========== Quickstart ========== I WANT TO BE DOING HY STUFF RIGHT NOW! 1. create a `Python virtual environment `_ 2. activate your Python virtual environment 3. ``pip install hy`` 4. start a REPL with ``hy`` 5. type stuff in the REPL:: => (print "Hy!") Hy! => (defn salutationsnm [] (print (+ "Hy " name "!"))) => (salutationsnm "YourName") Hy YourName! etc 6. hit CTRL-D when you're done OMG! That's amazing! I want to write a hy program. 7. open up an elite programming editor 8. type:: (print "hy is the BEST!") 9. save as ``test_program_of_awesome.hy`` 10. run ``hy test_program_of_awesome.hy``