2249 lines
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Executable File
2249 lines
81 KiB
Executable File
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
from hy.models import (HyObject, HyExpression, HyKeyword, HyInteger, HyComplex,
HyString, HyBytes, HySymbol, HyFloat, HyList, HySet,
HyDict, HyCons, wrap_value)
from hy.errors import HyCompileError, HyTypeError
from hy.lex.parser import mangle
import hy.macros
from hy._compat import (
str_type, string_types, bytes_type, long_type, PY3, PY35, PY37,
from hy.macros import require, macroexpand, tag_macroexpand
import hy.importer
import hy.inspect
import traceback
import importlib
import ast
import sys
import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from cmath import isnan
if PY3:
import builtins
import __builtin__ as builtins
_compile_time_ns = {}
def compile_time_ns(module_name):
ns = _compile_time_ns.get(module_name)
if ns is None:
ns = {'hy': hy, '__name__': module_name}
_compile_time_ns[module_name] = ns
return ns
_stdlib = {}
def load_stdlib():
import hy.core
for module in hy.core.STDLIB:
mod = importlib.import_module(module)
for e in map(ast_str, mod.EXPORTS):
if getattr(mod, e) is not getattr(builtins, e, ''):
# Don't bother putting a name in _stdlib if it
# points to a builtin with the same name. This
# prevents pointless imports.
_stdlib[e] = module
_compile_table = {}
_decoratables = (ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)
if PY35:
_decoratables += (ast.AsyncFunctionDef,)
def ast_str(x, piecewise=False):
if piecewise:
return ".".join(ast_str(s) if s else "" for s in x.split("."))
x = mangle(x)
return x if PY3 else x.encode('UTF8')
def builds(*types, **kwargs):
# A decorator that adds the decorated method to _compile_table for
# compiling `types`, but only if kwargs['iff'] (if provided) is
# true.
if not kwargs.get('iff', True):
return lambda fn: fn
def _dec(fn):
for t in types:
if isinstance(t, string_types):
t = ast_str(t)
_compile_table[t] = fn
return fn
return _dec
def spoof_positions(obj):
if not isinstance(obj, HyObject) or isinstance(obj, HyCons):
if not hasattr(obj, "start_column"):
obj.start_column = 0
if not hasattr(obj, "start_line"):
obj.start_line = 0
if (hasattr(obj, "__iter__") and
not isinstance(obj, (string_types, bytes_type))):
for x in obj:
# Provide asty.Foo(x, ...) as shorthand for
# ast.Foo(..., lineno=x.start_line, col_offset=x.start_column) or
# ast.Foo(..., lineno=x.lineno, col_offset=x.col_offset)
class Asty(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
setattr(Asty, name, lambda self, x, **kwargs: getattr(ast, name)(
x, 'start_line', getattr(x, 'lineno', None)),
x, 'start_column', getattr(x, 'col_offset', None)),
return getattr(self, name)
asty = Asty()
class Result(object):
Smart representation of the result of a hy->AST compilation
This object tries to reconcile the hy world, where everything can be used
as an expression, with the Python world, where statements and expressions
need to coexist.
To do so, we represent a compiler result as a list of statements `stmts`,
terminated by an expression context `expr`. The expression context is used
when the compiler needs to use the result as an expression.
Results are chained by addition: adding two results together returns a
Result representing the succession of the two Results' statements, with
the second Result's expression context.
We make sure that a non-empty expression context does not get clobbered by
adding more results, by checking accesses to the expression context. We
assume that the context has been used, or deliberately ignored, if it has
been accessed.
The Result object is interoperable with python AST objects: when an AST
object gets added to a Result object, it gets converted on-the-fly.
__slots__ = ("imports", "stmts", "temp_variables",
"_expr", "__used_expr", "contains_yield")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
if args:
# emulate kw-only args for future bits.
raise TypeError("Yo: Hacker: don't pass me real args, dingus")
self.imports = defaultdict(set)
self.stmts = []
self.temp_variables = []
self._expr = None
self.contains_yield = False
self.__used_expr = False
# XXX: Make sure we only have AST where we should.
for kwarg in kwargs:
if kwarg not in ["imports", "contains_yield", "stmts", "expr",
raise TypeError(
"%s() got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % (
self.__class__.__name__, kwarg))
setattr(self, kwarg, kwargs[kwarg])
def expr(self):
self.__used_expr = True
return self._expr
def expr(self, value):
self.__used_expr = False
self._expr = value
def add_imports(self, mod, imports):
"""Autoimport `imports` from `mod`"""
def is_expr(self):
"""Check whether I am a pure expression"""
return self._expr and not (self.imports or self.stmts)
def force_expr(self):
"""Force the expression context of the Result.
If there is no expression context, we return a "None" expression.
if self.expr:
return self.expr
# Spoof the position of the last statement for our generated None
lineno = 0
col_offset = 0
if self.stmts:
lineno = self.stmts[-1].lineno
col_offset = self.stmts[-1].col_offset
return ast.Name(id=ast_str("None"),
def expr_as_stmt(self):
"""Convert the Result's expression context to a statement
This is useful when we want to use the stored expression in a
statement context (for instance in a code branch).
We drop ast.Names if they are appended to statements, as they
can't have any side effect. "Bare" names still get converted to
If there is no expression context, return an empty result.
if self.expr and not (isinstance(self.expr, ast.Name) and self.stmts):
return Result() + asty.Expr(self.expr, value=self.expr)
return Result()
def rename(self, new_name):
"""Rename the Result's temporary variables to a `new_name`.
We know how to handle ast.Names and ast.FunctionDefs.
new_name = ast_str(new_name)
for var in self.temp_variables:
if isinstance(var, ast.Name):
var.id = new_name
var.arg = new_name
elif isinstance(var, ast.FunctionDef):
var.name = new_name
elif PY35 and isinstance(var, ast.AsyncFunctionDef):
var.name = new_name
raise TypeError("Don't know how to rename a %s!" % (
self.temp_variables = []
def __add__(self, other):
# If we add an ast statement, convert it first
if isinstance(other, ast.stmt):
return self + Result(stmts=[other])
# If we add an ast expression, clobber the expression context
if isinstance(other, ast.expr):
return self + Result(expr=other)
if isinstance(other, ast.excepthandler):
return self + Result(stmts=[other])
if not isinstance(other, Result):
raise TypeError("Can't add %r with non-compiler result %r" % (
self, other))
# Check for expression context clobbering
if self.expr and not self.__used_expr:
print("Bad boy clobbered expr %s with %s" % (
# Fairly obvious addition
result = Result()
result.imports = other.imports
result.stmts = self.stmts + other.stmts
result.expr = other.expr
result.temp_variables = other.temp_variables
result.contains_yield = False
if self.contains_yield or other.contains_yield:
result.contains_yield = True
return result
def __str__(self):
return (
"Result(imports=[%s], stmts=[%s], "
"expr=%s, contains_yield=%s)"
) % (
", ".join(ast.dump(x) for x in self.imports),
", ".join(ast.dump(x) for x in self.stmts),
ast.dump(self.expr) if self.expr else None,
def _branch(results):
"""Make a branch out of a list of Result objects
This generates a Result from the given sequence of Results, forcing each
expression context as a statement before the next result is used.
We keep the expression context of the last argument for the returned Result
results = list(results)
ret = Result()
for result in results[:-1]:
ret += result
ret += result.expr_as_stmt()
for result in results[-1:]:
ret += result
return ret
def _raise_wrong_args_number(expression, error):
raise HyTypeError(expression,
error % (expression.pop(0),
def _nargs(n):
return "%d argument%s" % (n, ("" if n == 1 else "s"))
def checkargs(exact=None, min=None, max=None, even=None, multiple=None):
def _dec(fn):
def checker(self, expression):
if exact is not None and (len(expression) - 1) != exact:
expression, "`%%s' needs %s, got %%d" % _nargs(exact))
if min is not None and (len(expression) - 1) < min:
"`%%s' needs at least %s, got %%d." % _nargs(min))
if max is not None and (len(expression) - 1) > max:
"`%%s' needs at most %s, got %%d" % _nargs(max))
is_even = not((len(expression) - 1) % 2)
if even is not None and is_even != even:
even_str = "even" if even else "odd"
"`%%s' needs an %s number of arguments, got %%d"
% (even_str))
if multiple is not None:
if not (len(expression) - 1) in multiple:
choices = ", ".join([str(val) for val in multiple[:-1]])
choices += " or %s" % multiple[-1]
"`%%s' needs %s arguments, got %%d" % choices)
return fn(self, expression)
return checker
return _dec
def is_unpack(kind, x):
return (isinstance(x, HyExpression)
and len(x) > 0
and isinstance(x[0], HySymbol)
and x[0] == "unpack-" + kind)
def ends_with_else(expr):
return (expr and
isinstance(expr[-1], HyExpression) and
expr[-1] and
isinstance(expr[-1][0], HySymbol) and
expr[-1][0] == HySymbol("else"))
class HyASTCompiler(object):
def __init__(self, module_name):
self.anon_var_count = 0
self.imports = defaultdict(set)
self.module_name = module_name
self.temp_if = None
if not module_name.startswith("hy.core"):
# everything in core needs to be explicit.
def get_anon_var(self):
self.anon_var_count += 1
return "_hy_anon_var_%s" % self.anon_var_count
def update_imports(self, result):
"""Retrieve the imports from the result object"""
for mod in result.imports:
def imports_as_stmts(self, expr):
"""Convert the Result's imports to statements"""
ret = Result()
for module, names in self.imports.items():
if None in names:
e = HyExpression([
ret += self.compile(e)
names = sorted(name for name in names if name)
if names:
e = HyExpression([
HyList([HySymbol(name) for name in names])
ret += self.compile(e)
self.imports = defaultdict(set)
return ret.stmts
def compile_atom(self, atom_type, atom):
if isinstance(atom_type, string_types):
atom_type = ast_str(atom_type)
if atom_type in _compile_table:
# _compile_table[atom_type] is a method for compiling this
# type of atom, so call it. If it has an extra parameter,
# pass in `atom_type`.
atom_compiler = _compile_table[atom_type]
arity = hy.inspect.get_arity(atom_compiler)
ret = (atom_compiler(self, atom, atom_type)
if arity == 3
else atom_compiler(self, atom))
if not isinstance(ret, Result):
ret = Result() + ret
return ret
if not isinstance(atom, HyObject):
atom = wrap_value(atom)
if isinstance(atom, HyObject):
return self.compile_atom(type(atom), atom)
def compile(self, tree):
_type = type(tree)
ret = self.compile_atom(_type, tree)
if ret:
return ret
except HyCompileError:
# compile calls compile, so we're going to have multiple raise
# nested; so let's re-raise this exception, let's not wrap it in
# another HyCompileError!
except HyTypeError as e:
except Exception as e:
raise_empty(HyCompileError, e, sys.exc_info()[2])
raise HyCompileError(Exception("Unknown type: `%s'" % _type))
def _compile_collect(self, exprs, with_kwargs=False, dict_display=False,
"""Collect the expression contexts from a list of compiled expression.
This returns a list of the expression contexts, and the sum of the
Result objects passed as arguments.
compiled_exprs = []
ret = Result()
keywords = []
oldpy_starargs = None
oldpy_kwargs = None
exprs_iter = iter(exprs)
for expr in exprs_iter:
if not PY35 and oldpy_unpack and is_unpack("iterable", expr):
if oldpy_starargs:
raise HyTypeError(expr, "Pythons < 3.5 allow only one "
"`unpack-iterable` per call")
oldpy_starargs = self.compile(expr[1])
ret += oldpy_starargs
oldpy_starargs = oldpy_starargs.force_expr
elif is_unpack("mapping", expr):
ret += self.compile(expr[1])
if PY35:
if dict_display:
elif with_kwargs:
expr, arg=None, value=ret.force_expr))
elif oldpy_unpack:
if oldpy_kwargs:
raise HyTypeError(expr, "Pythons < 3.5 allow only one "
"`unpack-mapping` per call")
oldpy_kwargs = ret.force_expr
elif with_kwargs and isinstance(expr, HyKeyword):
value = next(exprs_iter)
except StopIteration:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"Keyword argument {kw} needs "
"a value.".format(kw=str(expr[1:])))
compiled_value = self.compile(value)
ret += compiled_value
keyword = expr[2:]
if not keyword:
raise HyTypeError(expr, "Can't call a function with the "
"empty keyword")
keyword = ast_str(keyword)
expr, arg=keyword, value=compiled_value.force_expr))
ret += self.compile(expr)
if oldpy_unpack:
return compiled_exprs, ret, keywords, oldpy_starargs, oldpy_kwargs
return compiled_exprs, ret, keywords
def _compile_branch(self, exprs):
return _branch(self.compile(expr) for expr in exprs)
def _parse_lambda_list(self, exprs):
""" Return FunctionDef parameter values from lambda list."""
ll_keywords = ("&rest", "&optional", "&key", "&kwonly", "&kwargs")
ret = Result()
args = []
defaults = []
varargs = None
kwonlyargs = []
kwonlydefaults = []
kwargs = None
lambda_keyword = None
for expr in exprs:
if expr in ll_keywords:
if expr == "&optional":
if len(defaults) > 0:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"There can only be &optional "
"arguments or one &key argument")
lambda_keyword = expr
elif expr in ("&rest", "&key", "&kwonly", "&kwargs"):
lambda_keyword = expr
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"{0} is in an invalid "
# we don't actually care about this token, so we set
# our state and continue to the next token...
if lambda_keyword is None:
elif lambda_keyword == "&rest":
if varargs:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"There can only be one "
"&rest argument")
varargs = expr
elif lambda_keyword == "&key":
if type(expr) != HyDict:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"There can only be one &key "
if len(defaults) > 0:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"There can only be &optional "
"arguments or one &key argument")
# As you can see, Python has a funny way of
# defining keyword arguments.
it = iter(expr)
for k, v in zip(it, it):
if not isinstance(k, HyString):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"Only strings can be used "
"as parameter names")
ret += self.compile(v)
elif lambda_keyword == "&optional":
if isinstance(expr, HyList):
if not len(expr) == 2:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"optional args should be bare names "
"or 2-item lists")
k, v = expr
k = expr
v = HySymbol("None").replace(k)
if not isinstance(k, HyString):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"Only strings can be used as "
"parameter names")
ret += self.compile(v)
elif lambda_keyword == "&kwonly":
if not PY3:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"keyword-only arguments are only "
"available under Python 3")
if isinstance(expr, HyList):
if len(expr) != 2:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"keyword-only args should be bare "
"names or 2-item lists")
k, v = expr
ret += self.compile(v)
k = expr
elif lambda_keyword == "&kwargs":
if kwargs:
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"There can only be one "
"&kwargs argument")
kwargs = expr
return ret, args, defaults, varargs, kwonlyargs, kwonlydefaults, kwargs
def _storeize(self, expr, name, func=None):
"""Return a new `name` object with an ast.Store() context"""
if not func:
func = ast.Store
if isinstance(name, Result):
if not name.is_expr():
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"Can't assign or delete a non-expression")
name = name.expr
if isinstance(name, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)):
typ = type(name)
new_elts = []
for x in name.elts:
new_elts.append(self._storeize(expr, x, func))
new_name = typ(elts=new_elts)
elif isinstance(name, ast.Name):
new_name = ast.Name(id=name.id)
elif isinstance(name, ast.Subscript):
new_name = ast.Subscript(value=name.value, slice=name.slice)
elif isinstance(name, ast.Attribute):
new_name = ast.Attribute(value=name.value, attr=name.attr)
elif PY3 and isinstance(name, ast.Starred):
new_name = ast.Starred(
value=self._storeize(expr, name.value, func))
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"Can't assign or delete a %s" %
new_name.ctx = func()
ast.copy_location(new_name, name)
return new_name
def _render_quoted_form(self, form, level):
Render a quoted form as a new HyExpression.
`level` is the level of quasiquoting of the current form. We can
unquote if level is 0.
Returns a three-tuple (`imports`, `expression`, `splice`).
The `splice` return value is used to mark `unquote-splice`d forms.
We need to distinguish them as want to concatenate them instead of
just nesting them.
if level == 0:
if isinstance(form, HyExpression):
if form and form[0] in ("unquote", "unquote-splice"):
if len(form) != 2:
raise HyTypeError(form,
("`%s' needs 1 argument, got %s" %
form[0], len(form) - 1))
return set(), form[1], (form[0] == "unquote-splice")
if isinstance(form, HyExpression):
if form and form[0] == "quasiquote":
level += 1
if form and form[0] in ("unquote", "unquote-splice"):
level -= 1
name = form.__class__.__name__
imports = set([name])
if isinstance(form, (HyList, HyDict, HySet)):
if not form:
contents = HyList()
# If there are arguments, they can be spliced
# so we build a sum...
contents = HyExpression([HySymbol("+"), HyList()])
for x in form:
f_imports, f_contents, splice = self._render_quoted_form(x,
if splice:
to_add = HyExpression([
HyExpression([HySymbol("or"), f_contents, HyList()])])
to_add = HyList([f_contents])
return imports, HyExpression([HySymbol(name),
contents]).replace(form), False
elif isinstance(form, HyCons):
ret = HyExpression([HySymbol(name)])
nimport, contents, splice = self._render_quoted_form(form.car,
if splice:
raise HyTypeError(form, "Can't splice dotted lists yet")
nimport, contents, splice = self._render_quoted_form(form.cdr,
if splice:
raise HyTypeError(form, "Can't splice the cdr of a cons")
return imports, ret.replace(form), False
elif isinstance(form, HySymbol):
return imports, HyExpression([HySymbol(name),
HyString(form)]).replace(form), False
elif isinstance(form, HyString):
x = [HySymbol(name), form]
if form.brackets is not None:
x.extend([HyKeyword(":brackets"), form.brackets])
return imports, HyExpression(x).replace(form), False
return imports, HyExpression([HySymbol(name),
form]).replace(form), False
@builds("quote", "quasiquote")
def compile_quote(self, entries):
if entries[0] == "quote":
# Never allow unquoting
level = float("inf")
level = 0
imports, stmts, splice = self._render_quoted_form(entries[1], level)
ret = self.compile(stmts)
ret.add_imports("hy", imports)
return ret
@builds("unquote", "unquote-splicing")
def compile_unquote(self, expr):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"`%s' can't be used at the top-level" % expr[0])
def compile_unpack_iterable(self, expr):
if not PY3:
raise HyTypeError(expr, "`unpack-iterable` isn't allowed here")
ret = self.compile(expr[1])
ret += asty.Starred(expr, value=ret.force_expr, ctx=ast.Load())
return ret
def compile_unpack_mapping(self, expr):
raise HyTypeError(expr, "`unpack-mapping` isn't allowed here")
@builds("exec*", iff=(not PY3))
# Under Python 3, `exec` is a function rather than a statement type, so Hy
# doesn't need a special form for it.
@checkargs(min=1, max=3)
def compile_exec(self, expr):
return asty.Exec(
globals=self.compile(expr.pop(0)).force_expr if expr else None,
locals=self.compile(expr.pop(0)).force_expr if expr else None)
def compile_do(self, expression):
return self._compile_branch(expression)
@checkargs(multiple=[0, 1, 3])
def compile_raise_expression(self, expr):
ret = Result()
if expr:
ret += self.compile(expr.pop(0))
cause = None
if len(expr) == 2 and expr[0] == HyKeyword(":from"):
if not PY3:
raise HyCompileError(
"raise from only supported in python 3")
cause = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
cause = cause.expr
# Use ret.expr to get a literal `None`
ret += asty.Raise(
expr, type=ret.expr, exc=ret.expr,
inst=None, tback=None, cause=cause)
return ret
def compile_try_expression(self, expr):
expr = copy.deepcopy(expr)
expr.pop(0) # try
# (try something somethingelse…)
body = Result()
# Check against HyExpression and HySymbol to avoid incorrectly
# matching [except ...] or ("except" ...)
while expr and not (isinstance(expr[0], HyExpression)
and isinstance(expr[0][0], HySymbol)
and expr[0][0] in ("except", "else", "finally")):
body += self.compile(expr.pop(0))
var = self.get_anon_var()
name = asty.Name(expr, id=ast_str(var), ctx=ast.Store())
expr_name = asty.Name(expr, id=ast_str(var), ctx=ast.Load())
returnable = Result(expr=expr_name, temp_variables=[expr_name, name],
if not all(expr):
raise HyTypeError(expr, "Empty list not allowed in `try'")
handler_results = Result()
handlers = []
while expr and expr[0][0] == HySymbol("except"):
handler_results += self._compile_catch_expression(expr.pop(0),
orelse = []
if expr and expr[0][0] == HySymbol("else"):
orelse = self._compile_branch(expr.pop(0)[1:])
orelse += asty.Assign(expr, targets=[name],
orelse += orelse.expr_as_stmt()
orelse = orelse.stmts
finalbody = []
if expr and expr[0][0] == HySymbol("finally"):
finalbody = self._compile_branch(expr.pop(0)[1:])
finalbody += finalbody.expr_as_stmt()
finalbody = finalbody.stmts
if expr:
if expr[0][0] in ("except", "else", "finally"):
raise HyTypeError(expr, "Incorrect order "
"of `except'/`else'/`finally' in `try'")
raise HyTypeError(expr, "Unknown expression in `try'")
# Using (else) without (except) is verboten!
if orelse and not handlers:
raise HyTypeError(
"`try' cannot have `else' without `except'")
# Likewise a bare (try) or (try BODY).
if not (handlers or finalbody):
raise HyTypeError(
"`try' must have an `except' or `finally' clause")
ret = handler_results
body += body.expr_as_stmt() if orelse else asty.Assign(
expr, targets=[name], value=body.force_expr)
body = body.stmts or [asty.Pass(expr)]
if PY3:
# Python 3.3 features a merge of TryExcept+TryFinally into Try.
return ret + asty.Try(
finalbody=finalbody) + returnable
if finalbody:
if handlers:
return ret + asty.TryFinally(
finalbody=finalbody) + returnable
return ret + asty.TryFinally(
expr, body=body, finalbody=finalbody) + returnable
return ret + asty.TryExcept(
expr, handlers=handlers, body=body, orelse=orelse) + returnable
def magic_internal_form(self, expr):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"Error: `%s' can't be used like that." % (expr[0]))
def _compile_catch_expression(self, expr, var):
catch = expr.pop(0) # catch
exceptions = expr.pop(0) if expr else HyList()
# exceptions catch should be either:
# [[list of exceptions]]
# or
# [variable [list of exceptions]]
# or
# [variable exception]
# or
# [exception]
# or
# []
if not isinstance(exceptions, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(exceptions,
"`%s' exceptions list is not a list" % catch)
if len(exceptions) > 2:
raise HyTypeError(exceptions,
"`%s' exceptions list is too long" % catch)
# [variable [list of exceptions]]
# let's pop variable and use it as name
name = None
if len(exceptions) == 2:
name = exceptions.pop(0)
if not isinstance(name, HySymbol):
raise HyTypeError(
"Exception storage target name must be a symbol.")
if PY3:
# Python3 features a change where the Exception handler
# moved the name from a Name() to a pure Python String type.
# We'll just make sure it's a pure "string", and let it work
# it's magic.
name = ast_str(name)
# Python2 requires an ast.Name, set to ctx Store.
name = self._storeize(name, self.compile(name))
exceptions_list = exceptions.pop(0) if exceptions else []
if isinstance(exceptions_list, list):
if len(exceptions_list):
# [FooBar BarFoo] → catch Foobar and BarFoo exceptions
elts, _type, _ = self._compile_collect(exceptions_list)
_type += asty.Tuple(expr, elts=elts, ctx=ast.Load())
# [] → all exceptions caught
_type = Result()
elif isinstance(exceptions_list, HySymbol):
_type = self.compile(exceptions_list)
raise HyTypeError(exceptions,
"`%s' needs a valid exception list" % catch)
body = self._compile_branch(expr)
body += asty.Assign(expr, targets=[var], value=body.force_expr)
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
body = body.stmts
if not body:
body = [asty.Pass(expr)]
# use _type.expr to get a literal `None`
return _type + asty.ExceptHandler(
expr, type=_type.expr, name=name, body=body)
@checkargs(min=2, max=3)
def compile_if(self, expression):
cond = self.compile(expression.pop(0))
body = self.compile(expression.pop(0))
orel = Result()
nested = root = False
if expression:
orel_expr = expression.pop(0)
if isinstance(orel_expr, HyExpression) and isinstance(orel_expr[0],
HySymbol) and orel_expr[0] == 'if*':
# Nested ifs: don't waste temporaries
root = self.temp_if is None
nested = True
self.temp_if = self.temp_if or self.get_anon_var()
orel = self.compile(orel_expr)
if not cond.stmts and isinstance(cond.force_expr, ast.Name):
name = cond.force_expr.id
branch = None
if name == 'True':
branch = body
elif name in ('False', 'None'):
branch = orel
if branch is not None:
if self.temp_if and branch.stmts:
name = asty.Name(expression,
branch += asty.Assign(expression,
return branch
# We want to hoist the statements from the condition
ret = cond
if body.stmts or orel.stmts:
# We have statements in our bodies
# Get a temporary variable for the result storage
var = self.temp_if or self.get_anon_var()
name = asty.Name(expression,
# Store the result of the body
body += asty.Assign(expression,
# and of the else clause
if not nested or not orel.stmts or (not root and
var != self.temp_if):
orel += asty.Assign(expression,
# Then build the if
ret += ast.If(test=ret.force_expr,
# And make our expression context our temp variable
expr_name = asty.Name(expression, id=ast_str(var), ctx=ast.Load())
ret += Result(expr=expr_name, temp_variables=[expr_name, name])
# Just make that an if expression
ret += ast.IfExp(test=ret.force_expr,
if root:
self.temp_if = None
return ret
def compile_break_expression(self, expr):
return asty.Break(expr)
def compile_continue_expression(self, expr):
return asty.Continue(expr)
@checkargs(min=1, max=2)
def compile_assert_expression(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # assert
ret = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
e = ret.force_expr
msg = None
if expr:
msg = self.compile(expr.pop(0)).force_expr
return ret + asty.Assert(expr, test=e, msg=msg)
@builds("nonlocal", iff=PY3)
def compile_global_or_nonlocal(self, expr):
form = expr.pop(0)
names = []
while len(expr) > 0:
identifier = expr.pop(0)
name = ast_str(identifier)
if not isinstance(identifier, HySymbol):
raise HyTypeError(
"({}) arguments must be Symbols".format(form))
node = asty.Global if form == "global" else asty.Nonlocal
return node(expr, names=names)
def compile_yield_expression(self, expr):
ret = Result(contains_yield=(not PY3))
if len(expr) > 1:
ret += self.compile(expr[1])
return ret + asty.Yield(expr, value=ret.force_expr)
@builds("yield-from", iff=PY3)
@builds("await", iff=PY35)
def compile_yield_from_or_await_expression(self, expr):
ret = Result() + self.compile(expr[1])
node = asty.YieldFrom if expr[0] == "yield-from" else asty.Await
return ret + node(expr, value=ret.force_expr)
def compile_import_expression(self, expr):
expr = copy.deepcopy(expr)
def _compile_import(expr, module, names=None, importer=asty.Import):
if not names:
names = [ast.alias(name=ast_str(module, piecewise=True), asname=None)]
ast_module = ast_str(module, piecewise=True)
module = ast_module.lstrip(".")
level = len(ast_module) - len(module)
if not module:
module = None
return Result() + importer(
expr, module=module, names=names, level=level)
expr.pop(0) # index
rimports = Result()
while len(expr) > 0:
iexpr = expr.pop(0)
if not isinstance(iexpr, (HySymbol, HyList)):
raise HyTypeError(iexpr, "(import) requires a Symbol "
"or a List.")
if isinstance(iexpr, HySymbol):
rimports += _compile_import(expr, iexpr)
if isinstance(iexpr, HyList) and len(iexpr) == 1:
rimports += _compile_import(expr, iexpr.pop(0))
if isinstance(iexpr, HyList) and iexpr:
module = iexpr.pop(0)
entry = iexpr[0]
if isinstance(entry, HyKeyword) and entry == HyKeyword(":as"):
if not len(iexpr) == 2:
raise HyTypeError(iexpr,
"garbage after aliased import")
iexpr.pop(0) # :as
alias = iexpr.pop(0)
names = [ast.alias(name=ast_str(module, piecewise=True),
rimports += _compile_import(expr, ast_str(module), names)
if isinstance(entry, HyList):
names = []
while entry:
sym = entry.pop(0)
if entry and isinstance(entry[0], HyKeyword):
alias = ast_str(entry.pop(0))
alias = None
names.append(ast.alias(name=(str(sym) if sym == "*" else ast_str(sym)),
rimports += _compile_import(expr, module,
names, asty.ImportFrom)
raise HyTypeError(
"Unknown entry (`%s`) in the HyList" % (entry)
return rimports
def compile_index_expression(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # index
indices, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(expr[1:])
ret += self.compile(expr[0])
for ix in indices:
ret += asty.Subscript(
return ret
def compile_attribute_access(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # dot
ret = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
for attr in expr:
if isinstance(attr, HySymbol):
ret += asty.Attribute(attr,
elif type(attr) == HyList:
if len(attr) != 1:
raise HyTypeError(
"The attribute access DSL only accepts HySymbols "
"and one-item lists, got {0}-item list instead".format(
compiled_attr = self.compile(attr[0])
ret = compiled_attr + ret + asty.Subscript(
raise HyTypeError(
"The attribute access DSL only accepts HySymbols "
"and one-item lists, got {0} instead".format(
return ret
def compile_del_expression(self, expr):
root = expr.pop(0)
if not expr:
return asty.Pass(root)
del_targets = []
ret = Result()
for target in expr:
compiled_target = self.compile(target)
ret += compiled_target
del_targets.append(self._storeize(target, compiled_target,
return ret + asty.Delete(expr, targets=del_targets)
@checkargs(min=1, max=4)
def compile_cut_expression(self, expr):
ret = Result()
nodes = [None] * 4
for i, e in enumerate(expr[1:]):
ret += self.compile(e)
nodes[i] = ret.force_expr
return ret + asty.Subscript(
slice=ast.Slice(lower=nodes[1], upper=nodes[2], step=nodes[3]),
def compile_decorate_expression(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # with-decorator
fn = self.compile(expr.pop())
if not fn.stmts or not isinstance(fn.stmts[-1], _decoratables):
raise HyTypeError(expr, "Decorated a non-function")
decorators, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(expr)
fn.stmts[-1].decorator_list = decorators + fn.stmts[-1].decorator_list
return ret + fn
@builds("with/a*", iff=PY35)
def compile_with_expression(self, expr):
root = expr.pop(0)
args = expr.pop(0)
if not isinstance(args, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"{0} expects a list, received `{1}'".format(
root, type(args).__name__))
if len(args) not in (1, 2):
raise HyTypeError(expr,
"{0} needs [arg (expr)] or [(expr)]".format(root))
thing = None
if len(args) == 2:
thing = self._storeize(args[0], self.compile(args.pop(0)))
ctx = self.compile(args.pop(0))
body = self._compile_branch(expr)
# Store the result of the body in a tempvar
var = self.get_anon_var()
name = asty.Name(expr, id=ast_str(var), ctx=ast.Store())
body += asty.Assign(expr, targets=[name], value=body.force_expr)
# Initialize the tempvar to None in case the `with` exits
# early with an exception.
initial_assign = asty.Assign(
expr, targets=[name], value=asty.Name(
expr, id=ast_str("None"), ctx=ast.Load()))
node = asty.With if root == "with*" else asty.AsyncWith
the_with = node(expr,
if PY3:
the_with.items = [ast.withitem(context_expr=ctx.force_expr,
ret = Result(stmts=[initial_assign]) + ctx + the_with
ret.contains_yield = ret.contains_yield or body.contains_yield
# And make our expression context our temp variable
expr_name = asty.Name(expr, id=ast_str(var), ctx=ast.Load())
ret += Result(expr=expr_name)
# We don't give the Result any temp_vars because we don't want
# Result.rename to touch `name`. Otherwise, initial_assign will
# clobber any preexisting value of the renamed-to variable.
return ret
def compile_tuple(self, expr):
elts, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(expr[1:])
return ret + asty.Tuple(expr, elts=elts, ctx=ast.Load())
def _compile_generator_iterables(self, trailers):
"""Helper to compile the "trailing" parts of comprehensions:
generators and conditions"""
generators = trailers.pop(0)
cond = self.compile(trailers.pop(0)) if trailers else Result()
gen_it = iter(generators)
paired_gens = zip(gen_it, gen_it)
gen_res = Result()
gen = []
for target, iterable in paired_gens:
gen_res += self.compile(iterable)
target=self._storeize(target, self.compile(target)),
if cond.expr:
return gen_res + cond, gen
@builds("list-comp", "set-comp", "genexpr")
@checkargs(min=2, max=3)
def compile_comprehension(self, expr):
# (list-comp expr (target iter) cond?)
form = expr.pop(0)
expression = expr.pop(0)
gen_gen = expr[0]
if not isinstance(gen_gen, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(gen_gen, "Generator expression must be a list.")
gen_res, gen = self._compile_generator_iterables(expr)
if len(gen) == 0:
raise HyTypeError(gen_gen, "Generator expression cannot be empty.")
ret = self.compile(expression)
node_class = (
asty.ListComp if form == "list-comp" else
asty.SetComp if form == "set-comp" else
return ret + gen_res + node_class(
expr, elt=ret.force_expr, generators=gen)
@checkargs(min=3, max=4)
def compile_dict_comprehension(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # dict-comp
key = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
value = self.compile(expr.pop(0))
gen_res, gen = self._compile_generator_iterables(expr)
return key + value + gen_res + asty.DictComp(
@builds("not", "~")
def compile_unary_operator(self, expression):
ops = {"not": ast.Not,
"~": ast.Invert}
operator = expression.pop(0)
operand = self.compile(expression.pop(0))
operand += asty.UnaryOp(
expression, op=ops[operator](), operand=operand.force_expr)
return operand
def compile_require(self, expression):
TODO: keep track of what we've imported in this run and then
"unimport" it after we've completed `thing' so that we don't pollute
other envs.
for entry in expression[1:]:
if isinstance(entry, HySymbol):
# e.g., (require foo)
require(entry, self.module_name, all_macros=True,
elif isinstance(entry, HyList) and len(entry) == 2:
# e.g., (require [foo [bar baz :as MyBaz bing]])
# or (require [foo [*]])
module, names = entry
if not isinstance(names, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(names,
"(require) name lists should be HyLists")
if '*' in names:
if len(names) != 1:
raise HyTypeError(names, "* in a (require) name list "
"must be on its own")
require(module, self.module_name, all_macros=True)
assignments = {}
while names:
if len(names) > 1 and names[1] == HyKeyword(":as"):
k, _, v = names[:3]
del names[:3]
assignments[k] = v
symbol = names.pop(0)
assignments[symbol] = symbol
require(module, self.module_name, assignments=assignments)
elif (isinstance(entry, HyList) and len(entry) == 3
and entry[1] == HyKeyword(":as")):
# e.g., (require [foo :as bar])
module, _, prefix = entry
require(module, self.module_name, all_macros=True,
raise HyTypeError(entry, "unrecognized (require) syntax")
return Result()
@builds("and", "or")
def compile_logical_or_and_and_operator(self, expression):
ops = {"and": (ast.And, "True"),
"or": (ast.Or, "None")}
operator = expression.pop(0)
opnode, default = ops[operator]
if len(expression) == 0:
return asty.Name(operator, id=default, ctx=ast.Load())
elif len(expression) == 1:
return self.compile(expression[0])
ret = Result()
values = list(map(self.compile, expression))
if any(value.stmts for value in values):
# Compile it to an if...else sequence
var = self.get_anon_var()
name = asty.Name(operator, id=var, ctx=ast.Store())
expr_name = asty.Name(operator, id=var, ctx=ast.Load())
temp_variables = [name, expr_name]
def make_assign(value, node=None):
positioned_name = asty.Name(
node or operator, id=var, ctx=ast.Store())
return asty.Assign(
node or operator, targets=[positioned_name], value=value)
current = root = []
for i, value in enumerate(values):
if value.stmts:
node = value.stmts[0]
node = value.expr
current.append(make_assign(value.force_expr, value.force_expr))
if i == len(values)-1:
# Skip a redundant 'if'.
if operator == "and":
cond = expr_name
elif operator == "or":
cond = asty.UnaryOp(node, op=ast.Not(), operand=expr_name)
current.append(asty.If(node, test=cond, body=[], orelse=[]))
current = current[-1].body
ret = sum(root, ret)
ret += Result(expr=expr_name, temp_variables=temp_variables)
ret += asty.BoolOp(operator,
values=[value.force_expr for value in values])
return ret
ops = {"=": ast.Eq, "!=": ast.NotEq,
"<": ast.Lt, "<=": ast.LtE,
">": ast.Gt, ">=": ast.GtE,
"is": ast.Is, "is-not": ast.IsNot,
"in": ast.In, "not-in": ast.NotIn}
ops = {ast_str(k): v for k, v in ops.items()}
def _compile_compare_op_expression(self, expression):
inv = ast_str(expression.pop(0))
ops = [self.ops[inv]() for _ in range(len(expression) - 1)]
e = expression[0]
exprs, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(expression)
return ret + asty.Compare(
e, left=exprs[0], ops=ops, comparators=exprs[1:])
@builds("=", "is", "<", "<=", ">", ">=")
def compile_compare_op_expression(self, expression):
if len(expression) == 2:
return (self.compile(expression[1]) +
asty.Name(expression, id="True", ctx=ast.Load()))
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expression)
@builds("!=", "is-not")
def compile_compare_op_expression_coll(self, expression):
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expression)
@builds("in", "not-in")
def compile_compare_op_expression_binary(self, expression):
return self._compile_compare_op_expression(expression)
def _compile_maths_expression(self, expr):
ops = {"+": ast.Add,
"/": ast.Div,
"//": ast.FloorDiv,
"*": ast.Mult,
"-": ast.Sub,
"%": ast.Mod,
"**": ast.Pow,
"<<": ast.LShift,
">>": ast.RShift,
"|": ast.BitOr,
"^": ast.BitXor,
"&": ast.BitAnd}
if PY35:
ops.update({"@": ast.MatMult})
op = ops[expr.pop(0)]
right_associative = op is ast.Pow
ret = self.compile(expr.pop(-1 if right_associative else 0))
for child in expr[:: -1 if right_associative else 1]:
left_expr = ret.force_expr
ret += self.compile(child)
right_expr = ret.force_expr
if right_associative:
left_expr, right_expr = right_expr, left_expr
ret += asty.BinOp(expr, left=left_expr, op=op(), right=right_expr)
return ret
@builds("**", "//", "<<", ">>", "&")
def compile_maths_expression_2_or_more(self, expression):
return self._compile_maths_expression(expression)
@builds("%", "^")
def compile_maths_expression_exactly_2(self, expression):
return self._compile_maths_expression(expression)
@builds("*", "|")
def compile_maths_expression_mul(self, expression):
id_elem = {"*": 1, "|": 0}[expression[0]]
if len(expression) == 1:
return asty.Num(expression, n=long_type(id_elem))
elif len(expression) == 2:
return self.compile(expression[1])
return self._compile_maths_expression(expression)
def compile_maths_expression_div(self, expression):
if len(expression) == 2:
expression = HyExpression([HySymbol("/"),
return self._compile_maths_expression(expression)
def _compile_maths_expression_additive(self, expression):
if len(expression) > 2:
return self._compile_maths_expression(expression)
op = {"+": ast.UAdd, "-": ast.USub}[expression.pop(0)]()
ret = self.compile(expression.pop(0))
return ret + asty.UnaryOp(
expression, op=op, operand=ret.force_expr)
@builds("@", iff=PY35)
def compile_maths_expression_unary_idempotent(self, expression):
if len(expression) == 2:
# Used as a unary operator, this operator simply
# returns its argument.
return self.compile(expression[1])
return self._compile_maths_expression(expression)
def compile_maths_expression_add(self, expression):
if len(expression) == 1:
# Nullary +
return asty.Num(expression, n=long_type(0))
return self._compile_maths_expression_additive(expression)
def compile_maths_expression_sub(self, expression):
return self._compile_maths_expression_additive(expression)
@builds("+=", "/=", "//=", "*=", "-=", "%=", "**=", "<<=", ">>=", "|=",
"^=", "&=")
@builds("@=", iff=PY35)
def compile_augassign_expression(self, expression):
ops = {"+=": ast.Add,
"/=": ast.Div,
"//=": ast.FloorDiv,
"*=": ast.Mult,
"-=": ast.Sub,
"%=": ast.Mod,
"**=": ast.Pow,
"<<=": ast.LShift,
">>=": ast.RShift,
"|=": ast.BitOr,
"^=": ast.BitXor,
"&=": ast.BitAnd}
if PY35:
ops.update({"@=": ast.MatMult})
op = ops[expression[0]]
target = self._storeize(expression[1], self.compile(expression[1]))
ret = self.compile(expression[2])
return ret + asty.AugAssign(
expression, target=target, value=ret.force_expr, op=op())
def _compile_keyword_call(self, expression):
expression.insert(0, HySymbol("get"))
return self.compile(expression)
def compile_expression(self, expression):
# Perform macro expansions
expression = macroexpand(expression, self)
if not isinstance(expression, HyExpression):
# Go through compile again if the type changed.
return self.compile(expression)
if expression == []:
return self.compile_list(expression, HyList)
fn = expression[0]
func = None
if isinstance(fn, HyKeyword):
return self._compile_keyword_call(expression)
if isinstance(fn, HySymbol):
# First check if `fn` is a special form, unless it has an
# `unpack-iterable` in it, since Python's operators (`+`,
# etc.) can't unpack. An exception to this exception is that
# tuple literals (`,`) can unpack.
if fn == "," or not (
any(is_unpack("iterable", x) for x in expression[1:])):
ret = self.compile_atom(fn, expression)
if ret:
return ret
if fn.startswith("."):
# (.split "test test") -> "test test".split()
# (.a.b.c x) -> (.c (. x a b)) -> x.a.b.c()
# Get the method name (the last named attribute
# in the chain of attributes)
attrs = [HySymbol(a).replace(fn) for a in fn.split(".")[1:]]
fn = attrs.pop()
# Get the object we're calling the method on
# (extracted with the attribute access DSL)
i = 1
if len(expression) != 2:
# If the expression has only one object,
# always use that as the callee.
# Otherwise, hunt for the first thing that
# isn't a keyword argument or its value.
while i < len(expression):
if isinstance(expression[i], HyKeyword):
# Skip the keyword argument and its value.
i += 1
# Use expression[i].
i += 1
raise HyTypeError(expression,
"attribute access requires object")
func = self.compile(HyExpression(
[HySymbol(".").replace(fn), expression.pop(i)] +
# And get the method
func += asty.Attribute(fn,
if not func:
func = self.compile(fn)
# An exception for pulling together keyword args is if we're doing
# a typecheck, eg (type :foo)
with_kwargs = fn not in (
"type", "HyKeyword", "keyword", "name", "keyword?")
args, ret, keywords, oldpy_star, oldpy_kw = self._compile_collect(
expression[1:], with_kwargs, oldpy_unpack=True)
return func + ret + asty.Call(
expression, func=func.expr, args=args, keywords=keywords,
starargs=oldpy_star, kwargs=oldpy_kw)
def compile_def_expression(self, expression):
root = expression.pop(0)
if not expression:
return asty.Name(root, id='None', ctx=ast.Load())
elif len(expression) == 2:
return self._compile_assign(expression[0], expression[1])
elif len(expression) % 2 != 0:
raise HyTypeError(expression,
"`{}' needs an even number of arguments".format(
result = Result()
for tgt, target in zip(expression[::2], expression[1::2]):
result += self._compile_assign(tgt, target)
return result
def _compile_assign(self, name, result):
str_name = "%s" % name
if str_name in (["None"] + (["True", "False"] if PY3 else [])):
# Python 2 allows assigning to True and False, although
# this is rarely wise.
raise HyTypeError(name,
"Can't assign to `%s'" % str_name)
result = self.compile(result)
ld_name = self.compile(name)
if isinstance(ld_name.expr, ast.Call):
raise HyTypeError(name,
"Can't assign to a callable: `%s'" % str_name)
if (result.temp_variables
and isinstance(name, HyString)
and '.' not in name):
# Throw away .expr to ensure that (setv ...) returns None.
result.expr = None
st_name = self._storeize(name, ld_name)
result += asty.Assign(
name if hasattr(name, "start_line") else result,
return result
@builds("for/a*", iff=PY35)
def compile_for_expression(self, expression):
root = expression.pop(0)
args = expression.pop(0)
if not isinstance(args, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(expression,
"`{0}` expects a list, received `{1}`".format(
root, type(args).__name__))
target_name, iterable = args
except ValueError:
raise HyTypeError(expression,
"`for` requires two forms in the list")
target = self._storeize(target_name, self.compile(target_name))
ret = Result()
orel = Result()
# (for* [] body (else …))
if ends_with_else(expression):
else_expr = expression.pop()
for else_body in else_expr[1:]:
orel += self.compile(else_body)
orel += orel.expr_as_stmt()
ret += self.compile(iterable)
body = self._compile_branch(expression)
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
node = asty.For if root == 'for*' else asty.AsyncFor
ret += node(expression,
ret.contains_yield = body.contains_yield
return ret
def compile_while_expression(self, expr):
expr.pop(0) # "while"
cond = expr.pop(0)
cond_compiled = self.compile(cond)
else_expr = None
if ends_with_else(expr):
else_expr = expr.pop()
if cond_compiled.stmts:
# We need to ensure the statements for the condition are
# executed on every iteration. Rewrite the loop to use a
# single anonymous variable as the condition.
def e(*x): return HyExpression(x)
s = HySymbol
cond_var = s(self.get_anon_var())
return self.compile(e(
e(s('setv'), cond_var, 1),
e(s('while'), cond_var,
# Cast the condition to a bool in case it's mutable and
# changes its truth value, but use (not (not ...)) instead of
# `bool` in case `bool` has been redefined.
e(s('setv'), cond_var, e(s('not'), e(s('not'), cond))),
e(s('if*'), cond_var, e(s('do'), *expr)),
*([else_expr] if else_expr is not None else []))).replace(expr)) # noqa
orel = Result()
if else_expr is not None:
for else_body in else_expr[1:]:
orel += self.compile(else_body)
orel += orel.expr_as_stmt()
body = self._compile_branch(expr)
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
ret = cond_compiled + asty.While(
expr, test=cond_compiled.force_expr,
body=body.stmts, orelse=orel.stmts)
ret.contains_yield = body.contains_yield
return ret
@builds("fn", "fn*")
@builds("fn/a", iff=PY35)
# The starred version is for internal use (particularly, in the
# definition of `defn`). It ensures that a FunctionDef is
# produced rather than a Lambda.
def compile_function_def(self, expression):
root = expression.pop(0)
force_functiondef = root in ("fn*", "fn/a")
asyncdef = root == "fn/a"
arglist = expression.pop(0)
docstring = None
if len(expression) > 1 and isinstance(expression[0], str_type):
docstring = expression.pop(0)
if not isinstance(arglist, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(expression,
"First argument to `{}' must be a list".format(root))
(ret, args, defaults, stararg,
kwonlyargs, kwonlydefaults, kwargs) = self._parse_lambda_list(arglist)
for i, arg in enumerate(args):
if isinstance(arg, HyList):
# Destructuring argument
if not arg:
raise HyTypeError(arglist,
"Cannot destruct empty list")
args[i] = var = HySymbol(self.get_anon_var())
expression = HyExpression([
HySymbol("setv"), arg, var
) + expression
expression = expression.replace(arg[0])
# Before Python 3.7, docstrings must come at the start, so ensure that
# happens even if we generate anonymous variables.
if docstring is not None and not PY37:
expression.insert(0, docstring)
docstring = None
if PY3:
# Python 3.4+ requires that args are an ast.arg object, rather
# than an ast.Name or bare string.
# FIXME: Set annotations properly.
# XXX: Beware. Beware. `starargs` and `kwargs` weren't put
# into the parse lambda list because they're really just an
# internal parsing thing. Let's find a better home for these guys.
args, kwonlyargs, [stararg], [kwargs] = (
[[x and asty.arg(x, arg=ast_str(x), annotation=None)
for x in o]
for o in (args, kwonlyargs, [stararg], [kwargs])])
args = [asty.Name(x, id=ast_str(x), ctx=ast.Param())
for x in args]
if PY3:
kwonlyargs = [asty.Name(x, arg=ast_str(x), ctx=ast.Param())
for x in kwonlyargs]
if kwargs:
kwargs = ast_str(kwargs)
if stararg:
stararg = ast_str(stararg)
args = ast.arguments(
body = self._compile_branch(expression)
if not force_functiondef and not body.stmts and docstring is None:
ret += asty.Lambda(expression, args=args, body=body.force_expr)
return ret
if body.expr:
if body.contains_yield and not PY3:
# Prior to PEP 380 (introduced in Python 3.3)
# generators may not have a value in a return
# statement.
body += body.expr_as_stmt()
body += asty.Return(body.expr, value=body.expr)
if not body.stmts:
body += asty.Pass(expression)
name = self.get_anon_var()
node = asty.AsyncFunctionDef if asyncdef else asty.FunctionDef
ret += node(expression,
docstring=(None if docstring is None else
ast_name = asty.Name(expression, id=name, ctx=ast.Load())
ret += Result(expr=ast_name, temp_variables=[ast_name, ret.stmts[-1]])
return ret
def compile_return(self, expr):
ret = Result()
if len(expr) == 1:
return asty.Return(expr, value=None)
ret += self.compile(expr[1])
return ret + asty.Return(expr, value=ret.force_expr)
def compile_class_expression(self, expressions):
def rewire_init(expr):
new_args = []
if (isinstance(expr, HyExpression)
and len(expr) > 1
and isinstance(expr[0], HySymbol)
and expr[0] == HySymbol("setv")):
pairs = expr[1:]
while len(pairs) > 0:
k, v = (pairs.pop(0), pairs.pop(0))
if ast_str(k) == "__init__":
expr = HyExpression([
] + new_args).replace(expr)
return expr
expressions.pop(0) # class
class_name = expressions.pop(0)
if not isinstance(class_name, HySymbol):
raise HyTypeError(class_name, "Class name must be a symbol.")
bases_expr = []
bases = Result()
keywords = []
if expressions:
base_list = expressions.pop(0)
if not isinstance(base_list, HyList):
raise HyTypeError(base_list, "Base classes must be a list.")
bases_expr, bases, keywords = self._compile_collect(base_list, with_kwargs=PY3)
body = Result()
# grab the doc string, if there is one
docstring = None
if expressions and isinstance(expressions[0], HyString):
docstring = expressions.pop(0)
if not PY37:
body += self.compile(docstring).expr_as_stmt()
docstring = None
if expressions and isinstance(expressions[0], HyList) \
and not isinstance(expressions[0], HyExpression):
expr = expressions.pop(0)
expr = HyExpression([
] + expr).replace(expr)
body += self.compile(rewire_init(expr))
for expression in expressions:
e = self.compile(rewire_init(macroexpand(expression, self)))
body += e + e.expr_as_stmt()
if not body.stmts:
body += asty.Pass(expressions)
return bases + asty.ClassDef(
docstring=(None if docstring is None else str_type(docstring)))
def compile_dispatch_tag_macro(self, expression):
expression.pop(0) # dispatch-tag-macro
tag = expression.pop(0)
if not type(tag) == HyString:
raise HyTypeError(
"Trying to expand a tag macro using `{0}' instead "
"of string".format(type(tag).__name__),
tag = HyString(mangle(tag)).replace(tag)
expr = tag_macroexpand(tag, expression.pop(0), self)
return self.compile(expr)
@builds("eval-and-compile", "eval-when-compile")
def compile_eval_and_compile(self, expression, building):
expression[0] = HySymbol("do")
return (self._compile_branch(expression[1:])
if building == "eval_and_compile"
else Result())
def compile_cons(self, cons):
raise HyTypeError(cons, "Can't compile a top-level cons cell")
@builds(HyInteger, HyFloat, HyComplex)
def compile_numeric_literal(self, x, building):
f = {HyInteger: long_type,
HyFloat: float,
HyComplex: complex}[building]
# Work around https://github.com/berkerpeksag/astor/issues/85 :
# astor can't generate Num nodes with NaN, so we have
# to build an expression that evaluates to NaN.
def nn(number):
return asty.Num(x, n=number)
if isnan(x):
def nan(): return asty.BinOp(
x, left=nn(1e900), op=ast.Sub(), right=nn(1e900))
if f is complex:
return asty.Call(
func=asty.Name(x, id="complex", ctx=ast.Load()),
args=[nan() if isnan(x.real) else nn(x.real),
nan() if isnan(x.imag) else nn(x.imag)])
return nan()
return nn(f(x))
def compile_symbol(self, symbol):
if "." in symbol:
glob, local = symbol.rsplit(".", 1)
if not glob:
raise HyTypeError(symbol, 'cannot access attribute on '
'anything other than a name '
'(in order to get attributes of '
'expressions, use '
'`(. <expression> {attr})` or '
'`(.{attr} <expression>)`)'.format(
if not local:
raise HyTypeError(symbol, 'cannot access empty attribute')
glob = HySymbol(glob).replace(symbol)
ret = self.compile_symbol(glob)
return asty.Attribute(
if ast_str(symbol) in _stdlib:
return asty.Name(symbol, id=ast_str(symbol), ctx=ast.Load())
@builds(HyString, HyKeyword, HyBytes)
def compile_string(self, string, building):
node = asty.Bytes if PY3 and building is HyBytes else asty.Str
f = bytes_type if building is HyBytes else str_type
return node(string, s=f(string))
@builds(HyList, HySet)
def compile_list(self, expression, building):
elts, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(expression)
node = {HyList: asty.List, HySet: asty.Set}[building]
return ret + node(expression, elts=elts, ctx=ast.Load())
def compile_dict(self, m):
keyvalues, ret, _ = self._compile_collect(m, dict_display=True)
return ret + asty.Dict(m, keys=keyvalues[::2], values=keyvalues[1::2])
def hy_compile(tree, module_name, root=ast.Module, get_expr=False):
Compile a HyObject tree into a Python AST Module.
If `get_expr` is True, return a tuple (module, last_expression), where
`last_expression` is the.
body = []
expr = None
if not isinstance(tree, HyObject):
tree = wrap_value(tree)
if not isinstance(tree, HyObject):
raise HyCompileError("`tree` must be a HyObject or capable of "
"being promoted to one")
compiler = HyASTCompiler(module_name)
result = compiler.compile(tree)
expr = result.force_expr
if not get_expr:
result += result.expr_as_stmt()
module_docstring = None
if (PY37 and result.stmts and
isinstance(result.stmts[0], ast.Expr) and
isinstance(result.stmts[0].value, ast.Str)):
module_docstring = result.stmts.pop(0).value.s
body = compiler.imports_as_stmts(tree) + result.stmts
ret = root(body=body, docstring=(
None if module_docstring is None else module_docstring))
if get_expr:
expr = ast.Expression(body=expr)
ret = (ret, expr)
return ret