2019-02-07 08:57:35 -05:00

97 lines
3.4 KiB

;; Hy Arity-overloading
;; Copyright 2019 the authors.
;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat
;; license. See the LICENSE.
(import [collections [defaultdict]]
[hy [HyExpression HyList HyString]])
(defclass MultiDispatch [object] [
_fns (defaultdict dict)
__init__ (fn [self f]
(setv self.f f)
(setv self.__doc__ f.__doc__)
(unless (in f.__name__ (.keys (get self._fns f.__module__)))
(setv (get self._fns f.__module__ f.__name__) {}))
(setv values f.__code__.co_varnames)
(setv (get self._fns f.__module__ f.__name__ values) f))
fn? (fn [self v args kwargs]
"Compare the given (checked fn) to the called fn"
(setv com (+ (list args) (list (.keys kwargs))))
(= (len com) (len v))
(.issubset (frozenset (.keys kwargs)) com)))
__call__ (fn [self &rest args &kwargs kwargs]
(setv func None)
(for [[i f] (.items (get self._fns self.f.__module__ self.f.__name__))]
(when (.fn? self i args kwargs)
(setv func f)
(if func
(func #* args #** kwargs)
(raise (TypeError "No matching functions with this signature"))))])
(defn multi-decorator [dispatch-fn]
(setv inner (fn [&rest args &kwargs kwargs]
(setv dispatch-key (dispatch-fn #* args #** kwargs))
(if (in dispatch-key inner.--multi--)
((get inner.--multi-- dispatch-key) #* args #** kwargs)
(inner.--multi-default-- #* args #** kwargs))))
(setv inner.--multi-- {})
(setv inner.--doc-- dispatch-fn.--doc--)
(setv inner.--multi-default-- (fn [&rest args &kwargs kwargs] None))
(defn method-decorator [dispatch-fn &optional [dispatch-key None]]
(setv apply-decorator
(fn [func]
(if (is dispatch-key None)
(setv dispatch-fn.--multi-default-- func)
(assoc dispatch-fn.--multi-- dispatch-key func))
(defmacro defmulti [name params &rest body]
`(do (import [hy.contrib.multi [multi-decorator]])
(with-decorator multi-decorator
(defn ~name ~params ~@body))))
(defmacro defmethod [name multi-key params &rest body]
`(do (import [hy.contrib.multi [method-decorator]])
(with-decorator (method-decorator ~name ~multi-key)
(defn ~name ~params ~@body))))
(defmacro default-method [name params &rest body]
`(do (import [hy.contrib.multi [method-decorator]])
(with-decorator (method-decorator ~name)
(defn ~name ~params ~@body))))
(defn head-tail [l]
(, (get l 0) (cut l 1)))
(defmacro defn [name &rest bodies]
(setv arity-overloaded? (fn [bodies]
(if (isinstance (first bodies) HyString)
(arity-overloaded? (rest bodies))
(isinstance (first bodies) HyExpression))))
(if (arity-overloaded? bodies)
(setv comment (HyString))
(if (= (type (first bodies)) HyString)
(setv [comment bodies] (head-tail bodies)))
(setv ret `(do))
(.append ret '(import [hy.contrib.multi [MultiDispatch]]))
(for [body bodies]
(setv [let-binds body] (head-tail body))
(.append ret
`(with-decorator MultiDispatch (defn ~name ~let-binds ~comment ~@body))))
(setv [lambda-list body] (head-tail bodies))
`(setv ~name (fn* ~lambda-list ~@body)))))