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71 lines
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;;; Hy tail-call optimization
;; Copyright 2018 the authors.
;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
;; license. See the LICENSE.
;;; The loop/recur macro allows you to construct functions that use tail-call
;;; optimization to allow arbitrary levels of recursion.
(import [hy.contrib.walk [prewalk]])
(defn --trampoline-- [f]
"Wrap f function and make it tail-call optimized."
;; Takes the function "f" and returns a wrapper that may be used for tail-
;; recursive algorithms. Note that the returned function is not side-effect
;; free and should not be called from anywhere else during tail recursion.
(setv result None)
;; We have to put this in a list because of Python's
;; weirdness around local variables.
;; Assigning directly to it later would cause it to
;; shadow in a new scope.
(setv active [False])
(setv accumulated [])
(fn [&rest args]
(.append accumulated args)
(when (not (first active))
(assoc active 0 True)
(while (> (len accumulated) 0)
(setv result (f #* (.pop accumulated))))
(assoc active 0 False)
(defmacro/g! fnr [signature &rest body]
(setv new-body (prewalk
(fn [x] (if (and (symbol? x) (= x "recur")) g!recur-fn x))
(import [hy.contrib.loop [--trampoline--]])
(defn ~g!recur-fn [~@signature] ~@new-body))
(defmacro defnr [name lambda-list &rest body]
(if (not (= (type name) HySymbol))
(macro-error name "defnr takes a name as first argument"))
`(do (require hy.contrib.loop)
(setv ~name (hy.contrib.loop.fnr ~lambda-list ~@body))))
(defmacro/g! loop [bindings &rest body]
;; Use inside functions like so:
;; (defn factorial [n]
;; (loop [[i n]
;; [acc 1]]
;; (if (= i 0)
;; acc
;; (recur (dec i) (* acc i)))))
;; If recur is used in a non-tail-call position, None is returned, which
;; causes chaos. Fixing this to detect if recur is in a tail-call position
;; and erroring if not is a giant TODO.
(setv fnargs (map (fn [x] (first x)) bindings)
initargs (map second bindings))
`(do (require hy.contrib.loop)
(hy.contrib.loop.defnr ~g!recur-fn [~@fnargs] ~@body)
(~g!recur-fn ~@initargs)))