====================== Command Line Interface ====================== Command line options -------------------- .. cmdoption:: -c Execute the Hy code in *command*. .. code-block:: bash $ hy -c "(print (+ 2 2))" 4 .. cmdoption:: -i Execute the Hy code in *command*, then stay in REPL. .. cmdoption:: --spy Print equivalent Hy code before executing. For example:: => (defn salutationsnm [name] (print (+ "Hy " name "!"))) def salutationsnm(name): return print(((u'Hy ' + name) + u'!')) => (salutationsnm "YourName") salutationsnm(u'YourName') Hy YourName! => .. versionadded:: 0.9.11 .. cmdoption:: -v Print the Hy version number and exit.