=============== Hacking on hy =============== .. highlight:: bash Join our hyve! ============== Please come hack on hy! Please come hang out with us on ``#hy`` on ``irc.freenode.net``! Please talk about it on Twitter with the ``#hy`` hashtag! Please blog about it! Please don't spraypaint it on your neighbor's fence (without asking nicely)! Hack! ===== Do this: 1. create a `virtual environment `_:: $ virtualenv venv and activate it:: $ . venv/bin/activate or use `virtualenvwrapper `_ to create and manage your virtual environment:: $ mkvirtualenv hy $ workon hy 2. get the source code:: $ git clone https://github.com/hylang/hy.git or use your fork:: $ git clone git@github.com:/hy.git 3. install for hacking:: $ cd hy/ $ pip install -e . 4. install other develop-y requirements:: $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt 5. do awesome things; make someone shriek in delight/disgust at what you have wrought. Test! ===== Tests are located in ``tests/``. We use `nose `_. To run the tests:: $ nosetests Write tests---tests are good! Also, it is good to run the tests for all the platforms supported and for pep8 compliant code. You can do so by running tox:: $ tox Document! ========= Documentation is located in ``docs/``. We use `Sphinx `_. To build the docs in HTML:: $ cd docs $ make html Write docs---docs are good! Even this doc! Core Development Rules ====================== All incoming changes need to be acked by 2 different members of Hylang's core team. Additional review is clearly welcome, but we need a minimum of 2 signoffs for any change. If a core member is sending in a PR, please find 2 core members that don't include them PR submitter. The idea here is that one can work with the PR author, and a second acks the entire change set.