# Copyright 2018 the authors. # This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat # license. See the LICENSE. import copy import hy from clint.textui.colored import clean from hy._compat import long_type, str_type from hy.models import (wrap_value, replace_hy_obj, HyString, HyInteger, HyList, HyDict, HySet, HyExpression, HyCons, HyComplex, HyFloat, pretty) def test_wrap_long_type(): """ Test conversion of integers.""" wrapped = wrap_value(long_type(0)) assert type(wrapped) == HyInteger def test_wrap_tuple(): """ Test conversion of tuples.""" wrapped = wrap_value((HyInteger(0),)) assert type(wrapped) == HyList assert type(wrapped[0]) == HyInteger assert wrapped == HyList([HyInteger(0)]) def test_wrap_nested_expr(): """ Test conversion of HyExpressions with embedded non-HyObjects.""" wrapped = wrap_value(HyExpression([long_type(0)])) assert type(wrapped) == HyExpression assert type(wrapped[0]) == HyInteger assert wrapped == HyExpression([HyInteger(0)]) def test_replace_long_type(): """ Test replacing integers.""" replaced = replace_hy_obj(long_type(0), HyInteger(13)) assert replaced == HyInteger(0) def test_replace_string_type(): """Test replacing python string""" replaced = replace_hy_obj(str_type("foo"), HyString("bar")) assert replaced == HyString("foo") def test_replace_tuple(): """ Test replacing tuples.""" replaced = replace_hy_obj((long_type(0), ), HyInteger(13)) assert type(replaced) == HyList assert type(replaced[0]) == HyInteger assert replaced == HyList([HyInteger(0)]) def test_list_add(): """Check that adding two HyLists generates a HyList""" a = HyList([1, 2, 3]) b = HyList([3, 4, 5]) c = a + b assert c == [1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5] assert c.__class__ == HyList def test_list_slice(): """Check that slicing a HyList produces a HyList""" a = HyList([1, 2, 3, 4]) sl1 = a[1:] sl5 = a[5:] assert type(sl1) == HyList assert sl1 == HyList([2, 3, 4]) assert type(sl5) == HyList assert sl5 == HyList([]) hydict = HyDict(["a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3]) def test_dict_items(): assert hydict.items() == [("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)] def test_dict_keys(): assert hydict.keys() == ["a", "b", "c"] def test_dict_values(): assert hydict.values() == [1, 2, 3] hyset = HySet([3, 1, 2, 2]) def test_set(): assert hyset == [3, 1, 2, 2] def test_cons_slicing(): """Check that cons slicing works as expected""" cons = HyCons("car", "cdr") assert cons[0] == "car" assert cons[1:] == "cdr" try: cons[:] assert True is False except IndexError: pass try: cons[1] assert True is False except IndexError: pass def test_cons_replacing(): """Check that assigning to a cons works as expected""" cons = HyCons("foo", "bar") cons[0] = "car" assert cons == HyCons("car", "bar") cons[1:] = "cdr" assert cons == HyCons("car", "cdr") try: cons[:] = "foo" assert True is False except IndexError: pass def test_number_model_copy(): i = HyInteger(42) assert (i == copy.copy(i)) assert (i == copy.deepcopy(i)) f = HyFloat(42.) assert (f == copy.copy(f)) assert (f == copy.deepcopy(f)) c = HyComplex(42j) assert (c == copy.copy(c)) assert (c == copy.deepcopy(c)) PRETTY_STRINGS = { k % ('[1.0] {1.0} (1.0) #{1.0} (0.0 1.0 . 2.0)',): v.format(""" HyList([ HyFloat(1.0)]), HyDict([ HyFloat(1.0) # odd ]), HyExpression([ HyFloat(1.0)]), HySet([ HyFloat(1.0)]), <HyCons ( HyFloat(0.0) HyFloat(1.0) . HyFloat(2.0))>""") for k, v in {'[%s]': 'HyList([{}])', '#{%s}': 'HySet([{}])'}.items()} PRETTY_STRINGS.update({ '{[1.0] {1.0} (1.0) #{1.0} (0.0 1.0 . 2.0)}': """HyDict([ HyList([ HyFloat(1.0)]), HyDict([ HyFloat(1.0) # odd ]) , HyExpression([ HyFloat(1.0)]), HySet([ HyFloat(1.0)]) , <HyCons ( HyFloat(0.0) HyFloat(1.0) . HyFloat(2.0))> # odd ])""" , '([1.0] {1.0} (1.0) #{1.0} (0.0 1.0 . 2.0) . 3.0)': """<HyCons ( HyList([ HyFloat(1.0)]) HyDict([ HyFloat(1.0) # odd ]) HyExpression([ HyFloat(1.0)]) HySet([ HyFloat(1.0)]) <HyCons ( HyFloat(0.0) HyFloat(1.0) . HyFloat(2.0))> . HyFloat(3.0))>""" , '[1.0 1j [] {} () #{}]': """HyList([ HyFloat(1.0), HyComplex(1j), HyList(), HyDict(), HyExpression(), HySet()])""" , '{{1j 2j} {1j 2j [][1j]} {[1j][] 1j 2j} {[1j][1j]}}': """HyDict([ HyDict([ HyComplex(1j), HyComplex(2j)]), HyDict([ HyComplex(1j), HyComplex(2j), HyList(), HyList([ HyComplex(1j)]) ]) , HyDict([ HyList([ HyComplex(1j)]), HyList() , HyComplex(1j), HyComplex(2j)]), HyDict([ HyList([ HyComplex(1j)]), HyList([ HyComplex(1j)]) ]) ])"""}) def test_compound_model_repr(): HY_LIST_MODELS = (HyExpression, HyDict, HySet, HyList) with pretty(False): assert eval(repr(HyCons(1, 2))).__class__ is HyCons assert eval(repr(HyCons(1, 2))) == HyCons(1, 2) for model in HY_LIST_MODELS: assert eval(repr(model())).__class__ is model assert eval(repr(model([1, 2]))) == model([1, 2]) assert eval(repr(model([1, 2, 3]))) == model([1, 2, 3]) for k, v in PRETTY_STRINGS.items(): # `str` should be pretty, even under `pretty(False)`. assert clean(str(hy.read_str(k))) == v for k in PRETTY_STRINGS.keys(): assert eval(repr(hy.read_str(k))) == hy.read_str(k) with pretty(True): for model in HY_LIST_MODELS: assert eval(clean(repr(model()))).__class__ is model assert eval(clean(repr(model([1, 2])))) == model([1, 2]) assert eval(clean(repr(model([1, 2, 3])))) == model([1, 2, 3]) for k, v in PRETTY_STRINGS.items(): assert clean(repr(hy.read_str(k))) == v