2017-08-02 16:55:14 -06:00

371 lines
9.1 KiB
Executable File

# Copyright 2017 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
from functools import wraps
from ast import literal_eval
from rply import ParserGenerator
from hy._compat import PY3, str_type
from hy.models import (HyBytes, HyComplex, HyCons, HyDict, HyExpression,
HyFloat, HyInteger, HyKeyword, HyList, HySet, HyString,
from .lexer import lexer
from .exceptions import LexException, PrematureEndOfInput
pg = ParserGenerator(
[rule.name for rule in lexer.rules] + ['$end'],
def hy_symbol_mangle(p):
if p.startswith("*") and p.endswith("*") and p not in ("*", "**"):
p = p[1:-1].upper()
if "-" in p and p != "-":
p = p.replace("-", "_")
if p.endswith("?") and p != "?":
p = "is_%s" % (p[:-1])
if p.endswith("!") and p != "!":
p = "%s_bang" % (p[:-1])
return p
def hy_symbol_unmangle(p):
# hy_symbol_mangle is one-way, so this can't be perfect.
# But it can be useful till we have a way to get the original
# symbol (https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/360).
p = str_type(p)
if p.endswith("_bang") and p != "_bang":
p = p[:-len("_bang")] + "!"
if p.startswith("is_") and p != "is_":
p = p[len("is_"):] + "?"
if "_" in p and p != "_":
p = p.replace("_", "-")
if (all([c.isalpha() and c.isupper() or c == '_' for c in p]) and
any([c.isalpha() for c in p])):
p = '*' + p.lower() + '*'
return p
def set_boundaries(fun):
def wrapped(p):
start = p[0].source_pos
end = p[-1].source_pos
ret = fun(p)
ret.start_line = start.lineno
ret.start_column = start.colno
if start is not end:
ret.end_line = end.lineno
ret.end_column = end.colno
ret.end_line = start.lineno
ret.end_column = start.colno + len(p[0].value)
return ret
return wrapped
def set_quote_boundaries(fun):
def wrapped(p):
start = p[0].source_pos
ret = fun(p)
ret.start_line = start.lineno
ret.start_column = start.colno
ret.end_line = p[-1].end_line
ret.end_column = p[-1].end_column
return ret
return wrapped
@pg.production("main : list_contents")
def main(p):
return p[0]
@pg.production("main : $end")
def main_empty(p):
return []
def reject_spurious_dots(*items):
"Reject the spurious dots from items"
for list in items:
for tok in list:
if tok == "." and type(tok) == HySymbol:
raise LexException("Malformed dotted list",
tok.start_line, tok.start_column)
@pg.production("paren : LPAREN list_contents RPAREN")
def paren(p):
cont = p[1]
# Dotted lists are expressions of the form
# (a b c . d)
# that evaluate to nested cons cells of the form
# (a . (b . (c . d)))
if len(cont) >= 3 and isinstance(cont[-2], HySymbol) and cont[-2] == ".":
reject_spurious_dots(cont[:-2], cont[-1:])
if len(cont) == 3:
# Two-item dotted list: return the cons cell directly
return HyCons(cont[0], cont[2])
# Return a nested cons cell
return HyCons(cont[0], paren([p[0], cont[1:], p[2]]))
# Warn preemptively on a malformed dotted list.
# Only check for dots after the first item to allow for a potential
# attribute accessor shorthand
return HyExpression(p[1])
@pg.production("paren : LPAREN RPAREN")
def empty_paren(p):
return HyExpression([])
@pg.production("list_contents : term list_contents")
def list_contents(p):
return [p[0]] + p[1]
@pg.production("list_contents : term")
def list_contents_single(p):
return [p[0]]
@pg.production("list_contents : DISCARD term discarded_list_contents")
def list_contents_empty(p):
return []
@pg.production("discarded_list_contents : DISCARD term discarded_list_contents")
@pg.production("discarded_list_contents :")
def discarded_list_contents(p):
@pg.production("term : identifier")
@pg.production("term : paren")
@pg.production("term : dict")
@pg.production("term : list")
@pg.production("term : set")
@pg.production("term : string")
def term(p):
return p[0]
@pg.production("term : DISCARD term term")
def term_discard(p):
return p[2]
@pg.production("term : QUOTE term")
def term_quote(p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("quote"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : QUASIQUOTE term")
def term_quasiquote(p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("quasiquote"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : UNQUOTE term")
def term_unquote(p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("unquote"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : UNQUOTESPLICE term")
def term_unquote_splice(p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("unquote_splice"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : HASHSTARS term")
def term_hashstars(p):
n_stars = len(p[0].getstr()[1:])
if n_stars == 1:
sym = "unpack_iterable"
elif n_stars == 2:
sym = "unpack_mapping"
raise LexException(
"Too many stars in `#*` construct (if you want to unpack a symbol "
"beginning with a star, separate it with whitespace)",
p[0].source_pos.lineno, p[0].source_pos.colno)
return HyExpression([HySymbol(sym), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : HASHOTHER term")
def hash_other(p):
# p == [(Token('HASHOTHER', '#foo'), bar)]
st = p[0].getstr()[1:]
str_object = HyString(st)
expr = p[1]
return HyExpression([HySymbol("dispatch_tag_macro"), str_object, expr])
@pg.production("set : HLCURLY list_contents RCURLY")
def t_set(p):
return HySet(p[1])
@pg.production("set : HLCURLY RCURLY")
def empty_set(p):
return HySet([])
@pg.production("dict : LCURLY list_contents RCURLY")
def t_dict(p):
return HyDict(p[1])
@pg.production("dict : LCURLY RCURLY")
def empty_dict(p):
return HyDict([])
@pg.production("list : LBRACKET list_contents RBRACKET")
def t_list(p):
return HyList(p[1])
@pg.production("list : LBRACKET RBRACKET")
def t_empty_list(p):
return HyList([])
if PY3:
def uni_hystring(s):
return HyString(literal_eval(s))
def hybytes(s):
return HyBytes(literal_eval('b'+s))
def uni_hystring(s):
return HyString(literal_eval('u'+s))
def hybytes(s):
return HyBytes(literal_eval(s))
@pg.production("string : STRING")
def t_string(p):
# remove trailing quote
s = p[0].value[:-1]
# get the header
header, s = s.split('"', 1)
# remove unicode marker (this is redundant because Hy string
# literals already, by default, generate Unicode literals
# under Python 2)
header = header.replace("u", "")
# remove bytes marker, since we'll need to exclude it for Python 2
is_bytestring = "b" in header
header = header.replace("b", "")
# build python string
s = header + '"""' + s + '"""'
return (hybytes if is_bytestring else uni_hystring)(s)
@pg.production("string : PARTIAL_STRING")
def t_partial_string(p):
# Any unterminated string requires more input
raise PrematureEndOfInput("Premature end of input")
@pg.production("identifier : IDENTIFIER")
def t_identifier(p):
obj = p[0].value
val = symbol_like(obj)
if val is not None:
return val
if "." in obj and symbol_like(obj.split(".", 1)[0]) is not None:
# E.g., `5.attr` or `:foo.attr`
raise LexException(
'Cannot access attribute on anything other than a name (in '
'order to get attributes of expressions, use '
'`(. <expression> <attr>)` or `(.<attr> <expression>)`)',
p[0].source_pos.lineno, p[0].source_pos.colno)
return HySymbol(".".join(hy_symbol_mangle(x) for x in obj.split(".")))
def symbol_like(obj):
"Try to interpret `obj` as a number or keyword."
return HyInteger(obj)
except ValueError:
if '/' in obj:
lhs, rhs = obj.split('/')
return HyExpression([HySymbol('fraction'), HyInteger(lhs),
except ValueError:
return HyFloat(obj)
except ValueError:
if obj != 'j':
return HyComplex(obj)
except ValueError:
if obj.startswith(":") and "." not in obj:
return HyKeyword(obj)
def error_handler(token):
tokentype = token.gettokentype()
if tokentype == '$end':
raise PrematureEndOfInput("Premature end of input")
raise LexException(
"Ran into a %s where it wasn't expected." % tokentype,
token.source_pos.lineno, token.source_pos.colno)
parser = pg.build()