;; Copyright 2017 the authors. ;; This file is part of Hy, which is free software licensed under the Expat ;; license. See the LICENSE. (import [hy.errors [HyMacroExpansionError]]) (require [hy.extra.anaphoric [*]]) ;;;; some simple helpers (defn assert-true [x] (assert (= True x))) (defn assert-false [x] (assert (= False x))) (defn assert-equal [x y] (assert (= x y))) (defn test-ap-if [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric if" (ap-if True (assert-true it)) (ap-if False True (assert-false it))) (defn test-ap-each [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric each" (setv res []) (ap-each [1 2 3 4] (.append res it)) (assert-equal res [1 2 3 4])) (defn test-ap-each-while [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric each-while" (setv res []) (ap-each-while [2 2 4 3 4 5 6] (even? it) (.append res it)) (assert-equal res [2 2 4])) (defn test-ap-map [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric map" (assert-equal (list (ap-map (* it 3) [1 2 3])) [3 6 9]) (assert-equal (list (ap-map (* it 3) [])) []) (assert-equal (do (setv v 1 f 1) (list (ap-map (it v f) [(fn [a b] (+ a b))]))) [2])) (defn test-ap-map-when [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric map-when" (assert-equal (list (ap-map-when even? (* it 2) [1 2 3 4])) [1 4 3 8])) (defn test-ap-filter [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric filter" (assert-equal (list (ap-filter (> it 2) [1 2 3 4])) [3 4]) (assert-equal (list (ap-filter (even? it) [1 2 3 4])) [2 4])) (defn test-ap-reject [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric filter" (assert-equal (list (ap-reject (> it 2) [1 2 3 4])) [1 2]) (assert-equal (list (ap-reject (even? it) [1 2 3 4])) [1 3])) (defn test-ap-dotimes [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric dotimes" (assert-equal (do (setv n []) (ap-dotimes 3 (.append n 3)) n) [3 3 3]) (assert-equal (do (setv n []) (ap-dotimes 3 (.append n it)) n) [0 1 2])) (defn test-ap-first [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric first" (assert-equal (ap-first (> it 5) (range 10)) 6) (assert-equal (ap-first (even? it) [1 2 3 4]) 2) (assert-equal (ap-first (> it 10) (range 10)) None)) (defn test-ap-last [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric last" (assert-equal (ap-last (> it 5) (range 10)) 9) (assert-equal (ap-last (even? it) [1 2 3 4]) 4) (assert-equal (ap-last (> it 10) (range 10)) None)) (defn test-ap-reduce [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric reduce" (assert-equal (ap-reduce (* acc it) [1 2 3]) 6) (assert-equal (ap-reduce (* acc it) [1 2 3] 6) 36) (assert-equal (ap-reduce (+ acc " on " it) ["Hy" "meth"]) "Hy on meth") (assert-equal (ap-reduce (+ acc it) [] 1) 1)) (defn test-ap-pipe [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric pipe" (assert-equal (ap-pipe 2 (+ it 1) (* it 3)) 9) (assert-equal (ap-pipe [4 5 6 7] (list (rest it)) (len it)) 3)) (defn test-ap-compose [] "NATIVE: testing anaphoric compose" (assert-equal ((ap-compose (+ it 1) (* it 3)) 2) 9) (assert-equal ((ap-compose (list (rest it)) (len it)) [4 5 6 7]) 3)) (defn test-tag-fn [] "NATIVE: testing #%() forms" ;; test ordering (assert-equal (#%(/ %1 %2) 2 4) 0.5) (assert-equal (#%(/ %2 %1) 2 4) 2) (assert-equal (#%(identity (, %5 %4 %3 %2 %1)) 1 2 3 4 5) (, 5 4 3 2 1)) (assert-equal (#%(identity (, %1 %2 %3 %4 %5)) 1 2 3 4 5) (, 1 2 3 4 5)) (assert-equal (#%(identity (, %1 %5 %2 %3 %4)) 1 2 3 4 5) (, 1 5 2 3 4)) ;; test &rest (assert-equal (#%(sum %*) 1 2 3) 6) (assert-equal (#%(identity (, %1 %*)) 10 1 2 3) (, 10 (, 1 2 3))) ;; no parameters (assert-equal (#%(list)) []) (assert-equal (#%(identity "Hy!")) "Hy!") (assert-equal (#%(identity "%*")) "%*") (assert-equal (#%(+ "Hy " "world!")) "Hy world!") ;; test skipped parameters (assert-equal (#%(identity [%3 %1]) 1 2 3) [3 1]) ;; test nesting (assert-equal (#%(identity [%1 (, %2 [%3] "Hy" [%*])]) 1 2 3 4 5) [1 (, 2 [3] "Hy" [(, 4 5)])]) ;; test arg as function (assert-equal (#%(%1 2 4) +) 6) (assert-equal (#%(%1 2 4) -) -2) (assert-equal (#%(%1 2 4) /) 0.5) ;; test &rest &kwargs (assert-equal (#%(, %* %**) 1 2 :a 'b) (, (, 1 2) (dict :a 'b))) ;; test other expression types (assert-equal (#% %* 1 2 3) (, 1 2 3)) (assert-equal (#% %** :foo 2) (dict :foo 2)) (assert-equal (#%[%3 %2 %1] 1 2 3) [3 2 1]) (assert-equal (#%{%1 %2} 10 100) {10 100}) (assert-equal (#% #{%3 %2 %1} 1 3 2) #{3 1 2}) ; sets are not ordered. (assert-equal (#% "%1") "%1"))