2020-01-09 14:05:12 -05:00

308 lines
7.7 KiB
Executable File

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from functools import wraps
from rply import ParserGenerator
from hy.models import (HyBytes, HyComplex, HyDict, HyExpression, HyFloat,
HyInteger, HyKeyword, HyList, HySet, HyString, HySymbol)
from .lexer import lexer
from .exceptions import LexException, PrematureEndOfInput
pg = ParserGenerator([rule.name for rule in lexer.rules] + ['$end'])
def set_boundaries(fun):
def wrapped(state, p):
start = p[0].source_pos
end = p[-1].source_pos
ret = fun(state, p)
ret.start_line = start.lineno
ret.start_column = start.colno
if start is not end:
ret.end_line = end.lineno
ret.end_column = end.colno
v = p[0].value
ret.end_line = start.lineno + v.count('\n')
ret.end_column = (len(v) - v.rindex('\n') - 1
if '\n' in v
else start.colno + len(v) - 1)
return ret
return wrapped
def set_quote_boundaries(fun):
def wrapped(state, p):
start = p[0].source_pos
ret = fun(state, p)
ret.start_line = start.lineno
ret.start_column = start.colno
ret.end_line = p[-1].end_line
ret.end_column = p[-1].end_column
return ret
return wrapped
@pg.production("main : list_contents")
def main(state, p):
return p[0]
@pg.production("main : $end")
def main_empty(state, p):
return []
@pg.production("paren : LPAREN list_contents RPAREN")
def paren(state, p):
return HyExpression(p[1])
@pg.production("paren : LPAREN RPAREN")
def empty_paren(state, p):
return HyExpression([])
@pg.production("list_contents : term list_contents")
def list_contents(state, p):
return [p[0]] + p[1]
@pg.production("list_contents : term")
def list_contents_single(state, p):
return [p[0]]
@pg.production("list_contents : DISCARD term discarded_list_contents")
def list_contents_empty(state, p):
return []
@pg.production("discarded_list_contents : DISCARD term discarded_list_contents")
@pg.production("discarded_list_contents :")
def discarded_list_contents(state, p):
@pg.production("term : identifier")
@pg.production("term : paren")
@pg.production("term : dict")
@pg.production("term : list")
@pg.production("term : set")
@pg.production("term : string")
def term(state, p):
return p[0]
@pg.production("term : DISCARD term term")
def term_discard(state, p):
return p[2]
@pg.production("term : QUOTE term")
def term_quote(state, p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("quote"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : QUASIQUOTE term")
def term_quasiquote(state, p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("quasiquote"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : UNQUOTE term")
def term_unquote(state, p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("unquote"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : UNQUOTESPLICE term")
def term_unquote_splice(state, p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("unquote-splice"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : ANNOTATION term")
def term_annotation(state, p):
return HyExpression([HySymbol("annotate*"), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : HASHSTARS term")
def term_hashstars(state, p):
n_stars = len(p[0].getstr()[1:])
if n_stars == 1:
sym = "unpack-iterable"
elif n_stars == 2:
sym = "unpack-mapping"
raise LexException.from_lexer(
"Too many stars in `#*` construct (if you want to unpack a symbol "
"beginning with a star, separate it with whitespace)",
state, p[0])
return HyExpression([HySymbol(sym), p[1]])
@pg.production("term : HASHOTHER term")
def hash_other(state, p):
# p == [(Token('HASHOTHER', '#foo'), bar)]
st = p[0].getstr()[1:]
str_object = HyString(st)
expr = p[1]
return HyExpression([HySymbol("dispatch-tag-macro"), str_object, expr])
@pg.production("set : HLCURLY list_contents RCURLY")
def t_set(state, p):
return HySet(p[1])
@pg.production("set : HLCURLY RCURLY")
def empty_set(state, p):
return HySet([])
@pg.production("dict : LCURLY list_contents RCURLY")
def t_dict(state, p):
return HyDict(p[1])
@pg.production("dict : LCURLY RCURLY")
def empty_dict(state, p):
return HyDict([])
@pg.production("list : LBRACKET list_contents RBRACKET")
def t_list(state, p):
return HyList(p[1])
@pg.production("list : LBRACKET RBRACKET")
def t_empty_list(state, p):
return HyList([])
@pg.production("string : STRING")
def t_string(state, p):
s = p[0].value
# Detect and remove any "f" prefix.
is_format = False
if s.startswith('f') or s.startswith('rf'):
is_format = True
s = s.replace('f', '', 1)
# Replace the single double quotes with triple double quotes to allow
# embedded newlines.
s = eval(s.replace('"', '"""', 1)[:-1] + '"""')
except SyntaxError:
raise LexException.from_lexer("Can't convert {} to a HyString".format(p[0].value),
state, p[0])
return (HyString(s, is_format = is_format)
if isinstance(s, str)
else HyBytes(s))
@pg.production("string : PARTIAL_STRING")
def t_partial_string(state, p):
# Any unterminated string requires more input
raise PrematureEndOfInput.from_lexer("Partial string literal", state, p[0])
bracket_string_re = next(r.re for r in lexer.rules if r.name == 'BRACKETSTRING')
@pg.production("string : BRACKETSTRING")
def t_bracket_string(state, p):
m = bracket_string_re.match(p[0].value)
delim, content = m.groups()
return HyString(
is_format = delim == 'f' or delim.startswith('f-'),
brackets = delim)
@pg.production("identifier : IDENTIFIER")
def t_identifier(state, p):
obj = p[0].value
val = symbol_like(obj)
if val is not None:
return val
if "." in obj and symbol_like(obj.split(".", 1)[0]) is not None:
# E.g., `5.attr` or `:foo.attr`
raise LexException.from_lexer(
'Cannot access attribute on anything other than a name (in '
'order to get attributes of expressions, use '
'`(. <expression> <attr>)` or `(.<attr> <expression>)`)',
state, p[0])
return HySymbol(obj)
def symbol_like(obj):
"Try to interpret `obj` as a number or keyword."
return HyInteger(obj)
except ValueError:
if '/' in obj:
lhs, rhs = obj.split('/')
return HyExpression([HySymbol('fraction'), HyInteger(lhs),
except ValueError:
return HyFloat(obj)
except ValueError:
if obj != 'j':
return HyComplex(obj)
except ValueError:
if obj.startswith(":") and "." not in obj:
return HyKeyword(obj[1:])
def error_handler(state, token):
tokentype = token.gettokentype()
if tokentype == '$end':
raise PrematureEndOfInput.from_lexer("Premature end of input", state,
raise LexException.from_lexer(
"Ran into a %s where it wasn't expected." % tokentype, state,
parser = pg.build()