This changes let to use a flat list of symbol-value pairs instead of a vector of vectors. One side effect is that (let [[a 1] z]) is not expressible now, and one will explicitly need to set a nil value for z, such as: (let [a 1 z nil]). Closes #713. Signed-off-by: Gergely Nagy <algernon@madhouse-project.org>
194 lines
4.8 KiB
194 lines
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(import [hy._compat [PY35]])
(setv square (fn [x]
(* x x)))
(setv test_basic_math (fn []
"NATIVE: Test basic math."
(assert (= (+ 2 2) 4))))
(setv test_mult (fn []
"NATIVE: Test multiplication."
(assert (= 4 (square 2)))
(assert (= 8 (* 8)))
(assert (= 1 (*)))))
(setv test_sub (fn []
"NATIVE: Test subtraction"
(assert (= 4 (- 8 4)))
(assert (= -8 (- 8)))))
(setv test_add (fn []
"NATIVE: Test addition"
(assert (= 4 (+ 1 1 1 1)))
(assert (= 8 (+ 8)))
(assert (= 0 (+)))))
(setv test_div (fn []
"NATIVE: Test division"
(assert (= 25 (/ 100 2 2)))
; Commented out until float constants get implemented
; (assert (= 0.5 (/ 1 2)))
(assert (= 1 (* 2 (/ 1 2))))))
(setv test_int_div (fn []
"NATIVE: Test integer division"
(assert (= 25 (// 101 2 2)))))
(defn test-modulo []
"NATIVE: test mod"
(assert (= (% 10 2) 0)))
(defn test-pow []
"NATIVE: test pow"
(assert (= (** 10 2) 100)))
(defn test-lshift []
"NATIVE: test lshift"
(assert (= (<< 1 2) 4)))
(defn test-rshift []
"NATIVE: test lshift"
(assert (= (>> 8 1) 4)))
(defn test-bitor []
"NATIVE: test lshift"
(assert (= (| 1 2) 3)))
(defn test-bitxor []
"NATIVE: test xor"
(assert (= (^ 1 2) 3)))
(defn test-bitand []
"NATIVE: test lshift"
(assert (= (& 1 2) 0)))
(defn test-augassign-add []
"NATIVE: test augassign add"
(let [x 1]
(+= x 41)
(assert (= x 42))))
(defn test-augassign-sub []
"NATIVE: test augassign sub"
(let [x 1]
(-= x 41)
(assert (= x -40))))
(defn test-augassign-mult []
"NATIVE: test augassign mult"
(let [x 1]
(*= x 41)
(assert (= x 41))))
(defn test-augassign-div []
"NATIVE: test augassign div"
(let [x 42]
(/= x 2)
(assert (= x 21))))
(defn test-augassign-floordiv []
"NATIVE: test augassign floordiv"
(let [x 42]
(//= x 2)
(assert (= x 21))))
(defn test-augassign-mod []
"NATIVE: test augassign mod"
(let [x 42]
(%= x 2)
(assert (= x 0))))
(defn test-augassign-pow []
"NATIVE: test augassign pow"
(let [x 2]
(**= x 3)
(assert (= x 8))))
(defn test-augassign-lshift []
"NATIVE: test augassign lshift"
(let [x 2]
(<<= x 2)
(assert (= x 8))))
(defn test-augassign-rshift []
"NATIVE: test augassign rshift"
(let [x 8]
(>>= x 1)
(assert (= x 4))))
(defn test-augassign-bitand []
"NATIVE: test augassign bitand"
(let [x 8]
(&= x 1)
(assert (= x 0))))
(defn test-augassign-bitor []
"NATIVE: test augassign bitand"
(let [x 0]
(|= x 2)
(assert (= x 2))))
(defn test-augassign-bitxor []
"NATIVE: test augassign bitand"
(let [x 1]
(^= x 1)
(assert (= x 0))))
(defn overflow-int-to-long []
"NATIVE: test if int does not raise an overflow exception"
(assert (integer? (+ 1 1000000000000000000000000))))
(defclass HyTestMatrix [list]
(fn [self other]
(let [n (len self)
m (len (. other [0]))
result []]
(for [i (range m)]
(let [result-row []]
(for [j (range n)]
(let [dot-product 0]
(for [k (range (len (. self [0])))]
(+= dot-product (* (. self [i] [k])
(. other [k] [j]))))
(.append result-row dot-product)))
(.append result result-row)))
(def first-test-matrix (HyTestMatrix [[1 2 3]
[4 5 6]
[7 8 9]]))
(def second-test-matrix (HyTestMatrix [[2 0 0]
[0 2 0]
[0 0 2]]))
(def product-of-test-matrices (HyTestMatrix [[ 2 4 6]
[ 8 10 12]
[14 16 18]]))
(defn test-matmul []
"NATIVE: test matrix multiplication"
(if PY35
(assert (= (@ first-test-matrix second-test-matrix)
;; Python <= 3.4
(let [matmul-attempt (try (@ first-test-matrix second-test-matrix)
(except [e [Exception]] e))]
(assert (isinstance matmul-attempt NameError)))))
(defn test-augassign-matmul []
"NATIVE: test augmented-assignment matrix multiplication"
(let [matrix first-test-matrix
matmul-attempt (try (@= matrix second-test-matrix)
(except [e [Exception]] e))]
(if PY35
(assert (= product-of-test-matrices matrix))
(assert (isinstance matmul-attempt NameError)))))