A tribute to Portal 2, this function will return an infinite list of the contents of the AUTHORS file on GitHub master (assuming requests is installed). Except, the macro does this, the function never gets called, it is purely there for tribute reasons. Signed-off-by: Gergely Nagy <algernon@madhouse-project.org>
220 lines
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220 lines
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(defmacro rev [&rest body]
"Execute the `body` statements in reverse"
(quasiquote (do (unquote-splice (list (reversed body))))))
(defn test-rev-macro []
"NATIVE: test stararged native macros"
(setv x [])
(rev (.append x 1) (.append x 2) (.append x 3))
(assert (= x [3 2 1])))
; Macros returning constants
(defmacro an-int [] 42)
(assert (= (an-int) 42))
(defmacro a-true [] True)
(assert (= (a-true) True))
(defmacro a-false [] False)
(assert (= (a-false) False))
(defmacro a-float [] 42.)
(assert (= (a-float) 42.))
(defmacro a-complex [] 42j)
(assert (= (a-complex) 42j))
(defmacro a-string [] "foo")
(assert (= (a-string) "foo"))
(defmacro a-list [] [1 2])
(assert (= (a-list) [1 2]))
(defmacro a-tuple [&rest b] b)
(assert (= (a-tuple 1 2) [1 2]))
(defmacro a-dict [] {1 2})
(assert (= (a-dict) {1 2}))
(defmacro a-none [])
(assert (= (a-none) None))
; A macro calling a previously defined function
(defn foo [x y]
(quasiquote (+ (unquote x) (unquote y)))))
(defmacro bar [x y]
(foo x y))
(defn test-fn-calling-macro []
"NATIVE: test macro calling a plain function"
(assert (= 3 (bar 1 2))))
(defn test-midtree-yield []
"NATIVE: test yielding with a returnable"
(defn kruft [] (yield) (+ 1 1)))
(defn test-midtree-yield-in-for []
"NATIVE: test yielding in a for with a return"
(defn kruft-in-for []
(for* [i (range 5)]
(yield i))
(+ 1 2)))
(defn test-midtree-yield-in-while []
"NATIVE: test yielding in a while with a return"
(defn kruft-in-while []
(setv i 0)
(while (< i 5)
(yield i)
(setv i (+ i 1)))
(+ 2 3)))
(defn test-multi-yield []
"NATIVE: testing multiple yields"
(defn multi-yield []
(for* [i (range 3)]
(yield i))
(yield "a")
(yield "end"))
(assert (= (list (multi-yield)) [0 1 2 "a" "end"])))
; Macro that checks a variable defined at compile or load time
(setv phase "load")
(setv phase "compile"))
(defmacro phase-when-compiling [] phase)
(assert (= phase "load"))
(assert (= (phase-when-compiling) "compile"))
(setv initialized False)
(setv initialized True))
(defmacro test-initialized [] initialized)
(assert initialized)
(assert (test-initialized))
(defn test-if-python2 []
(import sys)
(assert (= (get sys.version_info 0)
(if-python2 2 3))))
(defn test-gensym-in-macros []
(import ast)
(import [astor.codegen [to_source]])
(import [hy.importer [import_buffer_to_ast]])
(setv macro1 "(defmacro nif [expr pos zero neg]
(let [[g (gensym)]]
`(let [[~g ~expr]]
(cond [(pos? ~g) ~pos]
[(zero? ~g) ~zero]
[(neg? ~g) ~neg]))))
(print (nif (inc -1) 1 0 -1))
;; expand the macro twice, should use a different
;; gensym each time
(setv _ast1 (import_buffer_to_ast macro1 "foo"))
(setv _ast2 (import_buffer_to_ast macro1 "foo"))
(setv s1 (to_source _ast1))
(setv s2 (to_source _ast2))
;; and make sure there is something new that starts with :G_
(assert (in ":G_" s1))
(assert (in ":G_" s2))
;; but make sure the two don't match each other
(assert (not (= s1 s2))))
(defn test-with-gensym []
(import ast)
(import [astor.codegen [to_source]])
(import [hy.importer [import_buffer_to_ast]])
(setv macro1 "(defmacro nif [expr pos zero neg]
(with-gensyms [a]
`(let [[~a ~expr]]
(cond [(pos? ~a) ~pos]
[(zero? ~a) ~zero]
[(neg? ~a) ~neg]))))
(print (nif (inc -1) 1 0 -1))
;; expand the macro twice, should use a different
;; gensym each time
(setv _ast1 (import_buffer_to_ast macro1 "foo"))
(setv _ast2 (import_buffer_to_ast macro1 "foo"))
(setv s1 (to_source _ast1))
(setv s2 (to_source _ast2))
(assert (in ":a_" s1))
(assert (in ":a_" s2))
(assert (not (= s1 s2))))
(defn test-defmacro-g! []
(import ast)
(import [astor.codegen [to_source]])
(import [hy.importer [import_buffer_to_ast]])
(setv macro1 "(defmacro/g! nif [expr pos zero neg]
`(let [[~g!res ~expr]]
(cond [(pos? ~g!res) ~pos]
[(zero? ~g!res) ~zero]
[(neg? ~g!res) ~neg])))
(print (nif (inc -1) 1 0 -1))
;; expand the macro twice, should use a different
;; gensym each time
(setv _ast1 (import_buffer_to_ast macro1 "foo"))
(setv _ast2 (import_buffer_to_ast macro1 "foo"))
(setv s1 (to_source _ast1))
(setv s2 (to_source _ast2))
(assert (in ":res_" s1))
(assert (in ":res_" s2))
(assert (not (= s1 s2)))
;; defmacro/g! didn't like numbers initially because they
;; don't have a startswith method and blew up during expansion
(setv macro2 "(defmacro/g! two-point-zero [] `(+ (float 1) 1.0))")
(assert (import_buffer_to_ast macro2 "foo")))
(defn test-if-not []
(assert (= (if-not True :yes :no)
(assert (= (if-not False :yes :no)
(assert (nil? (if-not True :yes)))
(assert (= (if-not False :yes)
(defn test-lisp-if []
"test that lisp-if works as expected"
; nil is false
(assert (= (lisp-if None "true" "false") "false"))
(assert (= (lisp-if nil "true" "false") "false"))
; But everything else is True! Even falsey things.
(assert (= (lisp-if True "true" "false") "true"))
(assert (= (lisp-if False "true" "false") "true"))
(assert (= (lisp-if 0 "true" "false") "true"))
(assert (= (lisp-if "some-string" "true" "false") "true"))
(assert (= (lisp-if "" "true" "false") "true"))
(assert (= (lisp-if (+ 1 2 3) "true" "false") "true"))
; Just to be sure, test the alias lif
(assert (= (lif nil "true" "false") "false"))
(assert (= (lif 0 "true" "false") "true")))
(defn test-defn-alias []
(defn-alias [tda-main tda-a1 tda-a2] [] :bazinga)
(defun-alias [tda-main tda-a1 tda-a2] [] :bazinga)
(assert (= (tda-main) :bazinga))
(assert (= (tda-a1) :bazinga))
(assert (= (tda-a2) :bazinga))
(assert (= tda-main tda-a1 tda-a2)))
(defn test-botsbuildbots []
(assert (> (len (first (Botsbuildbots))) 50)))