When set, it will conflict with any tests that generate bytecode because they don't expect it to be set. Fixable by sanitize the environment before forking, but we can't do anything about import tests. This is a pipenv default, and possibly a sane flag to set while doing Hy development, so lets not let it be a hazard for developers to trip over.
341 lines
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341 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2018 the authors.
# This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
# license. See the LICENSE.
import os
from pipes import quote
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import pytest
from hy._compat import PY3, PY35, PY36, builtins
from hy.importer import get_bytecode_path
hy_dir = os.environ.get('HY_DIR', '')
def hr(s=""):
return "hy --repl-output-fn=hy.contrib.hy-repr.hy-repr " + s
def run_cmd(cmd, stdin_data=None, expect=0, dontwritebytecode=False):
env = dict(os.environ)
if dontwritebytecode:
cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
cmd[0] = os.path.join(hy_dir, cmd[0])
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
output = p.communicate(input=stdin_data)
assert p.wait() == expect
return output
def rm(fpath):
except (IOError, OSError):
except (IOError, OSError):
def test_bin_hy():
run_cmd("hy", "")
def test_bin_hy_stdin():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(koan)')
assert "monk" in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy --spy", '(koan)')
assert "monk" in output
assert "\n Ummon" in output
# --spy should work even when an exception is thrown
output, _ = run_cmd("hy --spy", '(foof)')
assert "foof()" in output
def test_bin_hy_stdin_multiline():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(+ "a" "b"\n"c" "d")')
assert "'abcd'" in output
def test_bin_hy_history():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '''(+ "a" "b")
(+ "c" "d")
(+ "e" "f")
(.format "*1: {}, *2: {}, *3: {}," *1 *2 *3)''')
assert "'*1: ef, *2: cd, *3: ab,'" in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '''(raise (Exception "TEST ERROR"))
(+ "err: " (str *e))''')
assert "'err: TEST ERROR'" in output
def test_bin_hy_stdin_comments():
_, err_empty = run_cmd("hy", '')
output, err = run_cmd("hy", '(+ "a" "b") ; "c"')
assert "'ab'" in output
assert err == err_empty
_, err = run_cmd("hy", '; 1')
assert err == err_empty
def test_bin_hy_stdin_assignment():
# If the last form is an assignment, don't print the value.
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(setv x (+ "A" "Z"))')
assert "AZ" not in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(setv x (+ "A" "Z")) (+ "B" "Y")')
assert "AZ" not in output
assert "BY" in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(+ "B" "Y") (setv x (+ "A" "Z"))')
assert "AZ" not in output
assert "BY" not in output
def test_bin_hy_stdin_as_arrow():
# https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/1255
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", "(as-> 0 it (inc it) (inc it))")
assert re.match(r"=>\s+2L?\s+=>", output)
def test_bin_hy_stdin_error_underline_alignment():
_, err = run_cmd("hy", "(defmacro mabcdefghi [x] x)\n(mabcdefghi)")
assert "\n (mabcdefghi)\n ^----------^" in err
def test_bin_hy_stdin_except_do():
# https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/533
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(try (/ 1 0) (except [ZeroDivisionError] "hello"))') # noqa
assert "hello" in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(try (/ 1 0) (except [ZeroDivisionError] "aaa" "bbb" "ccc"))') # noqa
assert "aaa" not in output
assert "bbb" not in output
assert "ccc" in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(if True (do "xxx" "yyy" "zzz"))')
assert "xxx" not in output
assert "yyy" not in output
assert "zzz" in output
def test_bin_hy_stdin_unlocatable_hytypeerror():
# https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/1412
# The chief test of interest here is the returncode assertion
# inside run_cmd.
_, err = run_cmd("hy", """
(import hy.errors)
(raise (hy.errors.HyTypeError '[] (+ "A" "Z")))""")
assert "AZ" in err
def test_bin_hy_stdin_bad_repr():
# https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/1389
output, err = run_cmd("hy", """
(defclass BadRepr [] (defn __repr__ [self] (/ 0)))
(+ "A" "Z")""")
assert "ZeroDivisionError" in err
assert "AZ" in output
def test_bin_hy_stdin_hy_repr():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(+ [1] [2])')
assert "[1, 2]" in output.replace('L', '')
output, _ = run_cmd(hr(), '(+ [1] [2])')
assert "[1 2]" in output
output, _ = run_cmd(hr("--spy"), '(+ [1] [2])')
assert "[1]+[2]" in output.replace('L', '').replace(' ', '')
assert "[1 2]" in output
# --spy should work even when an exception is thrown
output, _ = run_cmd(hr("--spy"), '(+ [1] [2] (foof))')
assert "[1]+[2]" in output.replace('L', '').replace(' ', '')
def test_bin_hy_ignore_python_env():
os.environ.update({"PYTHONTEST": '0'})
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -c '(print (do (import os) (. os environ)))'")
assert "PYTHONTEST" in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.printenv")
assert "PYTHONTEST" in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/printenv.hy")
assert "PYTHONTEST" in output
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -E -c '(print (do (import os) (. os environ)))'")
assert "PYTHONTEST" not in output
os.environ.update({"PYTHONTEST": '0'})
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -E -m tests.resources.bin.printenv")
assert "PYTHONTEST" not in output
os.environ.update({"PYTHONTEST": '0'})
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -E tests/resources/bin/printenv.hy")
assert "PYTHONTEST" not in output
def test_bin_hy_cmd():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -c \"(koan)\"")
assert "monk" in output
_, err = run_cmd("hy -c \"(koan\"", expect=1)
assert "Premature end of input" in err
def test_bin_hy_icmd():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -i \"(koan)\"", "(ideas)")
assert "monk" in output
assert "figlet" in output
def test_bin_hy_icmd_file():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -i resources/icmd_test_file.hy", "(ideas)")
assert "Hy!" in output
def test_bin_hy_icmd_and_spy():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -i \"(+ [] [])\" --spy", "(+ 1 1)")
assert "[] + []" in output
def test_bin_hy_missing_file():
_, err = run_cmd("hy foobarbaz", expect=2)
assert "No such file" in err
def test_bin_hy_file_with_args():
assert "usage" in run_cmd("hy tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy -h")[0]
assert "got c" in run_cmd("hy tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy -c bar")[0]
assert "foo" in run_cmd("hy tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy -i foo")[0]
assert "foo" in run_cmd("hy tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy -i foo -c bar")[0] # noqa
def test_bin_hyc():
_, err = run_cmd("hyc", expect=2)
assert "usage" in err
output, _ = run_cmd("hyc -h")
assert "usage" in output
path = "tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy"
output, _ = run_cmd("hyc " + path)
assert "Compiling" in output
assert os.path.exists(get_bytecode_path(path))
def test_bin_hyc_missing_file():
_, err = run_cmd("hyc foobarbaz", expect=2)
assert "[Errno 2]" in err
def test_bin_hy_builtins():
# hy.cmdline replaces builtins.exit and builtins.quit
# for use by hy's repl.
import hy.cmdline # NOQA
# this test will fail if run from IPython because IPython deletes
# builtins.exit and builtins.quit
assert str(builtins.exit) == "Use (exit) or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit"
assert type(builtins.exit) is hy.cmdline.HyQuitter
assert str(builtins.quit) == "Use (quit) or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit"
assert type(builtins.quit) is hy.cmdline.HyQuitter
def test_bin_hy_main():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/main.hy")
assert "Hello World" in output
def test_bin_hy_main_args():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/main.hy test 123")
assert "test" in output
assert "123" in output
def test_bin_hy_main_exitvalue():
run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/main.hy exit1", expect=1)
def test_bin_hy_no_main():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/nomain.hy")
assert "This Should Still Work" in output
@pytest.mark.parametrize('scenario', [
"normal", "prevent_by_force", "prevent_by_env"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd_fmt', [
'hy {fpath}', 'hy -m {modname}', "hy -c '(import {modname})'"])
def test_bin_hy_byte_compile(scenario, cmd_fmt):
modname = "tests.resources.bin.bytecompile"
fpath = modname.replace(".", "/") + ".hy"
cmd = cmd_fmt.format(**locals())
if scenario == "prevent_by_force":
# Keep Hy from being able to byte-compile the module by
# creating a directory at the target location.
# Whether or not we can byte-compile the module, we should be able
# to run it.
output, _ = run_cmd(cmd, dontwritebytecode=scenario == "prevent_by_env")
assert "Hello from macro" in output
assert "The macro returned: boink" in output
if scenario == "normal":
# That should've byte-compiled the module.
assert os.path.exists(get_bytecode_path(fpath))
elif scenario == "prevent_by_env":
# No byte-compiled version should've been created.
assert not os.path.exists(get_bytecode_path(fpath))
# When we run the same command again, and we've byte-compiled the
# module, the byte-compiled version should be run instead of the
# source, in which case the macro shouldn't be run.
output, _ = run_cmd(cmd)
assert ("Hello from macro" in output) ^ (scenario == "normal")
assert "The macro returned: boink" in output
def test_bin_hy_module_main():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.main")
assert "Hello World" in output
def test_bin_hy_module_main_args():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.main test 123")
assert "test" in output
assert "123" in output
def test_bin_hy_module_main_exitvalue():
run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.main exit1", expect=1)
def test_bin_hy_module_no_main():
output, _ = run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.nomain")
assert "This Should Still Work" in output