2020-01-09 14:05:12 -05:00

202 lines
5.6 KiB

# Copyright 2020 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import keyword
import re
import sys
import unicodedata
from hy.lex.exceptions import PrematureEndOfInput, LexException # NOQA
from hy.models import HyExpression, HySymbol
from io import StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
def hy_parse(source, filename='<string>'):
"""Parse a Hy source string.
source: string
Source code to parse.
filename: string, optional
File name corresponding to source. Defaults to "<string>".
out : HyExpression
_source = re.sub(r'\A#!.*', '', source)
res = HyExpression([HySymbol("do")] +
tokenize(_source + "\n",
res.source = source
res.filename = filename
return res
class ParserState(object):
def __init__(self, source, filename):
self.source = source
self.filename = filename
def tokenize(source, filename=None):
""" Tokenize a Lisp file or string buffer into internal Hy objects.
source: str
The source to tokenize.
filename: str, optional
The filename corresponding to `source`.
from hy.lex.lexer import lexer
from hy.lex.parser import parser
from rply.errors import LexingError
return parser.parse(lexer.lex(source),
state=ParserState(source, filename))
except LexingError as e:
pos = e.getsourcepos()
raise LexException("Could not identify the next token.",
None, filename, source,
max(pos.lineno, 1),
max(pos.colno, 1))
except LexException as e:
raise e
def parse_one_thing(src_string):
"""Parse the first form from the string. Return it and the
remainder of the string."""
import re
from hy.lex.lexer import lexer
from hy.lex.parser import parser
from rply.errors import LexingError
tokens = []
err = None
for token in lexer.lex(src_string):
model, = parser.parse(
state=ParserState(src_string, filename=None))
except (LexingError, LexException) as e:
err = e
return model, src_string[re.match(
r'.+\n' * (model.end_line - 1)
+ '.' * model.end_column,
if err:
raise err
raise ValueError("No form found")
mangle_delim = 'X'
def mangle(s):
"""Stringify the argument and convert it to a valid Python identifier
according to Hy's mangling rules."""
def unicode_char_to_hex(uchr):
# Covert a unicode char to hex string, without prefix
if len(uchr) == 1 and ord(uchr) < 128:
return format(ord(uchr), 'x')
return (uchr.encode('unicode-escape').decode('utf-8')
assert s
s = str(s)
s = s.replace("-", "_")
s2 = s.lstrip('_')
leading_underscores = '_' * (len(s) - len(s2))
s = s2
if s.endswith("?"):
s = 'is_' + s[:-1]
if not isidentifier(leading_underscores + s):
# Replace illegal characters with their Unicode character
# names, or hexadecimal if they don't have one.
s = 'hyx_' + ''.join(
if c != mangle_delim and isidentifier('S' + c)
# We prepend the "S" because some characters aren't
# allowed at the start of an identifier.
else '{0}{1}{0}'.format(mangle_delim,
unicodedata.name(c, '').lower().replace('-', 'H').replace(' ', '_')
or 'U{}'.format(unicode_char_to_hex(c)))
for c in s)
s = leading_underscores + s
assert isidentifier(s)
return s
def unmangle(s):
"""Stringify the argument and try to convert it to a pretty unmangled
form. This may not round-trip, because different Hy symbol names can
mangle to the same Python identifier."""
s = str(s)
s2 = s.lstrip('_')
leading_underscores = len(s) - len(s2)
s = s2
if s.startswith('hyx_'):
s = re.sub('{0}(U)?([_a-z0-9H]+?){0}'.format(mangle_delim),
lambda mo:
chr(int(mo.group(2), base=16))
if mo.group(1)
else unicodedata.lookup(
mo.group(2).replace('_', ' ').replace('H', '-').upper()),
if s.startswith('is_'):
s = s[len("is_"):] + "?"
s = s.replace('_', '-')
return '-' * leading_underscores + s
def read(from_file=sys.stdin, eof=""):
"""Read from input and returns a tokenized string.
Can take a given input buffer to read from, and a single byte as EOF
(defaults to an empty string).
buff = ""
while True:
inn = str(from_file.readline())
if inn == eof:
raise EOFError("Reached end of file")
buff += inn
parsed = next(iter(tokenize(buff)), None)
except (PrematureEndOfInput, IndexError):
return parsed
def read_str(input):
return read(StringIO(str(input)))
def isidentifier(x):
if x in ('True', 'False', 'None'):
return True
if keyword.iskeyword(x):
return False
return x.isidentifier()