(import hy) (defn test-quote [] "NATIVE: test for quoting functionality" (setv q (quote (a b c))) (assert (= (len q) 3)) (assert (= q [(quote a) (quote b) (quote c)]))) (defn test-quoted-hoistable [] "NATIVE: check whether quote works on hoisted things" (setv f (quote (if true true true))) (assert (= (car f) (quote if))) (assert (= (cdr f) (quote (true true true))))) (defn test-quoted-macroexpand [] "NATIVE: check that we don't expand macros in quoted expressions" (setv q1 (quote (-> a b c))) (setv q2 (quasiquote (-> a b c))) (assert (= q1 q2)) (assert (= (car q1) (quote ->))) (assert (= (cdr q1) (quote (a b c))))) (defn test-quote-dicts [] "NATIVE: test quoting dicts" (setv q (quote {foo bar baz quux})) (assert (= (len q) 4)) (assert (= (get q 0) (quote foo))) (assert (= (get q 1) (quote bar))) (assert (= (get q 2) (quote baz))) (assert (= (get q 3) (quote quux))) (assert (= (type q) hy.HyDict))) (defn test-quote-expr-in-dict [] "NATIVE: test quoting nested exprs in dict" (setv q (quote {(foo bar) 0})) (assert (= (len q) 2)) (setv qq (get q 0)) (assert (= qq (quote (foo bar))))) (defn test-quasiquote [] "NATIVE: test that quasiquote and quote are equivalent for simple cases" (setv q (quote (a b c))) (setv qq (quasiquote (a b c))) (assert (= q qq))) (defn test-unquote [] "NATIVE: test that unquote works as expected" (setv q (quote (unquote foo))) (assert (= (len q) 2)) (assert (= (get q 1) (quote foo))) (setv qq (quasiquote (a b c (unquote (+ 1 2))))) (assert (= (len qq) 4)) (assert (= qq (quote (a b c 3))))) (defn test-unquote-splice [] "NATIVE: test splicing unquotes" (setv q (quote (c d e))) (setv qq (quasiquote (a b (unquote-splice q) f (unquote-splice q)))) (assert (= (len qq) 9)) (assert (= qq (quote (a b c d e f c d e))))) (defn test-nested-quasiquote [] "NATIVE: test nested quasiquotes" (setv qq (quasiquote (1 (quasiquote (unquote (+ 1 (unquote (+ 2 3))))) 4))) (setv q (quote (1 (quasiquote (unquote (+ 1 5))) 4))) (assert (= (len q) 3)) (assert (= (get qq 1) (quote (quasiquote (unquote (+ 1 5)))))) (assert (= q qq))) (defn test-quote-lambdalistkeyword [] "NATIVE: test quoting lambda list keywords" (setv opt (quote &optional)) (assert (isinstance opt hy.HyLambdaListKeyword)) (assert (= (str opt) "&optional"))) (defmacro doodle [&rest body] `(do ~@body)) (defn test-unquote-splice [] "NATIVE: test unquote-splice does what's intended" (assert (= (doodle [1 2 3] [4 5 6]) [4 5 6])))