649 lines
19 KiB
649 lines
19 KiB
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from hy import HyString
from hy.compiler import hy_compile, hy_eval
from hy.errors import HyCompileError, HyLanguageError, HyError
from hy.lex import hy_parse
from hy.lex.exceptions import LexException, PrematureEndOfInput
from hy._compat import PY36
import ast
import pytest
def _ast_spotcheck(arg, root, secondary):
if "." in arg:
local, full = arg.split(".", 1)
return _ast_spotcheck(full,
getattr(root, local),
getattr(secondary, local))
assert getattr(root, arg) == getattr(secondary, arg)
def can_compile(expr):
return hy_compile(hy_parse(expr), __name__)
def can_eval(expr):
return hy_eval(hy_parse(expr))
def cant_compile(expr):
with pytest.raises(HyError) as excinfo:
hy_compile(hy_parse(expr), __name__)
if issubclass(excinfo.type, HyLanguageError):
assert excinfo.value.msg
return excinfo.value
elif issubclass(excinfo.type, HyCompileError):
# Anything that can't be compiled should raise a user friendly
# error, otherwise it's a compiler bug.
return excinfo.value
def s(x):
return can_compile('"module docstring" ' + x).body[-1].value.s
def test_ast_bad_type():
"Make sure AST breakage can happen"
class C:
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
hy_compile(C(), __name__, filename='<string>', source='')
def test_empty_expr():
"Empty expressions should be illegal at the top level."
cant_compile("(print ())")
can_compile("(print '())")
def test_dot_unpacking():
can_compile("(.meth obj #* args az)")
cant_compile("(.meth #* args az)")
cant_compile("(. foo #* bar baz)")
can_compile("(.meth obj #** args az)")
can_compile("(.meth #** args obj)")
cant_compile("(. foo #** bar baz)")
def test_ast_bad_if():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid if*"
cant_compile("(if* foobar)")
cant_compile("(if* 1 2 3 4 5)")
def test_ast_valid_if():
"Make sure AST can compile valid if*"
can_compile("(if* foo bar)")
def test_ast_valid_unary_op():
"Make sure AST can compile valid unary operator"
can_compile("(not 2)")
can_compile("(~ 1)")
def test_ast_invalid_unary_op():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid unary operator"
cant_compile("(not 2 3 4)")
cant_compile("(not 2 3 4)")
cant_compile("(~ 2 2 3 4)")
def test_ast_bad_while():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid while"
def test_ast_good_do():
"Make sure AST can compile valid do"
can_compile("(do 1)")
def test_ast_good_raise():
"Make sure AST can compile valid raise"
can_compile("(raise Exception)")
can_compile("(raise e)")
def test_ast_raise_from():
can_compile("(raise Exception :from NameError)")
def test_ast_bad_raise():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid raise"
cant_compile("(raise Exception Exception)")
def test_ast_good_try():
"Make sure AST can compile valid try"
can_compile("(try 1 (except []) (else 1))")
can_compile("(try 1 (finally 1))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except []) (finally 1))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except [x]) (except [y]) (finally 1))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except []) (else 1) (finally 1))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except [x]) (except [y]) (else 1) (finally 1))")
def test_ast_bad_try():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid try"
cant_compile("(try 1)")
cant_compile("(try 1 bla)")
cant_compile("(try 1 bla bla)")
cant_compile("(try (do bla bla))")
cant_compile("(try (do) (else 1) (else 2))")
cant_compile("(try 1 (else 1))")
cant_compile("(try 1 (else 1) (except []))")
cant_compile("(try 1 (finally 1) (except []))")
cant_compile("(try 1 (except []) (finally 1) (else 1))")
def test_ast_good_except():
"Make sure AST can compile valid except"
can_compile("(try 1 (except []))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except [Foobar]))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except [[]]))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except [x FooBar]))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except [x [FooBar BarFoo]]))")
can_compile("(try 1 (except [x [FooBar BarFoo]]))")
def test_ast_bad_except():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid except"
cant_compile("(except 1)")
cant_compile("(try 1 (except))")
cant_compile("(try 1 (except 1))")
cant_compile("(try 1 (except [1 3]))")
cant_compile("(try 1 (except [(f) [IOError ValueError]]))")
cant_compile("(try 1 (except [x [FooBar] BarBar]))")
def test_ast_good_assert():
"""Make sure AST can compile valid asserts. Asserts may or may not
include a label."""
can_compile("(assert 1)")
can_compile("(assert 1 \"Assert label\")")
can_compile("(assert 1 (+ \"spam \" \"eggs\"))")
can_compile("(assert 1 12345)")
can_compile("(assert 1 None)")
can_compile("(assert 1 (+ 2 \"incoming eggsception\"))")
def test_ast_bad_assert():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid assert"
cant_compile("(assert 1 2 3)")
cant_compile("(assert 1 [1 2] 3)")
def test_ast_good_global():
"Make sure AST can compile valid global"
can_compile("(global a)")
can_compile("(global foo bar)")
def test_ast_bad_global():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid global"
cant_compile("(global (foo))")
def test_ast_good_nonlocal():
"Make sure AST can compile valid nonlocal"
can_compile("(nonlocal a)")
can_compile("(nonlocal foo bar)")
def test_ast_bad_nonlocal():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid nonlocal"
cant_compile("(nonlocal (foo))")
def test_ast_good_defclass():
"Make sure AST can compile valid defclass"
can_compile("(defclass a)")
can_compile("(defclass a [])")
can_compile("(defclass a [] None 42)")
can_compile("(defclass a [] None \"test\")")
can_compile("(defclass a [] None (print \"foo\"))")
def test_ast_good_defclass_with_metaclass():
"Make sure AST can compile valid defclass with keywords"
can_compile("(defclass a [:metaclass b])")
can_compile("(defclass a [:b c])")
def test_ast_bad_defclass():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid defclass"
cant_compile("(defclass a None)")
cant_compile("(defclass a None None)")
def test_ast_good_lambda():
"Make sure AST can compile valid lambda"
can_compile("(fn [])")
can_compile("(fn [] 1)")
def test_ast_bad_lambda():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid lambda"
cant_compile("(fn ())")
cant_compile("(fn () 1)")
cant_compile("(fn (x) 1)")
cant_compile('(fn "foo")')
def test_ast_good_yield():
"Make sure AST can compile valid yield"
can_compile("(yield 1)")
def test_ast_bad_yield():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid yield"
cant_compile("(yield 1 2)")
def test_ast_import_mangle_dotted():
"""Mangling a module name with a period shouldn't create a spurious
code = can_compile("(import a-b.c)")
assert code.body[0].names[0].name == "a_b.c"
assert code.body[0].names[0].asname is None
def test_ast_good_import_from():
"Make sure AST can compile valid selective import"
can_compile("(import [x [y]])")
def test_ast_require():
"Make sure AST respects (require) syntax"
can_compile("(require tests.resources.tlib)")
can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [qplah parald]])")
can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [*]])")
can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib :as foobar])")
can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [qplah :as quiz]])")
can_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [qplah :as quiz parald]])")
cant_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib])")
cant_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [* qplah]])")
cant_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [qplah *]])")
cant_compile("(require [tests.resources.tlib [* *]])")
def test_ast_import_require_dotted():
"""As in Python, it should be a compile-time error to attempt to
import a dotted name."""
cant_compile("(import [spam [foo.bar]])")
cant_compile("(require [spam [foo.bar]])")
def test_ast_good_get():
"Make sure AST can compile valid get"
can_compile("(get x y)")
def test_ast_bad_get():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid get"
cant_compile("(get 1)")
def test_ast_good_cut():
"Make sure AST can compile valid cut"
can_compile("(cut x)")
can_compile("(cut x y)")
can_compile("(cut x y z)")
can_compile("(cut x y z t)")
def test_ast_bad_cut():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid cut"
cant_compile("(cut 1 2 3 4 5)")
def test_ast_good_take():
"Make sure AST can compile valid 'take'"
can_compile("(take 1 [2 3])")
def test_ast_good_drop():
"Make sure AST can compile valid 'drop'"
can_compile("(drop 1 [2 3])")
def test_ast_good_assoc():
"Make sure AST can compile valid assoc"
can_compile("(assoc x y z)")
def test_ast_bad_assoc():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid assoc"
cant_compile("(assoc 1)")
cant_compile("(assoc 1 2)")
cant_compile("(assoc 1 2 3 4)")
def test_ast_bad_with():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid with"
cant_compile("(with* [])")
cant_compile("(with* [] (pass))")
def test_ast_valid_while():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid while"
can_compile("(while foo bar)")
can_compile("(while foo bar (else baz))")
def test_ast_valid_for():
"Make sure AST can compile valid for"
can_compile("(for [a 2] (print a))")
def test_nullary_break_continue():
can_compile("(while 1 (break))")
cant_compile("(while 1 (break 1))")
can_compile("(while 1 (continue))")
cant_compile("(while 1 (continue 1))")
def test_ast_expression_basics():
""" Ensure basic AST expression conversion works. """
code = can_compile("(foo bar)").body[0]
tree = ast.Expr(value=ast.Call(
ast.Name(id="bar", ctx=ast.Load())
_ast_spotcheck("value.func.id", code, tree)
def test_ast_anon_fns_basics():
""" Ensure anon fns work. """
code = can_compile("(fn [x] (* x x))").body[0].value
assert type(code) == ast.Lambda
code = can_compile("(fn [x] (print \"multiform\") (* x x))").body[0]
assert type(code) == ast.FunctionDef
can_compile("(fn [x])")
def test_ast_non_decoratable():
""" Ensure decorating garbage breaks """
cant_compile("(with-decorator (foo) (* x x))")
def test_ast_lambda_lists():
"""Ensure the compiler chokes on invalid lambda-lists"""
cant_compile('(fn [&optional [a b c]] a)')
cant_compile('(fn [&optional [1 2]] (list 1 2))')
def test_ast_print():
code = can_compile("(print \"foo\")").body[0]
assert type(code.value) == ast.Call
def test_ast_tuple():
""" Ensure tuples work. """
code = can_compile("(, 1 2 3)").body[0].value
assert type(code) == ast.Tuple
def test_lambda_list_keywords_rest():
""" Ensure we can compile functions with lambda list keywords."""
can_compile("(fn [x &rest xs] (print xs))")
cant_compile("(fn [x &rest xs &rest ys] (print xs))")
can_compile("(fn [&optional a &rest xs] (print xs))")
def test_lambda_list_keywords_kwargs():
""" Ensure we can compile functions with &kwargs."""
can_compile("(fn [x &kwargs kw] (list x kw))")
cant_compile("(fn [x &kwargs xs &kwargs ys] (list x xs ys))")
can_compile("(fn [&optional x &kwargs kw] (list x kw))")
def test_lambda_list_keywords_kwonly():
kwonly_demo = "(fn [&kwonly a [b 2]] (print 1) (print a b))"
code = can_compile(kwonly_demo)
for i, kwonlyarg_name in enumerate(('a', 'b')):
assert kwonlyarg_name == code.body[0].args.kwonlyargs[i].arg
assert code.body[0].args.kw_defaults[0] is None
assert code.body[0].args.kw_defaults[1].n == 2
def test_lambda_list_keywords_mixed():
""" Ensure we can mix them up."""
can_compile("(fn [x &rest xs &kwargs kw] (list x xs kw))")
cant_compile("(fn [x &rest xs &fasfkey {bar \"baz\"}])")
can_compile("(fn [x &rest xs &kwonly kwoxs &kwargs kwxs]"
" (list x xs kwxs kwoxs))")
def test_missing_keyword_argument_value():
"""Ensure the compiler chokes on missing keyword argument values."""
with pytest.raises(HyLanguageError) as excinfo:
can_compile("((fn [x] x) :x)")
assert excinfo.value.msg == "Keyword argument :x needs a value."
def test_ast_unicode_strings():
"""Ensure we handle unicode strings correctly"""
def _compile_string(s):
hy_s = HyString(s)
code = hy_compile([hy_s], __name__, filename='<string>', source=s)
# We put hy_s in a list so it isn't interpreted as a docstring.
# code == ast.Module(body=[ast.Expr(value=ast.List(elts=[ast.Str(s=xxx)]))])
return code.body[0].value.elts[0].s
assert _compile_string("test") == "test"
assert _compile_string("\u03b1\u03b2") == "\u03b1\u03b2"
assert _compile_string("\xc3\xa9") == "\xc3\xa9"
def test_ast_unicode_vs_bytes():
assert s('"hello"') == "hello"
assert type(s('"hello"')) is str
assert s('b"hello"') == b"hello"
assert type(s('b"hello"')) is bytes
assert s('b"\\xa0"') == bytes([160])
@pytest.mark.skipif(not PY36, reason='f-strings require Python 3.6+')
def test_format_string():
assert can_compile('f"hello world"')
assert can_compile('f"hello {(+ 1 1)} world"')
assert can_compile('f"hello world {(+ 1 1)}"')
assert cant_compile('f"hello {(+ 1 1) world"')
assert cant_compile('f"hello (+ 1 1)} world"')
assert cant_compile('f"hello {(+ 1 1} world"')
assert can_compile(r'f"hello {\"n\"} world"')
assert can_compile(r'f"hello {\"\\n\"} world"')
def test_ast_bracket_string():
assert s(r'#[[empty delims]]') == 'empty delims'
assert s(r'#[my delim[fizzle]my delim]') == 'fizzle'
assert s(r'#[[]]') == ''
assert s(r'#[my delim[]my delim]') == ''
assert type(s('#[X[hello]X]')) is str
assert s(r'#[X[raw\nstring]X]') == 'raw\\nstring'
assert s(r'#[foozle[aa foozli bb ]foozle]') == 'aa foozli bb '
assert s(r'#[([unbalanced](]') == 'unbalanced'
assert s(r'#[(1💯@)} {a![hello world](1💯@)} {a!]') == 'hello world'
assert (s(r'''#[X[
Remove the leading newline, please.
]X]''') == 'Remove the leading newline, please.\n')
assert (s(r'''#[X[
Only one leading newline should be removed.
]X]''') == '\n\nOnly one leading newline should be removed.\n')
def test_compile_error():
"""Ensure we get compile error in tricky cases"""
with pytest.raises(HyLanguageError) as excinfo:
can_compile("(fn [] (in [1 2 3]))")
def test_for_compile_error():
"""Ensure we get compile error in tricky 'for' cases"""
with pytest.raises(PrematureEndOfInput) as excinfo:
can_compile("(fn [] (for)")
assert excinfo.value.msg == "Premature end of input"
with pytest.raises(LexException) as excinfo:
can_compile("(fn [] (for)))")
assert excinfo.value.msg == "Ran into a RPAREN where it wasn't expected."
cant_compile("(fn [] (for [x] x))")
def test_attribute_access():
"""Ensure attribute access compiles correctly"""
can_compile("(. foo bar baz)")
can_compile("(. foo [bar] baz)")
can_compile("(. foo bar [baz] [0] quux [frob])")
can_compile("(. foo bar [(+ 1 2 3 4)] quux [frob])")
cant_compile("(. foo bar :baz [0] quux [frob])")
cant_compile("(. foo bar baz (0) quux [frob])")
cant_compile("(. foo bar baz [0] quux {frob})")
def test_attribute_empty():
"""Ensure using dot notation with a non-expression is an error"""
def test_bad_setv():
"""Ensure setv handles error cases"""
cant_compile("(setv (a b) [1 2])")
def test_defn():
"""Ensure that defn works correctly in various corner cases"""
cant_compile("(defn \"hy\" [] 1)")
cant_compile("(defn :hy [] 1)")
can_compile("(defn &hy [] 1)")
cant_compile('(defn hy "foo")')
def test_setv_builtins():
"""Ensure that assigning to a builtin fails, unless in a class"""
cant_compile("(setv None 42)")
can_compile("(defclass A [] (defn get [self] 42))")
(defclass A []
(defn get [self] 42)
(defclass B []
(defn get [self] 42))
(defn if* [self] 0))
def test_top_level_unquote():
with pytest.raises(HyLanguageError) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.msg == "The special form 'unquote' is not allowed here"
with pytest.raises(HyLanguageError) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.msg == "The special form 'unquote-splice' is not allowed here"
def test_lots_of_comment_lines():
# https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/1313
can_compile(1000 * ";\n")
def test_compiler_macro_tag_try():
"""Check that try forms within defmacro/deftag are compiled correctly"""
# https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/1350
can_compile("(defmacro foo [] (try None (except [] None)) `())")
can_compile("(deftag foo [] (try None (except [] None)) `())")
def test_ast_good_yield_from():
"Make sure AST can compile valid yield-from"
can_compile("(yield-from [1 2])")
def test_ast_bad_yield_from():
"Make sure AST can't compile invalid yield-from"
def test_eval_generator_with_return():
"""Ensure generators with a return statement works."""
can_eval("(fn [] (yield 1) (yield 2) (return))")
def test_futures_imports():
"""Make sure __future__ imports go first, especially when builtins are
automatically added (e.g. via use of a builtin name like `name`)."""
hy_ast = can_compile((
'(import [__future__ [print_function]])\n'
'(import sys)\n'
'(setv name [1 2])'
'(print (first name))'))
assert hy_ast.body[0].module == '__future__'
assert hy_ast.body[1].module == 'hy.core.language'
hy_ast = can_compile((
'(import sys)\n'
'(import [__future__ [print_function]])\n'
'(setv name [1 2])'
'(print (first name))'))
assert hy_ast.body[0].module == '__future__'
assert hy_ast.body[1].module == 'hy.core.language'
def test_inline_python():
can_compile('(py "1 + 1")')
cant_compile('(py "1 +")')
can_compile('(pys "if 1:\n 2")')
cant_compile('(pys "if 1\n 2")')