* Remove uses of `car` and `cdr` in /hy * Remove uses of `car` and `cdr` in quote tests * Remove `car` and `cdr` in favor of `first` and `rest` I beefed up the documentation and tests for `first` and `rest` while I was at it. I defined `car` and `cdr` in native_tests.cons so the tests read a bit more naturally.
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90 lines
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(import hy)
(defn test-quote []
"NATIVE: test for quoting functionality"
(setv q (quote (a b c)))
(assert (= (len q) 3))
(assert (= q [(quote a) (quote b) (quote c)])))
(defn test-quoted-hoistable []
"NATIVE: check whether quote works on hoisted things"
(setv f (quote (if True True True)))
(assert (= (get f 0) (quote if)))
(assert (= (cut f 1) (quote (True True True)))))
(defn test-quoted-macroexpand []
"NATIVE: check that we don't expand macros in quoted expressions"
(setv q1 (quote (-> a b c)))
(setv q2 (quasiquote (-> a b c)))
(assert (= q1 q2))
(assert (= (get q1 0) (quote ->)))
(assert (= (cut q1 1) (quote (a b c)))))
(defn test-quote-dicts []
"NATIVE: test quoting dicts"
(setv q (quote {foo bar baz quux}))
(assert (= (len q) 4))
(assert (= (get q 0) (quote foo)))
(assert (= (get q 1) (quote bar)))
(assert (= (get q 2) (quote baz)))
(assert (= (get q 3) (quote quux)))
(assert (= (type q) hy.HyDict)))
(defn test-quote-expr-in-dict []
"NATIVE: test quoting nested exprs in dict"
(setv q (quote {(foo bar) 0}))
(assert (= (len q) 2))
(setv qq (get q 0))
(assert (= qq (quote (foo bar)))))
(defn test-quasiquote []
"NATIVE: test that quasiquote and quote are equivalent for simple cases"
(setv q (quote (a b c)))
(setv qq (quasiquote (a b c)))
(assert (= q qq)))
(defn test-unquote []
"NATIVE: test that unquote works as expected"
(setv q (quote (unquote foo)))
(assert (= (len q) 2))
(assert (= (get q 1) (quote foo)))
(setv qq (quasiquote (a b c (unquote (+ 1 2)))))
(assert (= (len qq) 4))
(assert (= qq (quote (a b c 3)))))
(defn test-unquote-splice []
"NATIVE: test splicing unquotes"
(setv q (quote (c d e)))
(setv qq (quasiquote (a b (unquote-splice q) f (unquote-splice q))))
(assert (= (len qq) 9))
(assert (= qq (quote (a b c d e f c d e)))))
(defn test-nested-quasiquote []
"NATIVE: test nested quasiquotes"
(setv qq (quasiquote (1 (quasiquote (unquote (+ 1 (unquote (+ 2 3))))) 4)))
(setv q (quote (1 (quasiquote (unquote (+ 1 5))) 4)))
(assert (= (len q) 3))
(assert (= (get qq 1) (quote (quasiquote (unquote (+ 1 5))))))
(assert (= q qq)))
(defmacro doodle [&rest body]
`(do ~@body))
(defn test-unquote-splice []
"NATIVE: test unquote-splice does what's intended"
(assert (=
[1 2 3]
[4 5 6])
[4 5 6])))