV% | findstr /C:"hy" 1>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo.You're not in a Hy virtualenv. FOR SHAME
) ELSE (
echo.We're properly in a virtualenv. Going ahead.
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "flake" (
echo.flake8 hy
flake8 hy
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "dev" (
call :test
call :flake
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "tox" (
call :venv
tox -e "py26,py27,py32,py33,flake8"
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "d" (
call :clear
call :dev
goto :EOF
if "%i" == "diff" (
git diff --color
goto :EOF
if "%1" == "r" (
call :d
call :tox
call :diff
goto :EOF
if "%1" == full (
call :docs
call :d
call :tox