Compiler and command-line error messages now reflect their Python counterparts. E.g. where Python emits a `SyntaxError`, so does Hy; same for `TypeError`s. Multiple tests have been added that check the format and type of raised exceptions over varying command-line invocations (e.g. interactive and not). A new exception type for `require` errors was added so that they can be treated like normal run-time errors and not compiler errors. The Hy REPL has been further refactored to better match the class-structured API. Now, different error types are handled separately and leverage more base class-provided functionality. Closes hylang/hy#1486.
63 lines
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63 lines
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# Copyright 2019 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
from hy.macros import macro, macroexpand
from hy.lex import tokenize
from hy.models import HyString, HyList, HySymbol, HyExpression, HyFloat
from hy.errors import HyMacroExpansionError
from hy.compiler import HyASTCompiler
import pytest
def tmac(ETname, *tree):
""" Turn an expression into a list """
return HyList(tree)
def test_preprocessor_simple():
""" Test basic macro expansion """
obj = macroexpand(tokenize('(test "one" "two")')[0],
assert obj == HyList(["one", "two"])
assert type(obj) == HyList
def test_preprocessor_expression():
""" Test that macro expansion doesn't recurse"""
obj = macroexpand(tokenize('(test (test "one" "two"))')[0],
assert type(obj) == HyList
assert type(obj[0]) == HyExpression
assert obj[0] == HyExpression([HySymbol("test"),
obj = HyList([HyString("one"), HyString("two")])
obj = tokenize('(shill ["one" "two"])')[0][1]
assert obj == macroexpand(obj, __name__, HyASTCompiler(__name__))
def test_preprocessor_exceptions():
""" Test that macro expansion raises appropriate exceptions"""
with pytest.raises(HyMacroExpansionError) as excinfo:
macroexpand(tokenize('(defn)')[0], __name__, HyASTCompiler(__name__))
assert "_hy_anon_" not in excinfo.value.msg
def test_macroexpand_nan():
# https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/1574
import math
NaN = float('nan')
x = macroexpand(HyFloat(NaN), __name__, HyASTCompiler(__name__))
assert type(x) is HyFloat
assert math.isnan(x)