#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2017 the authors. # This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat # license. See the LICENSE. import os import subprocess import re from hy._compat import PY3 from hy.importer import get_bytecode_path hy_dir = os.environ.get('HY_DIR', '') def hr(s=""): return "hy --repl-output-fn=hy.contrib.hy-repr.hy-repr " + s def run_cmd(cmd, stdin_data=None, expect=0): p = subprocess.Popen(os.path.join(hy_dir, cmd), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) if stdin_data is not None: p.stdin.write(stdin_data.encode('ASCII')) p.stdin.flush() p.stdin.close() # Read stdout and stderr otherwise if the PIPE buffer is full, we might # wait for ever… stdout = "" stderr = "" while p.poll() is None: stdout += p.stdout.read().decode('utf-8') stderr += p.stderr.read().decode('utf-8') assert p.returncode == expect return stdout, stderr def rm(fpath): try: os.remove(fpath) except (IOError, OSError): try: os.rmdir(fpath) except (IOError, OSError): pass def test_bin_hy(): run_cmd("hy", "") def test_bin_hy_stdin(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(koan)') assert "monk" in output output, _ = run_cmd("hy --spy", '(koan)') assert "monk" in output assert "\\n Ummon" in output # --spy should work even when an exception is thrown output, _ = run_cmd("hy --spy", '(foof)') assert "foof()" in output def test_bin_hy_stdin_multiline(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(+ "a" "b"\n"c" "d")') assert "'abcd'" in output def test_bin_hy_stdin_comments(): _, err_empty = run_cmd("hy", '') output, err = run_cmd("hy", '(+ "a" "b") ; "c"') assert "'ab'" in output assert err == err_empty _, err = run_cmd("hy", '; 1') assert err == err_empty def test_bin_hy_stdin_assignment(): # If the last form is an assignment, don't print the value. output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(setv x (+ "A" "Z"))') assert "AZ" not in output output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(setv x (+ "A" "Z")) (+ "B" "Y")') assert "AZ" not in output assert "BY" in output output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(+ "B" "Y") (setv x (+ "A" "Z"))') assert "AZ" not in output assert "BY" not in output def test_bin_hy_stdin_as_arrow(): # https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/1255 output, _ = run_cmd("hy", "(as-> 0 it (inc it) (inc it))") assert re.match(r"=>\s+2L?\s+=>", output) def test_bin_hy_stdin_error_underline_alignment(): _, err = run_cmd("hy", "(defmacro mabcdefghi [x] x)\n(mabcdefghi)") assert "\n (mabcdefghi)\n ^----------^" in err def test_bin_hy_stdin_except_do(): # https://github.com/hylang/hy/issues/533 output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(try (/ 1 0) (except [ZeroDivisionError] "hello"))') # noqa assert "hello" in output output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(try (/ 1 0) (except [ZeroDivisionError] "aaa" "bbb" "ccc"))') # noqa assert "aaa" not in output assert "bbb" not in output assert "ccc" in output output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(if True (do "xxx" "yyy" "zzz"))') assert "xxx" not in output assert "yyy" not in output assert "zzz" in output def test_bin_hy_stdin_hy_repr(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy", '(+ [1] [2])') assert "[1, 2]" in output.replace('L', '') output, _ = run_cmd(hr(), '(+ [1] [2])') assert "[1 2]" in output output, _ = run_cmd(hr("--spy"), '(+ [1] [2])') assert "[1]+[2]" in output.replace('L', '').replace(' ', '') assert "[1 2]" in output # --spy should work even when an exception is thrown output, _ = run_cmd(hr("--spy"), '(+ [1] [2] (foof))') assert "[1]+[2]" in output.replace('L', '').replace(' ', '') def test_bin_hy_cmd(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy -c \"(koan)\"") assert "monk" in output _, err = run_cmd("hy -c \"(koan\"", expect=1) assert "Premature end of input" in err def test_bin_hy_icmd(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy -i \"(koan)\"", "(ideas)") assert "monk" in output assert "figlet" in output def test_bin_hy_icmd_file(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy -i resources/icmd_test_file.hy", "(ideas)") assert "Hy!" in output def test_bin_hy_icmd_and_spy(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy -i \"(+ [] [])\" --spy", "(+ 1 1)") assert "([] + [])" in output def test_bin_hy_missing_file(): _, err = run_cmd("hy foobarbaz", expect=2) assert "No such file" in err def test_bin_hy_file_with_args(): assert "usage" in run_cmd("hy tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy -h")[0] assert "got c" in run_cmd("hy tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy -c bar")[0] assert "foo" in run_cmd("hy tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy -i foo")[0] assert "foo" in run_cmd("hy tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy -i foo -c bar")[0] # noqa def test_bin_hyc(): _, err = run_cmd("hyc", expect=2) assert "usage" in err output, _ = run_cmd("hyc -h") assert "usage" in output path = "tests/resources/argparse_ex.hy" output, _ = run_cmd("hyc " + path) assert "Compiling" in output assert os.path.exists(get_bytecode_path(path)) rm(get_bytecode_path(path)) def test_bin_hyc_missing_file(): _, err = run_cmd("hyc foobarbaz", expect=2) assert "[Errno 2]" in err def test_hy2py(): i = 0 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("tests/native_tests"): for f in filenames: if f.endswith(".hy"): if f == "py3_only_tests.hy" and not PY3: continue else: i += 1 output, err = run_cmd("hy2py -s -a " + os.path.join(dirpath, f)) assert len(output) > 1, f assert len(err) == 0, f assert i def test_bin_hy_builtins(): import hy.cmdline # NOQA assert str(exit) == "Use (exit) or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit" assert str(quit) == "Use (quit) or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit" def test_bin_hy_main(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/main.hy") assert "Hello World" in output def test_bin_hy_main_args(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/main.hy test 123") assert "test" in output assert "123" in output def test_bin_hy_main_exitvalue(): run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/main.hy exit1", expect=1) def test_bin_hy_no_main(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy tests/resources/bin/nomain.hy") assert "This Should Still Work" in output def test_bin_hy_byte_compile(): modname = "tests.resources.bin.bytecompile" fpath = modname.replace(".", "/") + ".hy" for can_byte_compile in [True, False]: for cmd in ["hy " + fpath, "hy -m " + modname, "hy -c '(import {})'".format(modname)]: rm(get_bytecode_path(fpath)) if not can_byte_compile: # Keep Hy from being able to byte-compile the module by # creating a directory at the target location. os.mkdir(get_bytecode_path(fpath)) # Whether or not we can byte-compile the module, we should be able # to run it. output, _ = run_cmd(cmd) assert "Hello from macro" in output assert "The macro returned: boink" in output if can_byte_compile: # That should've byte-compiled the module. assert os.path.exists(get_bytecode_path(fpath)) # When we run the same command again, and we've byte-compiled the # module, the byte-compiled version should be run instead of the # source, in which case the macro shouldn't be run. output, _ = run_cmd(cmd) assert ("Hello from macro" in output) ^ can_byte_compile assert "The macro returned: boink" in output def test_bin_hy_module_main(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.main") assert "Hello World" in output def test_bin_hy_module_main_args(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.main test 123") assert "test" in output assert "123" in output def test_bin_hy_module_main_exitvalue(): run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.main exit1", expect=1) def test_bin_hy_module_no_main(): output, _ = run_cmd("hy -m tests.resources.bin.nomain") assert "This Should Still Work" in output